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[–]Endorsed Contributorredpillbanana 205ポイント206ポイント  (24子コメント)

TRP is like a machine shop where cars are in pieces being assembled/repainted and whatever, and bitches just be like "I don't want to see that, they're ugly, show me a shiny lambo, that car probably doesn't even start!"

Good analogy.

We're like the sausage factory (wonderful imagery, right?): people don't want to see how they're made, they just want the tasty result. When they actually see the inside of a sausage factory, they're horrified and disgusted, which explains the reaction most people have to TRP.

Edit: Relevant Bill Burr skit where he talks about women who only want the end result: “Those women, they stand at the finish line of a guy’s life… they just stand at the finish line waiting, saying ‘I’ll suck your dick!’”

[–]SwissPablo 50ポイント51ポイント  (2子コメント)

That's why it's really important for men not to go aruond telling everyone how much they're doing to make their life better, how many times a week they're going to the gym, etc, and just do it, because the results will speak louder than any words ever can.

[–]Endorsed Contributorantariusz 18ポイント19ポイント  (1子コメント)

Exactly, and telling other men to "just do it" makes you into a laughingstock meme.

The type of man that needs motivation from some celebrity in front of a green screen is the type of man that women don't want to sleep with, and that is why they mock it, even if the advice itself is desperately needed.

[–]1awalt_cupcake 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Exactly, and telling other men to "just do it" makes you into a laughingstock meme.

Holy shit you're right. I enjoyed Shia's attempt at motivation but I didn't take it seriously myself.

[–]zenhood 58ポイント59ポイント  (1子コメント)

Redpill approved comedy right here. Thanks for the post.

[–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


    [–]through_a_ways 22ポイント23ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I've heard people laugh off his jokes and say "it's just comedy." It's ok to laugh, it's not really real. Fuck that; this guy is a genius.

    That's because the only acceptable way to state reality is through humor. It also gives you plausible deniability.

    [–]lenin1928 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Men are expendable and have a natural desire to fight for a small chance at success that culture offers to increase our own fortunes and our cultures. We are exploited. Women have no understanding of this and could not comprehend being expendable. But they desire the benefits and the drive that men have to achieve. Men and women are a world apart.

    [–]Goingtogetmine 7ポイント8ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Women have outsourced mate selection to men. They let men compete with each other and then pick from the top.

    [–]MakingItWorthit 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    And then wind up becoming single mothers actually expecting that guy to suddenly turn faithful.

    [–]B0u1dA 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    'Because women aren't turned on by lumber' is a brilliant line.

    [–]LukeMooney 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

    the bill burr thing is the first thing that came to my mind when I read that - goes on about how many dreams women have killed with their moaning.

    [–]PachinkoSAN 1ポイント2ポイント  (8子コメント)

    Only idiots want the end result without the knowledge of what goes into it. I guess women are idiots.

    [–]Longest_username 4ポイント5ポイント  (6子コメント)

    Who's worse? The idiot, or the person that spends an endless amount of time trying to beat the idiot at it's own game.

    [–]Fen94 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

    But what person really wants to see someone in their work-shop of life? (Or therapists or life-coach's chair for that matter) Only someone who wants to date a vulnerable person and exploit them.

    And depending on your opinion of how different men are from women, that could be considerably more unnattractive for women than it is for men... let me know your thoughts on this..

    [–]nightdepartures1 125ポイント126ポイント  (31子コメント)

    I can relate this easily to lifting. Over time, I realized my wife doesn't care that I lift. There's nothing attractive about a man sweating and struggling under heavy load.

    But I have her undivided attention when I out-lift the guy next to me in a social setting, when I make someone look like a toothpick, or when someone comments on my physique in front of her. It's all about affirmation she chose the best guy in comparison to others around her.

    If I explained to the people around me in all those scenarios that it took me X years to achieve that, it would completely diminish the accomplishment and devalue her "winner". She'd rather believe, however naively, that I'm just naturally that strong/big.

    [–]through_a_ways 53ポイント54ポイント  (7子コメント)

    In Japan, women state the perfect male height as 5'9" - 5'11". The average male height in Japan is 5'7".

    In America, women state the perfect male height as 6'0" - 6'2". The average male height in the US is 5'10".

    [–]Senior Contributordr_warlock 46ポイント47ポイント  (5子コメント)

    Conclusion: Women want men better relative to the average in their environment.

    [–]FeeFeeFeaster 66ポイント67ポイント  (19子コメント)

    She's not interested in the effort. She just wants the results.

    [–][deleted] 101ポイント102ポイント  (18子コメント)

    They're not just uninterested in it, they're also just completely ignorant of the effort.

    I had an ex who a few months into the relationship would get pissy about the amount of time I spent in the gym and playing sports. She wanted me next to her on the couch for boring nights of netflix instead.

    This is the same girl who said she was initially attracted to me because of how in shape I was. She must have just thought being in shape for guys just comes naturally with no effort, because all she had to do to stay hot was not eat like a pig and stay thin. The cognitive dissonance sometimes is just mind boggling.

    [–]mahlzeit 102ポイント103ポイント  (10子コメント)

    This is the same girl who said she was initially attracted to me because of how in shape I was. She must have just thought being in shape for guys just comes naturally with no effort, because all she had to do to stay hot was not eat like a pig and stay thin. The cognitive dissonance sometimes is just mind boggling.

    More and more I'm seeing a theme emerge, and your post just confirms this wonderfully: a man's struggle is to become a man. He starts with nothing and has everything to gain. A woman's struggle is to remain being a woman. She starts with everything and has everything to lose.

    [–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan[S] 60ポイント61ポイント  (2子コメント)

    a man's struggle is to become a man. He starts with nothing and has everything to gain. A woman's struggle is to remain being a woman. She starts with everything and has everything to lose.

    This is brilliant. I understand the theme you are getting at precisely. And you have worded it in such an eloquent manner to boot. Do you have any objections to me using this in a future piece? Definitely a piece of wisdom I think needs more eyes on it.

    [–]mahlzeit 21ポイント22ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Thanks! And I have no objections at all, go ahead! I'm looking forward to what you have to say.

    [–]TigerMonarchy 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I sure as fuck wanna read more on this. This is a gold mine of thought in one brilliant articulated position. Please mine this for all it's worth, sir. Please. The males of this world need such insights, whether they believe it or not.

    [–]TigerMonarchy 13ポイント14ポイント  (0子コメント)

    This shit right here is some jedi level insight on the human condition, sir. May good fortune befall you and yours for many days to come with this brilliant nugget bestown to both the internet of today AND of tomorrow. Magnificent.

    Edit: Minor grammatical tweak.

    [–]Redasshole 6ポイント7ポイント  (4子コメント)

    You are almost there.

    Theoritically, women has everything to lose. In the modern era, thanks to thirsty betas, SJW and feminist, they only have some of it to lose. they will always find a provider and only very rarely will you see a woman sleeping on the streets.

    [–]mahlzeit 33ポイント34ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I agree. However, what I mean isn't so much about our current situation in this society, I'm thinking of a more general theme in humans, like our basic innate strategies that are given to us by our biological programming. It's basically the same as "men age like wine, women like milk", but framed in a different, in my opinion more useful way.

    First of all: up until puberty we're just children. We don't really have that much agency and we follow the path laid out by our caregivers. After puberty we're more or less mature and from this point on "it counts."

    Now, if you look at a male after puberty: he's basically useless. He has no experience, no power, no resources, no social status. He needs to gain everything in order to become a man. If he doesn't, he stays a loser. So his basic strategy is: I do not protect myself, I take and accomplish, I dominate. If he manages to implement this, he becomes a man, if he fails, he stays a loser.

    A female, on the other hand, has everything after puberty: youth, beauty, innocence, fertility. Her assets won't ever get better, but she sure as hell can accelerate the loss of her assets if she isn't careful. So her strategy is to protect what she has. If she manages to implement this, she'll still be feminine in old age, but if she doesn't she'll become one of those ugly bitches nobody likes.

    Of course both of those strategies are present in every human being, to different degrees, at different times. If what I call "male" dominates in you, you're male, if what I call "female" dominates, then you're a female. That's what a "mangina" is - a man who fails to implement his natural male strategy necessarily implements the female strategy and thus becomes effectively a woman, and vice versa.

    This also fits beautifully with the way how the sexes manipulate the environment: men directly (because they only have to gain through their actions), women indirectly through men (because they don't want to risk losing anything through their actions).

