politics 内の shzadh によるリンク Hillary Clinton Loses Patience with Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Still out, I hope to get to it eventually. I have a life outside of Reddit, surprisingly. Probably shouldn't even be checking it right now.

Though it was funny to check my PMs and literally have a bunch of violently worded messages.

politics 内の shzadh によるリンク Hillary Clinton Loses Patience with Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

At a public event and on mobile right now, but I'll give this the read and response it deserves when I get back.

politics 内の shzadh によるリンク Hillary Clinton Loses Patience with Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

At a public event and on mobile right now, but I'll give this the read and response it deserves when I get back.

politics 内の shzadh によるリンク Hillary Clinton Loses Patience with Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Except Bernie has made the same argument in debates.

And guess what - I supported Obama in 2008. I would've corrected it about Obama then and I'm correcting Clinton about it now. All things considered, Hillary has played this election a lot nicer than 2008. She could be attacking Sanders' lack of religion, his not even attempting to have a steady job until the age of 40, his having a child out of wedlock - stuff the Republicans would definitely attack him for. But she's not touching it. People who think Clinton is playing dirty in any relative sense in 2016 haven't seen other election cycles.

politics 内の shzadh によるリンク Hillary Clinton Loses Patience with Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Honestly, imagine how much Clinton deals with this shit on a day to day basis. I think I'll cut her some slack after being slandered and verbally assaulted for decades.

politics 内の shzadh によるリンク Hillary Clinton Loses Patience with Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES -25ポイント-24ポイント  (0子コメント)

Eh, I've been following politics for awhile and I've grown calluses to dirty politics. Plus when you look through history even people like "Honest Abe" used dirty attacks and tricks to have political success. I'm not thrilled about it but whatever.

I think it's more harmful for Bernie to make these attacks though because he claims to be different.

politics 内の shzadh によるリンク Hillary Clinton Loses Patience with Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

Please do!

And we'll see how far it goes. It's been bouncing in a pretty crazy range between downvotes and upvotes.

politics 内の shzadh によるリンク Hillary Clinton Loses Patience with Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 438ポイント439ポイント x2 (0子コメント)

Wow, this is a fun thread. In case anyone cares about facts, let's break down the claims of this angry protester, conveniently laid out with supporting "evidence" in the top comment on this thread.


The bulk of fossil fuel industry contributions to Priorities USA Action came from two donors.

Huh, two people. That already starts to make this seem isolated rather than a systemic attempt by oil companies to bribe Hillary. But let's read on.

Donald Sussman, the founder and chairman of Paloma Partners, donated $2.5 million. His hedge fund is invested in energy companies...

Wait, so this guy isn't even some kind of oil tycoon. He's an investor who happens to be invested in energy companies, many of which are also heavily involved in clean energy. And a quick bit of research reveals that he's actually a pretty cool guy, a generous philanthropist who has supported a number of liberal causes as well as just plain human rights efforts.


Okay, so we've got one guy who is an investor in some oil companies donating a bunch of money to Hillary Clinton's campaign. Couldn't be just because he's... you know, a Democrat supporting a Democrat he likes. He must be bribing her.

So who's the other fellow?

David Shaw, chief scientist at D.E. Shaw Research, a computational biochemistry research company, gave some $750,000 to the Clinton-affiliated PAC.

Wait so what's his connection to oil?

Shaw served on the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) under presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Nothing about oil there.

His investment management firm D.E. Shaw & Co., LP has major holdings in Marathon Petroleum Corporation.

Ah. So clearly he wants to crush green energy because of this connection.

Shaw is also an investor in solar energy projects and an ambitious offshore wind project in New England.

Never mind. I guess there's no issue after all, let's pack it up and...

But fossil fuel interests are also sending checks directly to her campaign.

Oh shit. Here we go.

Clinton has taken in nearly $268,000 in contributions from individuals employed in the oil and gas sector this election cycle.

Wait... "employed in the oil and gas sector..." so anyone working for any sort of oil company? Hell, I live in Houston, that's like half the people I know outside my own job. That includes all sorts of scientists, engineers, etc, etc. That's also a ton of people in other states with major oil or gas resources, like Ohio. How in the world is this supposed to matter?

Well, I guess I should still be concerned. After all, despite these seemingly small and unimportant connections, Hillary is obviously acting in the interest of these evil fossil fuel companies.

Throughout her campaign, Clinton has emphasized boosting renewable energy production, rather than waging a full-frontal assault on fossil fuels.

Wow. How radically pro-oil.

IAmA 内の TheNickJonas によるリンク I’m Nick Jonas, and I was in a sibling boy band. Ask me anything.

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I can't believe I'm going to have to wait literally years before I can see a filmed version of the play, movie adaptation, or local tour. :''''(

politics 内の Plymouth03 によるリンク Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton 'dead wrong' to say I can't keep campaign promises

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Most economists believe the optimal corporate income tax rate is zero. As in they believe it should be abolished entirely. Almost all would say it should at least be lower. Are they blind? Are they ignorant?

politics 内の Plymouth03 によるリンク Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton 'dead wrong' to say I can't keep campaign promises

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

And where do you think these corporations will get the money from to pay these additional taxes? Do you think they will cut CEO pay?

politics 内の Plymouth03 によるリンク Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton 'dead wrong' to say I can't keep campaign promises

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Can you explain to me why corporations having higher taxes would help the economy?

And let's say we raise taxes on them - what do you think they are going to willingly cut? Are they going to choose to cut CEO pay? Investment? Jobs? Will they raise prices? What's your theory in that event?

politics 内の Plymouth03 によるリンク Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton 'dead wrong' to say I can't keep campaign promises

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's not trickle down economics. We're talking about corporate income tax, not personal income taxes for the wealthy. Big difference.

Also corporations currently pay a non-insignificant amount of taxes. So if you don't like the current economy, you can't blame it on current corporate taxes.

politics 内の Plymouth03 によるリンク Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton 'dead wrong' to say I can't keep campaign promises

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

They actually contribute a decent amount. Also, without companies, what economy is there?

politics 内の Plymouth03 によるリンク Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton 'dead wrong' to say I can't keep campaign promises

[–]PM_ME_ECON_ARTICLES 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, trickle down economics is saying the same thing but with personal income taxes, which is obviously silly.