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Live Raw Discussion Thread! - April 4th, 2016 (self.SquaredCircle)
TheDonutinatorPUT YOUR DUKES UP, /R/SC が 投稿 - stickied post
Booking Ambrose like the top fave from Royal Rumble until now while keeping Reigns off TV and killing Ambrose momentum at Mania is one of the most pathetic things WWE has ever done (self.SquaredCircle)
TheHeroicOnionSeth addict currently suffering from withdrawel が 投稿
Natalya with 2 wrestlers we know and truly love (instagram.com)
nemskipThe Bees Knees! が 投稿
Why Women's wrestling is important in one picture:Divas Triple Threat Spoilers ITT (twitter.com)
dajosc11 が 投稿
Damien Sandow with some advice for the RAW crowd tomorrow.Mania Spoilers ITT (twitter.com)
CrimsonCub2013yes が 投稿
POST WRESTLEMANIA DISCUSSION - 03/04/2016 (self.SquaredCircle)
howthee123Good Christian Boys が 投稿
Live Wrestlemania 32 Discussion Thread! [Part 2/2] - April 3rd, 2016/r/all wassup again (self.SquaredCircle)
TheDonutinatorPUT YOUR DUKES UP, /R/SC が 投稿
Chris Jericho: "You're Damn Right I Did I Buried AJ Styles...I'm Gonna Bury Everybody I Work Against" (wrestlezone.com)
CrippleHYes, I very much enjoyed WM32 が 投稿