    Of course this is just an abstraction, and not to be taken literally. It necessarily ignores a lot of factors. I don't think people are 100% male or female psychologically, it's a spectrum, and men cluster on one side while women cluster on the other side. Also, society plays a role here as well. But the more I think about this the more I get this hunch that there's something to it.

    Anyway, I wanted to throw that out there.

    [–]pheluhnee 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I disagree. Women are hurting and unhappy too.

    They just lie.

    [–]Nothing_Gazes_Back 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Of course they are. Society is actively forcing them into the dominant, leading role and they have no clue what to do about it. It clashes with their submissive nature but social pressures urge them to be self sufficient and "not to need no man".

    They're incapable of dealing with what life wants from them, and that's exactly why they need a strong man to lead them; now more than ever.

    [–]LukeMooney 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

    someone wrote a great post about why a women's natural inclination is to "beta-fy" their mate - conclusion was - is to stop you from leaving her as in cave man days if you left - her offspring would be fatherless - and she would have no resources. This inclination can be life or death for women at this point - but in todays society just doesn't translate well.

    [–]ChairBorneMGTOW 22ポイント23ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Had one girlfriend who meet me while I was producing music and performing. It was the only reason she wanted me in retrospect, for my status in a musically-homogenous subculture. But after a short while (3 months max) she started griping about my time practising or in my home studio. She subconsciously wanted to destroy the one characteristic of mine that attracted her.

    [–]1whatsazipper 13ポイント14ポイント  (0子コメント)

    She subconsciously wanted to destroy the one characteristic of mine that attracted her.

    It's a shit-test to smash. They all pull similar things. You lose if you cave.

    [–][deleted] 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The same cognitive dissonance in women horrified you'd need to learn "Game" one day and then wooed by a smooth talker at a bar that same night.

    [–]FeeFeeFeaster 8ポイント9ポイント  (3子コメント)

    ... all she had to do to stay hot was not eat like a pig and stay thin.

    Yes, thin. Not muscular. But you're right about the ignorance aspect. Plus there are just so many people out there running that "It's muh gunetiks" garbage game that I saw so much of on FPH.

    [–]nightdepartures1 13ポイント14ポイント  (1子コメント)

    People these days tend to blame their failures and problems on genetics, so it is not a stretch for them to also believe muscular people are just genetically gifted.

    [–]1whatsazipper 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The same occurs here. 'Natural' worship is prevalent.

    [–]RedPillProphet 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Yes, thin.

    Which is all the vast majority of guys care about. Being fit as a girl is a joke. Just don't pig out.

    [–]ramblemn 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    or if you talk to another woman.

    [–]1bogeyd6 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    My wife likes watching me lift weights. She even gave me a blowjob while I was laying on the bench out of nowhere. Sweat and all. I guess she likes to reward me for doing the things she likes :D

    [–]TRP VanguardJP_Whoregan 95ポイント96ポイント  (1子コメント)

    My uncle is a general contractor. There is a hard and fast rule in home renovation:

    Never let the client see the work as it is in progress, only show them the finished house.

    The reason for this is that, quite simply, the client will never see the vision that you are trying to communicate to them. All they see is a destroyed kitchen, unpainted drywall, smashed up tile, and stacks of wood laying around.

    Even once they see the finished product, they will be less likely to buy the house because they will have a permanent image of that demolition and construction wreckage burned into their minds.

    The same applies to women. If you are a fat neckbeard with a shitty wardrobe, your time is best spent not at a bar or coffee house, but spent in monk mode. Women do not enjoy watching men getting a makeover, they only enjoy watching other women get makeovers because they can solipsistically and vicariously see themselves getting that sort of treatment.

    Good point also on the double standard of it being only permissible for women to artificially boost their SMV. Makeup, eyeliner, lipstick, push-up bras, high heels, and hell back in the day women even wore corsets to hide any chub around the midsection.

    All of this socially acceptable. But imagine the horror of this same princess finding out the man she just fucked wears risers inside his shoes to boost his height 2". Women with thinning or shitty hair can weave extensions and nobody bats an eye, but if a bald man wears a toupee he's mocked and laughed at.

    Must be all of that male privilege we enjoy, amirite?

    [–]bama79rolltide 139ポイント140ポイント  (31子コメント)

    "Bitches don't belong in the locker room and they know it that's why they lurk."

    This is because modern, Western civilaztion has allowed this to occur. It is difficult to escape media brainwashing. A female reporter not getting this access would be deemed sexist by the team, which scares them into lost revenue. October is "breast cancer awareness month". October is also THE month of sports. NCAA Football hits conference play, NFL, and MLB playoffs. It's the ultimate sports month. Sports are marketed at men. Men watch sports because they are more interesting than their wives.

    This is where the infiltration occurs. WOMEN CANNOT STAND TO BE IGNORED. It is a threat to them that anything can take precedent over them. Once you pass this shit test, they can't help but love you. However, most men cannot pass it. That's what TRP is about. TRP has done wonders for me. I was blue pill, beyond measure, and started to realize that the world won't end if I acted how a man should. Pussy will automatically come if you display confidence, and give zero fucks about her actions. It's a great forum. Keep women in check, and they'll conform. If not, who cares? Kings don't chase, they replace.

    [–]TRP VanguardJP_Whoregan 79ポイント80ポイント  (28子コメント)

    On a sidenote, and not that I watch much football or TV in general anymore, but am I the only chucklefuck who thinks this breast cancer awareness bullshit in the NFL has gotten drastically out of hand? 10 years ago, the players showed their titty worship by wearing pink hand towels around their waists.


    • pink towels
    • pink gloves
    • pink headbands under the helmets
    • pink wristbands
    • pink cleats
    • pink crash-pads around the goal post base

    I mean, here you have these grown ass men, prancing around a field for 3 hours, dolled up like overgrown bronies.

    Football (as a sport, not as an entertainment outlet) used to be one of the apex examples of pure masculine energy. But even football is now an emasculated shell of it's former self.

    And not for anything, where's the NFL's "Prostate Cancer Awareness Month"? More men die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer.

    [–]masterofthehaus 56ポイント57ポイント  (8子コメント)

    Actually only about 8% of their proceeds go to cancer research, the rest is a cash cow for the NFL. So all that pink on the field is actually about putting green in the league's hands.

    [–]StManTiS 14ポイント15ポイント  (2子コメント)

    The men that lead the NFL know how to bend the world. They win with pink and camo. They generate good will and money at the same time. It is a stroke of genius and should be seen as such.

    [–]through_a_ways 18ポイント19ポイント  (1子コメント)

    It is a stroke of genius and should be seen as such.

    It's not genius, it's just a way to make money.

    If people give me free money because they're fucking retarded, that doesn't make me a genius. It makes them stupid.

    [–]StManTiS 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Okay. Find another sports league that does this with anywhere near the degree of success. The NFL markets itself as war and as a charitable organization while making a killing on it.

    It's super easy to just call people stupid and dismiss achievement. I just don't see anyone doing anything similar with any degree of success. MLB does veterans too but nowhere near the profit from it.

    [–]Endorsed Contributorvandaalen 21ポイント22ポイント  (4子コメント)

    Care to ELI German what the fuck this is all about?

    Is it to raise awareness for preventive checkups? Here women will automatically get checked every year from the age of 30 and will get a mammography from the age of 50 every two years and it's nearly impossible to escape advertising for it in doctor's offices.

    Or is it just to remind women of how hard their lifes are and to make men feel a little bit worse about their "male privileges"?

    More men die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer.

    Not to mention the countless men who suffer from incontinence and/or eryctile disfuntion post-OP.

    [–]TRP VanguardJP_Whoregan 42ポイント43ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Or is it just to remind women of how hard their lifes are and to make men feel a little bit worse about their "male privileges"?

    It's basically this. Men can have no Male Spaces anymore. The NFL devotes a whole month to titty cancer, the sideline reporters are all women, there are female announcers now (like women know fuckall about American football), hell we even have female referees now, calling penalties in a sport they have never played.

    They're here to make sure we check our male privilege. Feminism shit tested the NFL, and the NFL failed miserably.

    [–]NoSolaceWasPromised 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The NFL is just cashing in on appealing to and exploiting certain demographics.

    Why have a month for prostate cancer when pretty much any man who would be watching NFL already is. Why would corporations need to rally up the losing gender? Who are the bigger consumerists who have claimed the pants in so many families, either by coercion, divorce/custody rape, or simply being with a "modern man" who is the result of social "norms" and "pussifying".

