全 3 件のコメント

[–]M1s4n7hr0p3 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Not a bad post by any means, although I would say your quest to push things harder and faster in this victimized society could net you some unwanted legal attention. I would say your "comfort zone" is another man's "sweet spot." Understanding limitations and how they apply in context is a large part of wisdom.

That being said, is anybody else getting fairly tired of people using TRP as a launchpad to direct traffic to their blog, website, article etc? Hell, there's even some dipshit touting himself as a goddamn TRP spokesman fresh out of college. The more we allow traffic to this space to be monetized, the less it becomes about quality content and discourse that pertains to the evershrinking manosphere. Thoughts?

[–]RP_Vergil 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

This place is considered a free area for people to do what they want. Personally it's just that fresh into TRP guys might get lost wondering if something is worth reading or not when they just came from a place where everything they had learn so far turn into lies.

A bigger focus is for them to finish reading the sidebar and understand what is it they need to pick up from here and implement it. While filtering what doesn't work for them as KIV material until they need it.

If people tried to come here to try and capitalize their external site or something, I believe given enough time they won't be able to get more traffic.

People learn how to tell bullshit from reality as they get exposed to more truth.