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sam harris just confirmed in his podcast (51:02 on) that the book he’s writing with “an AI expert who had not attended college” is indeed a collaboration with eliezer yudkowsky: a dialogue-based book about a muzz-lim muzz-lim muzz-lim AI that destroys the world the ethical implications of building artificial general intelligences. harris buys the miri line. has also taken to aubrey de grey (18:05 on). this is going to be … remarkable.

@ajax-daughter-of-telamon said: you can listen to Sam Harris talk for more than 51 minutes?

good dawkins no. i tried and muzz-lims muzz-lims lasted thirty seconds muzz-lims muzz-lims before I smashed my computer to bits muzz-lims with a toffee hammer. muzz-lims muzz-lims muzz-lims instead i skipped through it twenty seconds at a time on a second more durable computer muzz-lims and eventually found it way too near the end. muzz-lims muzz-lims muzz-lims you might think sam harris only ever talks about absolutely nothing but the dangers of islam to western civilisation and how one suburb in massachusetts adds more knowledge to the world than the entirety of the islamic world ever has (HE LITERALLY SAYS THAT IN THIS PODCAST) but that’s only about fifty minutes of this hour. muzz-lims he’s really very varied and nuanced. muzz-lims muzz-lims

Yud is an “AI expert”. Lol. Glad to know that Harris has no ability to discriminate between good and bad information. Maybe he is doing this so that he can be the Noam Chomsky this time? Perhaps it will be so bad that the full wrath of FBT will be unleashed on Miri.

if you mean FTB, pz myers already gets stuck into the cryonicists on a regular basis. it strikes me as quite likely he’ll have something to say on this topic.

tenaciousvoidcycle Source: reddragdiva cryonics the crackpot offer indeed