    Women are more of a primary target demo than ever before. You bet your energy and resources on the most profitable horse you can.

    It's just business.

    [–]irateMD 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Pinkwashing is to generate revenue, nothing more. For TV events like sports, it increases female viewership. For products, it provides a smokescreen for full price or inflated price products with a negligible fraction of the proceeds going to research.
    If it were about women's health, it would be about bigger killers of women like lung cancer and heart disease. Like most things in marketing, it's the psychology of making people spend money.

    [–]voomer53 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I wonder what Vince Lombardi would've said if Pete Rozelle had told him the Packers had to wear pink on Sunday.

    [–]Nothing_Gazes_Back 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It's all marketing, man. Men are going to love football either way. Immasculate the players by forcing them to dance around in pink and now you're tapping into the female demographic.

    It's sad, but commercial sports at the end of the day are still just about money.

    [–]Mattpilf 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Hate to break it to you, but they already wear shoulder pads, helmets, and matching spandex shirts and leggings and every play made was celebrated. They are already "dolled up" before Komen corporation started using them as marketing.

    [–]Syberr 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Except screening for prostrate cancer will on average kill and maim (from the complications of procedures) more men than save.

    The best path is to keep it dormant and only go checking for it if it brings symptoms (it'll still be curable)

    [–]Assassin1476 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Goddamn this was spot on! Good on you for sharing this gem of wisdom.

    [–]ragnarlodbrok1992 73ポイント74ポイント  (22子コメント)

    Some guys think that women wants to know what is going inside their heads.

    She wants Your genetic code, she has enough of feelings of her own.

    [–]MortalSisyphus 35ポイント36ポイント  (21子コメント)

    Guys think that because women say it, repeatedly.

    "Tell me how you feeeel."

    "What are you thinking about?"

    "You never open up to me! Stop being emotionally closed off!"

    [–]Godtiermasturbator 77ポイント78ポイント  (20子コメント)

    Yep. And they're just seeking ammo to use against you later. The only woman who's ever cared about your feelings is momma, and some guys didn't even get that.

    [–]marty2k 19ポイント20ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Women are masterful social manipulators. But to manipulate someone, you need some dirt on them. If someone hides their thoughts or emotions, they can't be controlled. And that goes back to the whole conflicting need of women to want a dominant, confident alpha and their desire to control them.

    [–]sharp7 16ポイント17ポイント  (2子コメント)

    I remember once a girl asked me what was stressing me out before. I thought sure why not. A week later she uses the things I mentioned that were stressing me out as the reason to dump me. She was a religious nice girl too (read as psycho). When I was disgusted by her low blow she started getting really touchy feely and inviting me to her place but I left. Learned my lesson. AWALT

    [–]CHAD_J_THUNDERCOCK 12ポイント13ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I've had that before. They use the lowest of low blows on you, and they chain them up together to land a c-c-c-combo-hit and maximise odds of hurting you.

    You then sit there stoic and matter of factly answer each question. They then are out of ammo want to have sex with you immediately, as they gave you their worst and you didn't flinch.

    But you are disgusted by what they just did, for no real reason. And then they have the sheer solipsism to not understand why you dont want to immediately have sex with them. Its like they forgot all of the things they just said.

    One time a girl did particularly harsh one on these verbal onsalughts. Semi-fortunately I over-heard her on the phone to her sister before, walking through the things she could use against me ("does he have a good job? is it really going anywhere or is he a loser? how much money is he earning? how many girls has he been with recently, is he not doing so well since leaving uni? were they ugly? Does he have a weak father figure, does this mean he will always be weak? ")

    Her entire goal was simply to leave me as a wreck of a man, but I held frame, and she then desperately wanted to have sex immediately. I refused and this lead to her doing much worse things to me further down the line.

    If a girl is psycho sometimes its better to feign being beta and letting her "win".

    [–]sharp7 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I agree. I do the letting them win thing a lot. Its safer to convince them you suck than rejecting them outright. Although improbable to get them back if you change your mind. Its basically just the classic its not you its me routine. Im MGTOW so I find myself in situations a lot where I have to get outta there without seeming like a dick. You piss off a girl and shell fuck you over forever anyway she can. And a woman rejected is going to be quite pissed. It makes sense. Heres someone whos bigger stronger better than you but you cant manipulate with your vagina. Thats some scary shit right there so best coarse of action is to lower the mans power anyway they can like spreading rumors to get them fired.

    Anyway I think only insecure annoying as fuck chicks use shittests like that where they use your secrets against you. Most chicks love acquiring the ammo but wont use it cause they arent complete dicks. If a chick does I think its a bad sign they are crazy and not worth getting involved with. The best women I've met dont do that kind of stuff. Also women with things going for them like a good job dont do that shit either. Only the ones who are professional vagina sellers do it since they need to survive.

    [–]OptiLaSeR 19ポイント20ポイント  (11子コメント)

    I have forgotten what a motherly love feels like because I lost my mom when I was like 10 . The step mom just seemed like someone who is taking care of the household stuff .

    [–]Godtiermasturbator 48ポイント49ポイント  (6子コメント)

    Hang on to whatever positive memories of your mom that you can. Women may not give a shit about us as sexual partners and opponents, but they tend to really love their kids. We shit on women a lot here but motherly love is genuine and real. Just don't expect it from any woman you're fucking. Men love women, women love babies, babies love puppies.

    [–]TecoAndJix 18ポイント19ポイント  (4子コメント)

    And puppies love men. It's full circle

    [–]Godtiermasturbator 7ポイント8ポイント  (3子コメント)

    I love puppies too. Ssh it's a secret.

    [–]juchanaut 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I like to think of it as men are the sun and women are the earth. The sun shines it's light no matter what, the earth orbits the sun and basks in this light, and then provides nutrients to the offspring of the earth.

    [–]Don_Gebauer 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

    They do love their kids, but from my experience all their actions in regards to their kids are more to make themselves happy than it is for the child.

    [–]CoriolanusRevisited 9ポイント10ポイント  (3子コメント)

    I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. With that said, you should be grateful your stepmom was just a neutral housekeeper type and didn't actively try to hurt you or turn your father against you. That shit's no joke.

    [–]OptiLaSeR 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Thanks for the support , hopefully it doesn't look like i'm fishing for empathy . Dad actually married a traditional women as a step mom and that also for US . He didn't wanted to marry anyone but the relatives forced him to for US (to take care of the kids) . He kept my mom under tight control . There were fights in the beginning but dad always favored US (his sons) . Gradually everything became neutral . I can never thank him enough for taking care of us and what he made us today (both children a SE) .

    What do you think ? If someone has kids and lost his wife , should he marry for the kids to be taken care ? Or raise them on his own .
    We know the RP answer .

    [–]CoriolanusRevisited 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

    What do you think ? If someone has kids and lost his wife , should he marry for the kids to be taken care ? Or raise them on his own .

    What's interesting is that I've heard in some traditional societies, where people often died from disease or warfare or accidents and left orphans, the straight forward no-nonsense answer would be to have one of the deceased's siblings marry the widow/widower. Any children that have been had, rather than having a stranger for a step parent, instead have their aunt or uncle. This means there is a real, biological bond between step parent and children, and no change of in-laws (note the film 'The Patriot' where Mel Gibson is widowed and marries his deceased wife's sister, and his children actually have zero problem with it, as they don't have the fear of a new woman that's a stranger that doesn't love them, and yes I understand it's just a movie).

    Naturally, that would not work today in the modern western world, primarily because of the lack of value placed upon family and the laughably modern concept of marriage being done out of romantic love rather than economic strategy. With that said, there are several things to consider if you're left a widower.

    What is your family support structure? If you already live in the same town as your established siblings, parents, cousins, etc. like so many Italians do, you could have a much easier time raising your children around people that care for them without remarrying. How old are the children? If they are all teenagers and above, they are far more likely to be permanently resentful of a step-mom or at least not see her as an actual parent. Finally, what level of comfort do you have with a step-mom disciplining your children? Obviously, for you to even bring a woman around your children as your LTR she is going to have to be fair, motherly, self-disciplined, etc. but you must know it's unfair for her to not have full range of disciplining your children if she is going to be their step-mom (at a young age especially). Basically, there are all the considerations one must give before any LTR but heightened greatly due to the presence of children.

