Please note that this sidebar is currently under development. If there are materials that would be useful to include, please contact the moderators.
Read the rules. Failure to follow the rules will result in removal of your post/comment.
This is a forum for women to get advice about seduction (typically seduction of men, but women interested in other women are also welcome). The following are considered off-topic: Posts from men seeking advice; Posts about products (other than specific books, etc, directly relating to seduction); Posts that are merely venting without seeking advice; Posts about ethics and morals (that's up to you to figure out on your own, we can't decide that for you).
This forum is focused on seduction, socialization, and self-improvement strategies and theories. We discuss the effectiveness of such, but this is not a place to discuss ethics or morals.
Men are more than welcome to post and comment, but please keep in mind that this is a forum for women to get advice. This is not /r/AskWomen. It is also suggested that you add flair to indicate that you are male. This does not indicate that your perspective is invalid, but only that it is different.
If you wish to link to an outside source, you must submit a text post with the link at the bottom. If it is your own material, you are encouraged to post a full copy in the text. If you are linking to someone else's material, provide a substantial synopsis before adding the link. In short, people should only be clicking on a link because they have already decided the information is valuable and they want to learn more. They should never have to click on a link just to find out if the content is worthwhile.
Don't be mean to each other. Sometimes comments require giving hard truths, and there's plenty of room for disagreement, but keep it focused on the ideas, not on the people. We're still a small community and growing, so be aware of how your comments will appear to new arrivals.
Post the type of content you want to see. Even if you are a total beginner, your experiences can still help others learn.
Nothing on this list is necessarily endorsed at this time. We are still transitioning from our old management.
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