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[–]aussieredditboy 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Relative to total population the numbers are closer than you're implying (that's the first thing). Secondly, the USSR is not ONE country, it's a series of countries - however, Russia lost more like 14 million; and considering: 1) they were on Germany's side at the beginning and 2) Russia is a far less forgiving country to live in than the lower European countries during the winters, when supply lines are cut and 3) Stalin would regularly condemn countless Russians for the sake of military expediency.

Either way... What you're implying is that the GERMAN soldiers were "magnitudes" more brutal to Russians than vice versa... You're an ignorant, misinformed fuck that has no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Completely off-the-dome allegation, guy.