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submitted by ahi_pokemon
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[–]-Anteros- 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
Her saying "Next" is just a woman adopting a male paradigm to signal status. You're clearly not going to up and leave unless you have to (otherwise you would have done so already). The signal here is clear though: You believe he is not going to completely commit to you and that you deserve such a thing (which is really his choice not yours). In a world of "married or whore" you're not winning.
Alas, you're probably a troll. Some sore woman who thinks RP cannot go on without her.
My Bf says that he loves me and is "committed" to me
Is he really committed to me if he won't stop seeing other women? He doesn't rub it in my face and I'm not even sure that he does, but he refuses to deny that it's a possibility or promise not t
Make up your mind which one of these does he say?
I slept with a lot of men.
My BF is a high value 29 year old RP man
Troll confirmed.
In any case, commitment is a mans choice as he is the one making a sacrifice. Not the woman. No high value man goes around looking for female commitment like in the movies. Women are sought after for their sexual availability first, and relationship potential later. You (if it is you) are in the latter part where your value has taken a hit (and was not high to begin with). Make that more valuable and you make yourself more commitment worthy.
This is item 2 in a list of 3 things that solve every woman's relationship problems.
[–]ahi_pokemon[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Make up your mind which one of these does he say?
He says he is committed to me but it is "male nature to seek variety" and he can't promise marriage or sexual exclusiveness. However I do not actually know if he pursues other women.
Troll confirmed.
Why? I think he is high value, he is good looking (lifts) and has a good job. He could definitely have done better than me but I am thankful that he gave me a chance.
Make that more valuable and you make yourself more commitment worthy.
If I continue to improve are you saying he will commit more strongly and start a family with me? When I ask him about these things he usually brushes it off or says "someday"
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