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IslamFrench Women's rights minister compares veil wearers to 'negroes who accepted slavery' (bbc.com)
n3wu53ra *real* monothiest が 投稿
ChristianityEaster bad religion (self.bad_religion)
Unicorn1234The Dick Dork Foundation for Memes and Euphoria が 投稿
IslamTony Blair says most Muslims are backwards, /r/worldnews has an insightful reaction (self.bad_religion)
HotseflotsTalos doesn't real you fundies が 投稿
General ReligionMe when I talk to friends who subscribe to the pop version of philosophical naturalism (missalsfromiram.tumblr.com)
zabulistaneaster = *literally* Ishtar が 投稿
General ReligionMy totally legit proof of universalism [for real/definitely not a shitpost] (self.bad_religion)
like4ril༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ praise helix! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ が 投稿
Native American Religion(s)Bad Religion on the Aztecs, Hernan Cortes, and the return of Quetzalcoatl (self.bad_religion)
pauloftarsus94Undergraduate with a focus on the Aztecs が 投稿
Not Bad Native American Religion(s)[Not Bad|Academic] Quetzalcoatl and the Irony of Empire (muse.jhu.edu)
pauloftarsus94Undergraduate with a focus on the Aztecs が 投稿
Not Bad Religion[Not Bad| Academic] Religion as a Major Institution in the Emergence and Expansion of Modern Capitalism. From Protestant Political Doctrines to Enlightened Reform (jsri.ro)
shannondoahHuehuebophile master race realist. が 投稿
Not Bad Religion[Not Bad| Academic] Moses’ Role in Writing the Torah: The History of Jewish Fundamental Tenet (jsri.ro)
shannondoahHuehuebophile master race realist. が 投稿
JudaismSo... The Tetragrammaton doesn't appear in the Bible, the Torah is not the Pentateuch, and Canaanites practiced Kabbalah? (np.reddit.com)
SabaziosZagreusDid the Khazars eat Kitniyot? が 投稿
Christianity10 Reasons to Leave Religion Behind; or, Jesus is Literally a Carbon Copy of Horus and The Bible is Too Outdated to Matter (self.bad_religion)
ThomasMaxwell1Reverend Thomas Maxwell of the Church of the Latter-Day Dude が 投稿
General ReligionLiteracy literally means you should be an atheist. (np.reddit.com)
cronos844 が 投稿
General ReligionMore scientism, courtesy of George Takei and the Oatmeal (facebook.com)
thrasumachosDeath Cookie worshipper が 投稿