    With that said, I am a firm believer that children are raised best with both a father and mother, but it is incredibly hard to find any woman suitable for being the mother of your children, but enormously more difficult if that woman is expected to look after children that are not biologically her own. Essentially, as in basically every situation discussed in life, "tread carefully".

    [–]Redasshole 3ポイント4ポイント  (3子コメント)

    I had a friend who saw his mother died. She was diagnosed with cancer and it took her 3 years to die. During all this time she stayed at home, litteraly dying in her bed. The husband was working away so the poor little boy who was 16 to 19 had to take care of her. He witnessed her mom agonize during 3 years and finally die.

    The guy opened up about that to his girlfriend. She now uses that constantly against him.

    [–]Godtiermasturbator 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

    I don't doubt the possibility, but how did she use it against him? Like he was seeing his mother too much?

    [–]Redasshole 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

    No, because she was dead. His mother died of gut cancer so every time the husband was doing something she didn't like, the wife faked some gut-ache and it reactivated the trauma. She didn't do it every day but she did it everytime for important issues.

    She also used that to make fun of him in public setting "he is such an awful person that her mother died because of him" even though he spent years taking care of his mother despite his own pain. Basically shifting the blame for the death upon him. You know, maybe you didn't do everything you could have done and maybe she could be here with you today if you did things better (now you must act better and do better what I tell you to do).

    [–]Godtiermasturbator 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Jesus Christ what a terrible bitch. I'm not surprised though, sadly.

    [–]slurms_mac 86ポイント87ポイント  (30子コメント)

    It circles back to the biggest two takeaways I've had from TRP: Maximizing my potential and understanding the nature of gender dynamics.

    Furthermore, there are topics that are strictly off limits to women, that I share with my guy friends: emotions, doubts, weakness, seeking support, complaints. They don't want to hear them and they don't care.

    [–]PanzerIII 42ポイント43ポイント  (18子コメント)

    One time I told the girlfriend I had at the time about my estranged father who abuses drugs and how it made me feel depressed sometimes.

    Two weeks later we were having a minor argument, her friend was with us standing right next to her. She brought up what I had said and used it as ammunition right in front of her friend. It was an extremely private thing that I had only shared with a few other people, I had never felt so betrayed.

    [–][deleted] 56ポイント57ポイント  (7子コメント)

    Harsh but true. Had a similar experience where I confided in a girl about my dad walking out on my mom and I when I was a kid. When I broke up with her she said "your dad would be proud the way you're walking out on me right now." Lesson learned. Never show even a hint of weakness. It's just ammunition for them.

    [–]TheDialecticParadox 25ポイント26ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Same story here. Was drunk with girlfriend and had an emotional breakdown and told her about the time I overheard my mother tell my father and her friends I was 'a disappointment'. When we broke up she said: "I guess your parents were telling the truth, you are a loser and a disappointment".

    Women really are like children. They know they've lost so they will know no bounds to get at least some semblance of drama or a reaction from you so they know they still have the power to manipulate you.

    [–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan[S] 22ポイント23ポイント  (0子コメント)

    That shit's brutal man, lesson learnt eh.

    [–]jamesdeandomino 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    That's enraging. I would've followed Sean Connery's words and gave her a backhand. It's such a low-blow, it's disgusting.

    [–]CHAD_J_THUNDERCOCK 17ポイント18ポイント  (8子コメント)

    I had a professional reporter from The Daily Telegraph come to my flat and interview me on a delicate subject (smart drug usage). I was doing her a massive favour, as few would speak in the depth about it that I could, and I didn't really want to spend my evening after work doing this, but she was a friend-of-a-friend.

    We explicitly confirmed it was confidential, anonymous, not to be shared.

    Reporter was a 25 year old girl. My flatmate arrived after the interview was over. Reporter actually knew my female flatmate somehow, not seen her in years though. I went to my room and they went to the kitchen and caught up over old times.

    From my room I heard her in the kitchen talk in depth about my drug usage, what I used at parties, what amount I used, how it made me unnaturally confident or interesting. I hadn't thought of it as that much of a big deal, I was experimenting like lots of people do.

    I walked in and said "What the fuck?". Both turned to me and said "what?". This forced me to say that the interview was confidential. They then both laughed, rolled their eyes and said I was making a big deal over nothing.

    Soon enough my whole friendship circle knew and some would make jokes at my expense when they wanted to try and one-up me.

    It was infuriating. Never trust a woman, and never do her a favour that in any way disadvantages yourself, even if you think the.

    [–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan[S] 9ポイント10ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I would have kicked that bitch out of the house and reported her to her bosses (the daily telegraph) for a clear privacy breach. Make that bitch cry tears of regret. The deceit, eye-rolling and dismissive attitude embodies everything wrong with modern women. What noot were you experimenting with by the way? You can PM me if you don't want to publicly discuss it.

    [–]CHAD_J_THUNDERCOCK 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Pircetam. Had great results. But mixing with alcohol is dangerous. Highlights include I could listento up to three conversations at the same time. Also gave me extreme eye contact and mirroring skills.

    I don't take it much mre, I lost interest. It also made me lose focus in some of the things that mattered in life.


    [–]Senior Contributordr_warlock 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

    There is no such thing as off the record.

    [–]bestCallEver 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

    Just out of curiosity, what kind of drugs are you talking about here?

    [–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    From what he's described it sounds like phenibut. Obviously only he can clarify.

    [–]recon_johnny 98ポイント99ポイント  (2子コメント)

    They don't want to hear them and they don't care.

    Everything I was taught in my life about women being the kinder gender, that they cared about your feelings, that they were there to support you--no matter what, if you are going through hell you can lean on them...all of bullshit.

    It's you and your dick, unless you have close male friends you can truly count on.

    [–]FiveLions 13ポイント14ポイント  (1子コメント)

    It sounds like you may still be ingesting the RedPill..Hang in there brother. It's a long road and it will never end.

    Women don't have empathy, or better yet, they find it disgusting and weak. UNLESS, and it's a big unless, it's their child. Nature has created it so that all of the unconditional love, support, understanding, sympathy, and empathy, which we've been taught throughout life is dedicated to their offspring...Not to their men and definitely not other women. They'll mask it the best they can, because they know that society thinks them to be the most angelic species (in America and most western societies..try seeing how China or Russia thinks of women). How many times have you heard an American woman go "AWWWWWW" whenever someone is sad. They do it to make themselves feel better and it completely patronizes the seriousness of the situation.

    Did you see the post where a woman was absolutely disgusted her husband had lost his job and was crying about it? She doesn't have any fucking time for that...She needs food on the table, money in her pocket, and security/shelter around her. In that instant, that man sealed his fate with that woman. She will never look at him the same again, and I can say it on here because I trust this subreddit: She WILL break up with him as soon as she finds another guy, but only after cheating on him a bunch of times until she finds the right one. Poor guys world is going to collapse even further, when that happens.

    I'm barely out of the anger phase, and with having just pulled one foot out of the anger phase and dipping it ever so wonderfully into the tranquility phase, I would consider myself pretty well qualified to say the following: We should never hate women or be angry with them for who they are, they were created this way for a reason...Do you think any woman would die on a sword for you in battle, including your mom? Think about that...With all of the women that you have met in your life, could you imagine just one that you would go to battle with? Or would they turn your ass in within seconds to save their own hide, as soon as authority came to kill you.

    I would say try applying that last statement (though severe and extreme) to the way women would react if you showed the slightest amount of weakness. This is why maintaining frame is constantly addressed on this subreddit. I've found that the best way for me to maintain frame is to run, oddly enough. It gives me this inner masculine power. Gives me this strength over people where I know that they are too lazy to run the way I do...My best advice to you, since I am recently removed from anger (assuming you are angry), is find the mechanism that helps you maintain frame.

    Thank you Redpill, you have done so much for me.

    [–]cariboo_j 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    She doesn't have any fucking time for that...She needs food on the table, money in her pocket, and security/shelter around her.

    That reminds me of a scene in HBO's Rome.

    Spoiler Alert

    One of the main characters Lucius Vorenus was a common foot soldier who just returned to Rome from the war in Gaul. He's out of work and struggling to make ends meet for his wife and three kids.

    He finds work on the "security team" of Erastes Fulman, a local gangster. Vorenus thought it would be a legitimate gig. Erastes has Vorenus accompany him on his loan shark debt collection rounds and expects him to kill a dude who's behind on his debt payments. Vorenus gets disgusted, declares "I'm no bandit" and quits on the spot.

