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[–]The_Dead_See 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Buddhism is Atheist at its core.

However if you are not interested in the following at least the Precepts then you are not actually interested in Buddhism per se, you are probably interested in secular MBSR instead.

That said, unless you join a monastery, none of the rules for laypeople are 'enforced' in any way. They are simply instructions that are considered skillful to follow if you wish to walk the Buddha's prescribed path to the cessation of suffering.

[–]bunker_manShijimist [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Buddhism is Atheist at its core.

Other than all the gods which the belief in isn't really optional except in the sense that if you're a non skilled buddhism you might not have accepted them yet.