Informative post. I'm beginning to believe that us liberal Jews who have always been sincere in our desire to help the "oppressed" have been used.
Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, and took occasional notes from Murray Rothbard were always there to help deregulate society in order to degenerate it and bring about Trotskyist revolution as cultural and ethnic homogeneity were the main things holding the communists back from advancement against the west.
I realize now that the Libertarian movement was created to promote "individualism"; not for the purpose to empower the individual, but to cause individuals to fight with each other and be divided. One person cannot be a revolution, or an army. I cannot help but believe that Rand, Friedman and Rothbard were all a part of a conspiracy to keep the Gentiles at each others' throats. Look at how Ron Paul supporters trash each other on the discussion boards, and it is usually over the pettiest of issues. All Libertarians do is fight with each other. Jews argue and fight with each other, but there are certain lines we do not cross, and I used to scratch my head at that. We get mad at each other; even to the point of screaming insults, and then 15 minutes later we act as if nothing ever happened. I guess that is the key to survival: forgiveness.
The Soviets didn't like Jews who liked their culture much more than they liked Christians who liked their culture.
While Stalin was in power he did not tolerate any "antisemitism" in any way, shape or form. That all changed when Israel became a state in 1948 and refused to become a satellite under the Soviet Union. This is what Stalin's Jewish henchmen had promised him all along, but they were lying. Once Stalin realized he had been had, he immediately arrested 10,000 Jewish doctors and professors; vowing to kill every Jew in the Soviet Union. He promised "I will make Hitler's camps look like playgrounds". He had to be stopped, so the Jews poisoned him.
All of Stalin's Jewish henchmen who murdered millions of Gentiles ended up being murdered themselves by Stalin. There is one though that was never harmed, and that is Lazar Kaganovich. Kaganovitch is the greatest mass murderer of all time. The tens of millions of murders committed against Gentiles that he ordered to be murdered were personally supervised and overseen by him. Yet, he lived to a ripe old age and died right after the Soviet Union collapsed. Apparently, the House of Rothschild told Stalin, and Soviet leaders that came after Stalin, "Keep your hands off of him. Don't harm him."
That's why the New York Jews want to get rid of current Israel
I think you have nailed it.