    When he goes home and tells his wife what happened, she gets this pissed off look on her face and says (paraphrasing) "I'm not saying you shouldn't have quit... but how are we gonna get money? We need to put food on the table!" then proceeds to give him the silent treatment.

    She expects him to compromise his principles, put his life in danger, even kill another man who probably has his own family to feed, just to provide her with resources.

    I highly recommend the show. It was made in the early 2000's but has a very Red Pill-ish portrayal of gender relations. It somehow managed to not be infected with feminist "strong independent woman" ideology.

    Later in the show Vorenus discovers his wife got pregnant by the neighbor while he was fighting in Gaul. He chases her onto a rooftop with a sword intending to kill her, but she jumps off and kills herself first. Surprisingly we get a very sympathetic portrayal of the hurt and betrayal he felt. As in the whole situation was fucked up and sad, there's no hidden message that he should have "manned up" and been a good beta provider for his unfaithful wife.

    [–]KartagoPill 25ポイント26ポイント  (5子コメント)

    Exactly. If I say to woman smth like emotions, doubts, weakness, seeking support, complaints etc. she will think I am weak and my frame is broken.

    Sexual strategy is about Smoke and Mirrors :)

    [–]Fen94 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    If it is a gender war, it's right that it makes no sense to open up. First, the gender war must end, or everyone must remember there's a war on at all times. How do ceasefires start?

    [–]Godtiermasturbator 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It doesn't even need to be smoke and mirrors/deceptive, though that can work to get laid. Just demand what you want and anything that comes up short gets booted. And my emotions etc. like you mentioned are off limits in conversation with women.

    [–]RedVillain 21ポイント22ポイント  (1子コメント)

    One of the best compliments I've been paid by a girl I was plating was "you never complain".

    [–]NaughtyFred 234ポイント235ポイント  (54子コメント)


    Usually said by a girl who spent 2 hours putting doing makeup and hair.

    Lazy empty-headed fuckwits

    [–]TRP VanguardHumanSockPuppet 145ポイント146ポイント  (50子コメント)

    Lazy empty-headed fuckwits

    They would only be lazy if we were judging them by male standards. But we are not. They are women, and so we judge them by standards applicable to women. They are ephemeral, short-sighted, and untrustworthy until proven otherwise.

    You must drastically lower your expectations of women. Stop expecting them to have the same work-ethic, discipline, and intellectual honesty as men.

    Once you do that, you will never again be angry at them when they behave naturally.

    [–]Endorsed Contributorvandaalen 42ポイント43ポイント  (6子コメント)

    You must drastically lower your expectations of women. Stop expecting them to have the same work-ethic, discipline, and intellectual honesty as men.


    Being the only man and working with 25 women, I could write whole novels about these topics. The average female understanding of them is absolutely ridiculous.

    Once you do that, you will never again be angry at them when they behave naturally.

    Working as a professional chef, I've witnessed many extraordinary things in my work environment and I'd consider myself to be pretty stoic in my everyday life, but these nutjobs regularly manage to get me going through the roof with their behaviour.

    The worst is that it's like their hard-drive gets formated every three weeks or so and that you have to painstaikingly re-install all those little plug-ins which were responisble for some of the most basic tasks.

    [–]TigerMonarchy 19ポイント20ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Shout out to the professional chef holding it down in the working world with all the females power playing on the floor and on the line. 15 year vet of the industry and I TOO could write volumes on the issues. Volumes.

    [–]RPL23 20ポイント21ポイント  (0子コメント)

    i'm sure i'm not the only one here who would love to hear more.

    [–]FerrusMan 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I have found that the best service restaurants have male waiters. When I walk in a restaurant and see an all male waiting staff, I know I'm going to get good service at least.

    Applying red pill theory, I think a female waitress becomes upset inside when she has to do servile acts for a man she isn't sexually attracted to, and feels he is beneath her. She can't help it and it reflects in her work. Oh, she may not say anything, but I certainly picked up on that vibe back in my blue pill days.

    The difference, is that a man is more logically wired. And if he is a waiter in a restaurant that only has a customer base of 300 pound + fatty women, he will still try and do a good job because he knows his performance is important for his job. The average woman waitress, serving to a customer base of beta indecisive wimps, would have to constantly over-ride her feelings of contempt.

    [–]Endorsed Contributorvandaalen 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Waiter has also classically been a male occupation as you can conclude from the french terms for the positions, like "maitre" or "chef de rang".

    With the average women it also comes down to things like loyalty and empathy. They do not give a shit about the fate of a restaurant or its standards and they also don't give a shit for you as the guest and if you have a good time.

    Their motivation is mostly based on tip, or if they are of higher ranks it is the status which comes with it.

    I am contractor and I cook less and less a la carte, but when I did, I liked to imagine that my performance could ultimately change people's lifes. Like if it was their first date, I couod ruin it, and the two would never meet again, or it could end in some Disney movie. Yeah, I was still very BP then, but the point stands. ;)

    While there were other men, who mentioned something alike, never has a women ever expressed anything like that towards me.

    [–]throwaway-aa2 16ポイント17ポイント  (6子コメント)

    This is been really hard for me to do. Because it's like... they present themselves as such, screaming for it. "I want you to treat me rationally. It's not fair". The thing that bugs me about it, is I'm pretty sure they don't realize their true nature.

    Think about it like this: let's say there was a race of humans that were purple. They were like us in every way, but left to their own freedom, they kill people. They can't control it, and they don't know that they do it (they blank out or something, and then have amnesia about it). Imagine if we jailed these people.

    They'd be behind bars, complaining that it's racist, that they should be treated equally. And we'd be like "no you don't understand, there is a reason we treat you differently" but this sort of dynamic will always be at a standstill.

    Women BELIEVE that what they want is to be treated rationally. So it's hard acting in a way to women when they themselves don't really know what the dynamic is. You feel sorry for them sometimes. In the situation of the purple people, it ALSO requires you to completely ignore what you feel superficially is mean, and to act like you know you should.

    Swallowing the pill would be much, much easier if women were logical enough to KNOW what they do and why they do it. Because at that point, I don't feel bad.

    [–]TRP VanguardHumanSockPuppet 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

    You feel sorry for them sometimes. In the situation of the purple people, it ALSO requires you to completely ignore what you feel superficially is mean, and to act like you know you should.

    You're obviously aware of the indoctrination still lingering within you, and that's good. Identifying the Red Pill concepts that make you most uncomfortable is the key to overcoming your brainwashing and ultimately breaking free.

    Use your level of discomfort to aid you in targeting your development.

    Swallowing the pill would be much, much easier if women were logical enough to KNOW what they do and why they do it. Because at that point, I don't feel bad.

    True. But if it were easy, then there wouldn't be a need for the Red Pill at all. None of us men would be indoctrinated at all, and these truths would be self-evident.

    The Red Pill is hard to swallow, but it makes us harder men. It is the only thing that allows us to confront the world the way it truly is.

    Give me hard truth over comfortable lies every time. Because only one of them makes you stronger.

    [–]StupidStrong 46ポイント47ポイント  (5子コメント)

    Exactly. If you are angry at women because they act like women, the pill hasn't fully hit your bloodstream yet.

    [–]n0swad 24ポイント25ポイント  (4子コメント)

    Hasn't fully, but anger is part of the process.

    [–]TRP VanguardHumanSockPuppet 28ポイント29ポイント  (3子コメント)

    anger is part of the process.

    It is. But a lot of guys come in here thinking that they're more awakened than they truly are. You're not an awakened man just because you're fucking sloots and triggering feminists.

    /u/StupidStrong is (rightly) saying that awakening is a slow process. If you're still getting angry over posts like this video, you need to take a step back and re-adjust your perspective.

    [–]1Dickwheel 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Wish I took this advice. Seriously lower your expectations on them, don't expect them to follow through with promises, don't expect them to want to work hard or study...

    The sooner you accept this, the better relationships you can form with women.

    [–]hb8only 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

    doesn t matter.. she know it but still.. but very nice idea. I was telling to my friend many years ago sth like : I feel like women are not enemies but something like a friendly army. you fight together but still cannot trust 100 percent.

    [–]bonerpotpie 17ポイント18ポイント  (5子コメント)

    They can't understand. They can't care. They're not in that fucking world. They're not men so they don't understand the struggle, the grind, the sweat that takes to become a man worth a fuck.

