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[–]HelterSyringe 4ポイント5ポイント  (11子コメント)

now all you need to do is prove it and people might care.

[–]Mad_at_reddit -5ポイント-4ポイント  (10子コメント)





Happy? There are a ton more if not. I would reply more quickly but this sub is clearly riddled with constant hate. I can't post more than once every 20 mins apparently. Actually I'm going to stop replying after this, I can already tell this place was a bad idea, not much clear thinking here. Normally I don't delete posts, downvotes don't bother me but I may delete it just to stop all the dipshit ass replies I get, then res filter this sub out.

[–]AgnosticTemplar 4ポイント5ポイント  (7子コメント)

I don't think HelterSyringe was talking about Japan's declining birth rate. That has been known for quite a while. What I assume they were talking about is your assertion that people will make the leap from fiction to reality. Which, as others who replied to you pointed out, is the same bullshit logic people have been throwing at violent video games, film, TV, music, comic books, etc for decades.

Oh, and nice job referring to rebukes and criticism as "hate". Like we haven't seen that a million times before.

[–]Mad_at_reddit -1ポイント0ポイント  (6子コメント)

Oh, and nice job referring to rebukes and criticism as "hate".

No, I meant this sub attracts hate which is why the replies are stifled.

And you can't blanket the whole violent media argument in this case. By our nature we are violent creatures, having healthy outlets for that mitigates the overwhelming amount of violence that exists naturally. Wanting to fuck someone who is not of sexual maturity is perversion, addiction, sickness. It needs to be treated, not fed.

[–]pillow_is_mai_waifu[S] 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

By your logic, should government also ban furry porn or clop since it promotes bestiality?

These are just drawings and have nothing to do with reality.

[–]Mad_at_reddit [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Possibly. The whole fantasy promotes abuse. The insane idea that the child/animal in some way derives pleasure from the act. I can assure that no child or animal that was ever fucked by some depraved pervert enjoyed it. Just because you can draw a line between the comic and reality doesn't mean everyone else can.

[–]AgnosticTemplar 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Well, it depends on your definition of sexual maturity I guess. Go back 150 or so years and it was common for a grown man to marry a young girl after she's had her period at 12 or 13, as she was then able to have children. Meanwhile, go back 50 or so years and it was common to think of homosexuality as perversion, addiction, sickness that needs to be treated. After all, if you want to argue what's natural, one results in the propagation of the species and was normal for hundreds of thousands of years while the other doesn't and is only recently socially acceptable in less than a quarter of the nations on Earth. Even racism can be argued as being natural, as it was a survival mechanism to hate those who are different, because those who are different are competition for resources.

But yeah, to hell with nature. Nature is full of bugs and dirt and doesn't have wifi. I prefer modern civilization, with psychology that has concluded that buttsex is ok, that teenagers and children don't have the maturity to be able to properly consent to sexual conduct with adults, more and more people are put off by acts of violence as reflected by the declining violent crime rates, and people tend to get along with those who are different for the most part.

As far as media is concerned, if it aint real I don't see the problem. Even shit that I'm disturbed by like todlercon or vore I find myself having to tolerate lest I betray my convictions by applying a double standard.

[–]Mad_at_reddit -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

This is all just mental gymnastics so you can somehow justify your porn addiction. Be honest with yourself.

[–]AgnosticTemplar [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I wouldn't really call it an addition, but ok. In the same regard that I 'justify' my affinity for porn despite cries that it's all objectification and exploitation of women from certain people. My models of choice tend to have full breasts and wide hips. Thick, but not fat. I'd crank it to rule 34 of Princess Amalia from Wakfu if it was drawn well, with the fact that she's canonically 13 having never entered my mind.

Though, I was taken aback when I did a google search and discovered there is a princess of the Netherlands also named Amalia who is 12. That kind of sullied things a bit.

[–]VicisSubsisto [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Wanting to fuck someone who is not of sexual maturity is perversion, addiction, sickness.

You're conflating emotional maturity with sexual maturity. From an evolutionary standpoint, it is unnatural not to be attracted to girls who recently experienced puberty.

[–]The_Shadow_of_Intent 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

lol, the easiest way to attract the fedora population on this sub is to imply that Japan is not good in some way. I encourage you to stick around, most threads aren't like this.

In the Rapp firing thread for example, there were posts with hundreds of upvotes by child abuse victims testifying how awful it was to them that Rapp could advocate for legalizing real CP, for whatever reason. In this thread someone posted an article implying that legalizing real CP is a good idea. just lol.

[–]Mad_at_reddit [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Good to see there is at least one sane person here. Even as long as I've been on the internet I still can't fathom that someone would honestly support this. I wonder how many of these "legalize CP" neets would actually have the balls to say that they advocate such a thing face to face with someone in real life. I imagine not a fraction of the ones supporting it online, because they know it's wrong.