A reddit for the world's most misunderstood breed.
Posts, questions, pics, videos and stories featuring your favorite canine companions are all welcome here.
Rules and Guidelines Regarding Interactions with Other Users via Posts, Comments & Replies:
- The use of patronizing, condescending and down-right insulting language will not be tolerated. We actively encourage users to educate one another, but it must be done in the spirit of improving the community's understanding. If you persist in belittling or making tongue-in-cheek replies to users' submissions, comments or text posts you will be banned.
- Be civil to one another.
- No personal attacks.
- No hateful speech.
- Be the bigger user and walk away when disagreements turn into arguments.
- Vote based on quality not whether you agree or disagree.
- We kindly ask that you refrain from submitting posts that serve to reinforce negative stereotypes. Not sure what this means? Click here.
- No advertising dogs for sale.
- If posting pictures of abused/injured dogs please add [Graphic Content] in the title and mark the post NSFW as a courtesy to those that may not want to view these types of images.
- If you witness any of the above please report the comment or post and message us to ensure a rapid response.
Helpful Links
Thinking about a second dog?
So you want an APBT?
Cost of owning a dog
Pitbulls and dog parks
Pitbull Friendly Housing
Thinking about breeding your dog?
Pitbull Friendly Insurance Companies
Fireman’s Fund
Chubb Group
State Farm
United Services Automobile Association
Einhorn Insurance
More Info on Pitbull Insurance
[–]tali214 [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]wordsfilltheair [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]SaharaC [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]ladycoleopterist [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]TotesMessenger [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)