    Bingo. This is exactly the fucked mindset iceberg that sank my marriage. I struggled the last few years in the slog of becoming a greater man (working full time since I've had to pay and work for everything I own, going to school fulltime to get into a high value master's program, still keeping my fitness and health a priority). Being in that slog for years left me pretty exhausted emotionally, I didn't have much patience to be her or anyone's constant external validation. So as a result, she left me for everything that anyone here can imagine "I want someone who's already in a good place and happy/I don't want to have to try anymore/ I just want someone who only cares about the arts!" (She's a trust fund baby photographer, big surprise right?). Translates to: "I want someone who already has cash to pay for my vacuous lifestyle and can validate me financially and emotionally on my whims."

    The hilarious thing is that I constantly got the "Why don't you talk to me!" line that women love, and when I finally had enough of life taking a dump on me for the day and finally vented some, it was never met with anything positive. No warmth, no constructive ideas, no real support, just "Mmhmms."

    [–]frys180 6ポイント7ポイント  (3子コメント)

    and when I finally had enough of life taking a dump on me for the day and finally vented some, it was never met with anything positive. No warmth, no constructive ideas, no real support, just "Mmhmms."

    Excuse me for a second.....


    Sorry. I just... It hits too close to home...

    [–]bonerpotpie 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Seems like my story has been lived by several other dudes. Maybe more than several.

    [–]1moodyprism 11ポイント12ポイント  (1子コメント)

    It's amazing to come to TRP and see your own "unique" experience withe the "fairer" sex mirrored in dozens of other mens' writings as if we'd all been following a script of some sort.

    [–][deleted] 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Even that exact thought. That's what I'm always thinking haha

    [–]ratthing 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I would have had TWO failed marriages by now if I had not finally understood all of this from a RP perspective.

    My wife loves me, I know this. But she only loves me as much as a woman CAN love a man. I've learned that the "mmmmmhmmms" mean "Suck it up, loser". So I keep my mouth shut and vent to any bros who are willing to listen.

    [–]elcarlosmiguel 51ポイント52ポイント  (4子コメント)

    this post is gold.

    i really dont understand why ilimitable men's posts have been almost neglected it only shows the kind of people that we are attracting dont really care about learning.

    Posts that make you see things different usually need more explaining and are therefore longer, and people just dont read it because they are lazy.

    But simple post about blue pill examples have the most upvotes, it really saddens me...

    [–]Redasshole 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    But simple post about blue pill examples have the most upvotes, it really saddens me...

    It's because newbies resonates more with them. We have a lot of newbs. When I found TRP, I read all the sidebar and it seemed useless and shitty to me. I didn't care about this material. I wanted to know what was happening to me, I headed over to the blue pill stories and here there was all the proofs that I needed to conclude that I needed to read more.

    [–]Sementeries 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

    The only people they are hurting is themselves. If they can't read a couple paragraphs then tough shit, I don't think Illimitableman is doing this for the upvotes.

    The Red Pill isn't a quick fix.

    [–]thesilverskateboader 30ポイント31ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Bitches don't belong in the locker room and they know it that's why they lurk. Women having any say or presence within TRP will be the death of it, just as it was with the seduction sub, askmen, and and all the other previous male spaces that women took over.

    This, so hard. I was in those subs and I watched as they gradually become warped by the female community's insistance of political correctness. Having men shuffle around definitions and attitudes to not hurt their feefees, shaming men, deadbedroom advice, etc. TRP to me has been a beacon of masculinity in the sea of feminist ideology that very often swamps all hopeful isles. I've started lifting, working more, learning my quality of life and state of mind have significantly improved more than if I visited a feefees doctor. I don't pedestalize pussy, I have less attention on them and more attention on myself. I know how valuable I am now, and how I can only go up in value. I may be a work in progress now but I imagine everyday the Man I want to be. Without TRP, I can tell you where I would be: hopelessly beta chasing alpha widow pussy through middle America. Its like hell, only with more Christians.

    [–]marty2k 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

    This is why I'm so glad we keep RPWomen so separate from us. I'm glad they're rolling with the ideas of our movement and trying to stand out from the sea of worthless sluts, but if we let them in it'd be the same thing.

    [–]Terror_of_the_Void 31ポイント32ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I once told a girl that I was in pain and that she made it go away. This made her stop talking to me.

    [–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan[S] 26ポイント27ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Women want to be the centre of your world, but not the pillar of your strength. Easy for naive guys to confuse this.

    [–]Entrefut 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

    if you don't "grow up that way," and instead have to consciously try to fix yourself, you're clearly a damaged tryhard rather than a natural and you belong in the beta box society has already assigned you.

    And the worst part is, guess what molded you into the person you are today? A system that fears the power of independent men. A system that wants you to give up from day one and wants you to be controlled. Schools start hitting guys with the, "You can't do this" way before girls. You can't play rugby one the field, or football, or wrestle, or red rover, or smear the queer (there are so many names for this one), or any activity that results in rough physical contact. Only "organized" sports are allowed, you aren't allowed to have any independence, you aren't allowed to do things for yourself, because you just aren't good enough and you don't "understand" what could happen. Some of the most memorable moments I have of my childhood are times where I was scared shitless and somehow came out on top. I could fucking understand what happens. Either I run faster than everyone else, or i lose. No one wants you to feel this, because this is where men strive. We strive in the shit, in the trenches, doing the work.

    There's no such thing as natural, because we are all naturally male. And male human beings have naturally dominated the earth for longer than any woman is willing to admit. We are all naturally powerful, we just have to dig out of the mental hole we were put in. Most of us didn't have mentors to keep us on the right path when we were young, so it's not surprising that there's a rise in something like TRP. By coming here and learning to work hard, go to the gym, not take no for an answer and dominate every barrier that gets thrown in front of you, you ARE fixing yourself. Not in the sense that you are broken, but in the sense that people want you to think you are broken. Everything you need to pull yourself into that top SMV is in you. You just haven't used it for a very long time, because it was suppressed by the people who were afraid of what you could do. And once you get there, it's not like those people go away, their opinions just don't matter anymore. Fitness is an excellent example, because until you are the biggest, strongest, fastest guy on your block, everyone and their mother has "advice" for you. Once you are that guy, that advice stops, because you stop hearing it.

    Women on the other hand. They're pampered, they get mirrors and cell phones and makeup from a very early age and no one bats an eye. They begin their social dominance over men from an early stage and no one even tries to stop them. Their narcissism at young ages takes them as far as convincing their beta BF to kill himself to get more attention, because their instagram just isn't good enough. Selfies every 2 seconds, non stop texting, filling their heads with constant reminders of how great they are just for being a girl. This all comes crashing down too. Just not as early as it does for men.

    In the end, I can understand why a system fears the growth of an entire nation of strong well developed men. The last thing you want is to leave your throne early, because someone is better than you. Now we have TRP. A nonstop reminder of how powerful we can be and how weak the majority is. You just have to go back and find the you that loved to run outside, play in the dirt, fight and chase girls. Then update it to a more strategic and personally beneficial plan. You are still working around a system, that doesn't mean your powerless. Use it to your advantage.

    [–]GATF 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It annoys me somewhat that you're calling women bitches... A bitch offers a man far more loyalty than any woman would ever want to.

    [–]Endorsed Contributortheultmatecad 22ポイント23ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Solid post as usual. The bluepill will miss the message as all they see is an "angry tone"

    But what is there to be angry about? Its the truth:

    Women spend eternity testing and prodding men to do their will and when they succeed they lose all attraction. Accepting this allows you to be free and all.the anger fades. Women be women. They arent what you thoght and that's the problem that causes the anger.

    [–]mugatucrazypills 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Women don't want a work in progress they want a winner

    they will bank on an "ambitious" guy who they are confident is going places, so long as the odds on becoming a winner are good or they can ditch before the crash and burn

    but yes, they'd like to see effortless mastery and their understanding of the requirements of success is based on magical thinking.

    just in: latest shooter was mad at jesus not women

    I guess mugatu will be on both watch-lists.

    [–]B0u1dA 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Women claim they want you to be emotionally open with you but it's all saved so they have an advantage in an argument. If she's right in an argument then she will stick to the point but if she's wrong, she brings in all the dark shit you were stupid enough to tell her. Male friendships are better for constructive emotional support and less harmful.

    [–]Redasshole 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    All relationships are war, yeah I know that sounds fucked up but just think about it.

    Your woman wants to put you in a cage, yes, a cage. She wants to break you and then if she succeeds she will humiliate you and destroy you completely. Why? Because she would resent you for letting her breaking you.

