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[–]tiger817Tex-Mex Conservative [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

I work for the federal government and I make good money. I've also lived in a homeless shelter before. I've watched my employer throw money away on a daily basis and can tell you with no doubt in my mind that nobody should want to funnel more money into the government for anything other than the bare essentials. The government doesn't care about you, the government isn't your mommy and daddy that will make everything better. I got basic unemployment insurance while I was at the homeless shelter for 2 months and then got a job. I hated being on UI everyday. It is embarrassing to me. Nobody should want the government to provide for their daily life expectancies. If "greed" was my motivating factor to get off UI then so be it, give me more of that greed any way I can get it.

[–]gizayabasu [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

This. It's not that we think socialism isn't a noble cause (or we don't think it's a noble cause at all because you've got to work for what you want), but the reality of the fact is is that it never works in practice.

[–]ApocalypseNow79 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Poor people are some of the greediest people I've ever met. They use anyone they can to get a quick buck, and never seem to have any aspirations or long terms goals.