    Even if she is not the one breaking you, that does not matter. Let's say your whole family died in a car accident, you got fired and diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. If you let one tear, one weakness be seen, she will take advantage of that to magnify your pain out of pure cruaulty and then she will leave. Well, maybe not if you have brain cancer and no family anymore. She might stick around to get the money. Whatever happens, she will remember you as a loser and laugh about your pain.

    Someone who

    • constantly attacks me

    • wants to break and destroy me

    Is an enemy.

    But women are an enemy who got something I need: sex. Time for negociation then. To take as much as you can while giving away as few as you can is the true meaning of a romantic relationship for both sexes.

    [–]Cruel_Man 13ポイント14ポイント  (2子コメント)

    In the "men aren't taught to be attracted, women are born into it" thread the OP sounds a little purple pill. Don't get me wrong there's a lot of gold in there, but because he's trying to logic a girl there's a lot of "meet me halfway here" sentiment in his explanation and she doesn't budge a fucking inch. This is testament to the notion women see any attempt at male self-improvement that may possibly undermine their monopoly on social power as nothing but a threat to be thwarted.

    Men believe that good faith efforts to communicate and reason will lead to community and understanding..

    The only thing that will derive from his exchange is that she will double-down on her position, circle the wagons, and blow his cover to get their mutual social circle to work against him.

    Not a problem if he can handle it, but certainly not the reaction he was hoping for.

    [–]icecow 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    If he believes that good faith efforts to communicate and reason will lead to community and understanding..'s not likely he can handle it.

    [–][削除されました]  (3子コメント)


      [–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


        [–]MonkeyDFreecs 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

        It makes sense why some guys like Mark Zuckerberg married his wife who is pretty average when he could be banging 10s everyday all day his wife was actually there when he still a work in progress.

        I don't get guys complaining about wanting women to meet them half way through because they'll believe they'll be successful just do it and don't brag about because it will be really humiliating when you fail and she decides to get out the relationship while she still can and take much of your resources.

        Women not wanting to see the work in progress is what pisses me off about hypergamy, they refuse to acknowledge your efforts that got you to where you are and if you're married they can set you back to the start line with all the divorce rape just because they wanted the guy that slightly makes more money and 'tingles'.

        [–]vikiomega9 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Women not wanting to see the work in progress is what pisses me off about hypergamy, they refuse to acknowledge your efforts that got you to where you are

        What would you do if roles were reversed and you weren't married and you were 20 something?

        From a game-theory perspective it makes perfect sense to choose such a decision, I don't care which sex.

        EDIT: completely agree with your comment about Zuck.

        [–]dicklord_airplane 11ポイント12ポイント  (2子コメント)

        my female friends don't understand men and they don't want to, so i usually just smile and nod instead of getting into that exhausting discussion. it makes them so uncomfortable when i explain what life is like as a guy. they really want to believe that all people receive the same nice treatment and bonuses that young women do. i suppose it reminds them that they won't be young and hot forever, and soon they will be treated more like an average man.

        It's no different from how men generally don't care about everything women have to go through to be sexy. lots of women are in for a really bad time in their life once they age into their mid 30's and will have to go to extreme measures to be attractive to the opposite sex. If you don't understand the struggles that women face and feel sorry for aging women, fat women, and single moms, then why would you expect them to understand the average male struggle? if you aren't happily pity fucking them, why would you expect any pity or understanding from women? be reasonable.

        [–]through_a_ways 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

        my female friends don't understand men and they don't want to, so i usually just smile and nod instead of getting into that exhausting discussion

        This is the correct response to 99% of social interactions, not limited to ones with women.

        [–]lodro 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

        i suppose it reminds them that they won't be young and hot forever, and soon they will be treated more like an average man.


        To be fair though, women can be genuinely intrigued by honest descriptions of male experience. Not most women I've met, and not in most situations. But in the context of strong sexual relationships I've connected with a few girlfriends in this exact way and had very interesting, satisfying, mutually eye-opening conversations.

        [–]animalpoo 10ポイント11ポイント  (1子コメント)

        Why would a woman want an incomplete project ? That's all a lot of guys are, projects. Harsh truth but it's motivated the fuck out of me to get my shit together and I'm grateful for it.

        On the grander scale It's what's motivated men to build, conqeour and innovate. It should never be changed.

        If you think you're a fun person to ride on but no one wants to be seen with you in public, you're effectively a disability scooter.

        [–]1moodyprism 20ポイント21ポイント  (11子コメント)

        The reason the sexes can never get along is the same reason that parasites and hosts can never get along. It's the reason why predators and prey can never get along. In the end it is a eons long genetic war we're waging and the side that submits loses.

        [–]pantsoffire 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

        Interesting. Background in biology?

        [–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


          [–]ramot1 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Bill Burr Epidemic of gold digging whores

          It's not the few rich men who get taken in divorce. !00,000's have been chopped up, and now have half-lives left to them. Permanent alimony, plus child support. Most people can be destroyed by this stuff.

          [–]Senior Contributordeepthrill 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

          It's been a while since I've participated on reddit, but just wanted to reiterate that this is a nice application of "Law 30: Make Your Accomplishments Seem Effortless". Hope all is well, /u/IllimitableMan

          [–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Good to see you, it's been awhile.

          [–]tallwheel 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

          even a woman knowing about TRP doesn't stop TRP working on her.

          This can't be emphasized enough. There are women over on TBP and Purple Pill Debates who seem to think 'TRP won't work on me, because I would recognize a terper'. Complete BS.

          TRP is not about memorized pickup lines or routines. If you're doing it right, even a woman who knows everything about TRP will just think you're a popular, attractive guy who knows how to communicate with women. The idea of TRP is to teach men how to be this, not memorize some magic formula that will only work to lay low quality women with low self-esteem. (The BPers love to keep telling themselves this is the case in order to make themselves feel better, and to reassure themselves that TRP is evil and doesn't work.)

          [–]Momo_dollar 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

          Perfect example is that fitness model being promoted by beach body, Autumn Calabrese. She was asked a simple question about how she teamed up with Beach Body. Long story cut as short as possible she ended up giving her whole life story from around the age of 5.

          But in her life story was something interesting. She got married young to an older guy. He insisted that she should have a career and not just be a waitress so he kind of motivated her. She fumbled around without much of a clue chasing various dreams and he supported her. Then his job relocated away from LA to another state.

          She went with him and after a while she got bored and decided to return without him! They agreed that he would get a transfer back to LA ASAP. A few months later he rejoined her, they had a baby together etc and then got divorced. This guy was a great dad, he still helped her look after the child and fulfilled his responsibilities as a father.

          As her workload increased, he started to help her more with picking up the kid etc. Things are going great for her and she has just singned deals and started with BB, he calls her and says he got fired and her first question was "so your going back to your home state" he replied 'yes" and her reply was "I can't deal with this right now and hang up" no support or kind words, she then goes to her friend and breaks down crying! Why why why did she start crying? Did she feels bad for her ex husband? Hell NO! The answer is obvious from the first question she asked him! She was on the brink of something great and now had lost the greatest babysitter ever for her son and someone who made her life much easier, she was more bothered about how him getting fired would hinder her lifestyle and couldn't careless about his emotions.

          [–]fizzyfuzzy 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Yep, every time I have lost a job or got laid off or whatever, it was always a matter of hours before she decided that "it just wasn't working out between us." Now I have an awesome job and give no fucks about being single. TRP made a huge difference in the amount of fucks I give when it comes to women.

          [–]BPtoRP 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

          People like to think they can use TRP to get a girl and then "just be themselves" but the reality is, the "gaming" (manipulating) never stops.

          Or the trap I fell in, having so much confidence in your consistently growing SMV that you start chasing a girl you know is lower in SMV with the logic "Can't she see I'll be the best thing that happened to her social life?" and she keeps running. Higher SMV or not, always be vigilant, gentlemen.

          [–][deleted] 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

          Plus there's the little double standard that's it's fine for her to artificially enhance her SMV, but if you don't "grow up that way," and instead have to consciously try to fix yourself, you're clearly a damaged tryhard rather than a natural and you belong in the beta box society has already assigned you. Women like to stereotype men as bitch boys and fuck boys and they're very black and white about that. They don't want to see any crossover, the mere concept fucks with them epically.

          Very good information! I'm going to hang out this saturday with a lady from my beta days. I will try to "alpha" her, let's see what happens. If this is true she will be disgusted/confused.

          [–][deleted] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

          I'm going to do the very same thing. We came close a few times, but I always went into super beta mode and fucked it up. I'll post the whole story if anything comes of it.

          [–]ECoast_Man 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

          This is an excellent point, and needs to be emphasized and re-emphasized through this sub and to the masses.

          Women are repulsed by struggling men. This doesn't necessarily mean poor men, but struggling men. The confident guy with little money is far more attractive than the guy who is barely treading water, worrying constantly, being insecure, etc, but with decent money.

          Women like things being easy. Whether that means 'your place is just around the corner, no big deal' after a night in the bar, or being with someone long term.

          [–]silver_nuke13 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Betas are more dangerous for society than alphas. All of them are resources for females, offering them the privilege and entitlement they have. Think of it, not only validation trough social media or gazes but even money. Dudes married to bitches that fuck other men daily? Wth?

          And the rare cases when beta/omegas get to reproduce, it's even worse. Their kids will probably be just as beta, or daughters that will grow up seeing men as weak, as a prey, leading to cases like anita sharkesian (that's what she is, a shark and a con) that then indoctrinate more people with the feminist kool aid.

          So as a red piller, you're just as responsible for cockblocking these motherfuckers in a genetic dead end as much as the hamster and the hard coded software of ladies. It's just selection baby! Your duty as a man is to make the species stronger, not something a woman's shoulders ever felt in 3000 years.

          [–]scarfox1 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Not just winners, they can smell potential winners as laid out by Mark Manson in Models. You can be a 'loser' but showing high behaviour/social status works too, but probably not for the long run.

          [–]rpscrote 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

          People like to think they can use TRP to get a girl and then "just be themselves" but the reality is, the "gaming" (manipulating) never stops.

          So true. You have to become an alpha version of yourself. Shit tests never end and never stop. You dont 'get to let your guard down.' You are either strong enough to withstand the world constantly, or you are not.

          [–]TrueMaskOfSanity 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

          I always say "fuck empathy." People dont empathize with people, they empathize with themselves. Women will never empathize with men.

          Why do you think its taken this long for the male and female species to figure eachother out? Its not going to happen. Selfishness goes a long way, whether your morals agree with It or not. Focus on your own life and ignore the women. They'll follow as you lead and dominate your own life.

          [–]Magical-Soul 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

          I support TRP wholeheartedly. But I really do wish I could take a peak at some users' journal/diary to see exactly what pain brought them to such saddening conclusions about society.

          [–]tquotient 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Because their minds fixate on emotions, they're better at issues of emotion, including feigning empathy. Really, they're just more skilled at fucking with your emotions, which seems to be a game they feel is worth playing, even if the only result is drama everywhere. In fact, sometimes the goal is drama, so you're basically signing up for a conflict that perpetuates itself.

          Don't bother with that bullshit. It only drains you. Tell them to stop creating problems where none exist or hit the fucking road.

          [–]Endorsed ContributorModified_Hackware 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

          This is testament to the notion women see any attempt at male self-improvement that may possibly undermine their monopoly on social power as nothing but a threat to be thwarted.

          All negotiation is ultimately at the end of a sword.

          /u/IllimitableMan suggests the other thread was an attempt at meeting a girl halfway. Halfway obviously implies negotiation. She has the vagina on her side of the table, the gold standard. Sex sells. What do you have that she is at best interested in and at worst absolutely desperate for?

          When the opposing side is desperate the price becomes extortionate, this is true of anything and why abundance mentality is so critical when "negotiating" with women. The cat will not barter with a mouse and there's no point trying to get an equitable agreement between the pair.

          [–]Smitty6 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

          I think that men today care too much about what women think and want to satisfy them by telling them what they want to hear or are quick to take their advice because society says a "women knows best".

          Problem is that men are starting to see that it doesn't help them get what they want. Which is more sex and intimacy with an attractive women. That advice puts men in the friend zone quicker than anything and leaves men more frustrated than they were before they took the advice.

          Men should not care if women don't like them bettering themselves. Men should not care if women say they don't want men to get more in touch with their masculinity. It goes back to the saying to watch what women do, not what they say.

          Your struggle and pain may not make a women interested in you but your struggle and pain helps men become a man who women are interested in.

          [–]OrionSC2 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

          but not all women are like that..? right..? gosh, I'm still so bluepill. ... sigh

          [–][deleted] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Just go onto any online dating site, especially the free ones, and you'll quickly see. Yes ALL women are like that?

          [–]PachinkoSAN 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Dude, you just blew my fucking mind. So much distilled truth. So many clear cut simplified revelations. I want to reread this till it's memorized. You have definitely made my eyes open up wider.

          [–]JumpXVI 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Plus there's the little double standard that's it's fine for her to artificially enhance her SMV, but if you don't "grow up that way," and instead have to consciously try to fix yourself, you're clearly a damaged tryhard rather than a natural and you belong in the beta box society has already assigned you.

          This is the part that always baffles me the most about the double standard. Imagine if men swarmed xxfitness and shamed the women in there attaining and maintaining fantastic shape.

          Are women really so closeminded that they don't realize that if it were as easy for men to be attractive to women as "work out and appear well-groomed", this forum wouldn't exist? It's even more mind-boggling than this, because subreddits like fitness and xxfitness not only exist in peace, but thrive as encouraging bastions of self-improvement (for both sexes).

          I love that xxfitness exists and thrives. Absolutely love it, as it's a place where women who realize they can improve themselves can go for support and tips, and women who may not need it go for reinforcement and to give support.

          I wouldn't know, because I don't visit xxfitness. Or fitness. I'd imagine that by extention, TRP is the same thing. Our Vanguards and Endorsed Contributors are the model examples who used to be "fat" (read: beta, I'm extending this metaphor) but whipped themselves into shape and are directing other "fat" people who join our community on how to not be fat.

          But again, I don't need to, because I workout every other day, don't drink, and have a very impressive chest and midsection (due to HIIT, plyometrics and a 255 bench/375 squat at 6' 185lbs).

          "Sick brag, bro", right? If half of those attributes actually worked with women, like immediately attracted women to want to either fuck me or commit to me, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have to be here. I wouldn't be posting this here right now, because I'd have a 9+ of my choosing lined up for Netflix and chilling tonight, and/or a beautiful steady partner who would never even think of playing the field.

          Take any "endorsed contributor" in xxfitness and 95% of us will want to date/fuck her. I don't even have to link, we can very safely make that assumption. And we don't give a single fuck if she was 30 lbs. overweight a year ago. The thing is, we know that 95% of women would want to date/fuck any of our given ECs because they are incredibly alpha, "grow up that way" or not. But then you have this complaint, and this "war", and it's like, for fuck's sake. Use your head, women.

          ...buuuuuut, this is all logic. I have to be here, and you have to be here, and some poor guy who's going to post in a week because he got branch-swung on is gonna be here because it's not as easy as "work out and appear well-groomed". It's "sad" to say that most women, if not all, reading this, would dry up and wonder why I'm being so weird.

          [–]Nieben 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

          tl;dr - Don't look for pity. PERIOD. It's unbecoming of you.

          [–]Endorsed ContributorNightwingTRP 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

          We're on our own with this. Woman on TRP will never empathise with us, they are just here to enhance their own manipulation. Women have an edge and they don't want men to take that away from them.

          What about the RPW who take their understanding of hypergamy and TRP in order to make themselves better and try to provide better support to their spouse? Surely that is taking their edge and placing it back in the corner of their relationship?

          [–]bigmfkr 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

          This is exceptionally motivating reading. Makes one want to get to gym NOW and set a big fat angry PR. Too bad my next session is only tomorrow.

          [–]makethemflaunt 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

          My explanations of red pill truth come in red pill format. E.g.,

          Her: You're so arrogant.

          Me: You love it.

          Her: (giggles; hits arm playfully)


          Me to my plate: Women like a strong man. Don't you like my muscles?

          Her: (stroking my arm) I do...

          [–]Dustin_Bromain 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

          Excellent post. The truth has never been truthier.

          [–]rossiFan 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

          It's got reliability you can rely on!

          [–]GMUwhat1234 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

          Lol my favorite is when beta le cuck asks a girl for romantic advice or how to get more girls. And she feeds him the worst possible advice you could ever give a nigga and he gets deeper into the beta zone

          [–]LuvBeer 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

          Just be yourself dude, learn some jokes, and hang out with more girls. That's sure to win them over.

          [–]GMUwhat1234 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

          But first always pay for everything and her decisions trake priorities over yours