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[–]b0nd4g31/34534th TRUE Irish 21ポイント22ポイント  (7子コメント)

Obvious troll; his username is 'Xyklon-B' - the gas used to exterminate Jews in the Holocaust. Disgusting.

[–]StaIkyleftist baguette monkey -7ポイント-6ポイント  (6子コメント)

Honestly I'm not trolling, that's why we need the expertise of a /r/european user... Thank you?

[–]b0nd4g31/34534th TRUE Irish -2ポイント-1ポイント  (5子コメント)

Go again, I don't understand what you're talking about

[–]StaIkyleftist baguette monkey -3ポイント-2ポイント  (4子コメント)

Because you deleted all your post on /r/european doesn't make it disappear, you were still tagged when you were caught in my automatic tagger.
Also, go to any reddit username analyser and you'll see you have karma from /r/european for your last 1000 post Link.

[–]b0nd4g31/34534th TRUE Irish -2ポイント-1ポイント  (3子コメント)

I didn't delete anything, I just don't comment very much because I don't agree with much of what they say; occasionally there is the odd valid point I add to or debate.

As for my post history, it is not relevant to the fact I don't like seeing people making light of the Holocaust.

[–]StaIkyleftist baguette monkey -2ポイント-1ポイント  (2子コメント)

My bad then, it's just that users that post both to The_Donald and european tend to have a certain attitude if you know what I mean.

[–]KnotKnoxM'ac Namara *tips Irish heritage* 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

But he dindu nuffin wrong

Trump, Le Pen and Farage. Alas, a man can only dream

I can't subscribe to supporting hitting women in the street, even if they are Muslims. Beating up and belittling people who don't agree with you are typically Islamic traits after all, we should try and stay above this. Good news though, we don't want them in our countries and they're finally starting to realise that, plus they're not feeling safe in their own homes. Shame it took a terrorist attack like Paris to wake up many Europeans to the truth, however.

Don't give up, there are so few of us that we need to stay strong. Right wing politics is gaining momentum, this much is clear. Many great men of throughout history, politically, have failed at the first hurdle, kept working and finally made it. We must be like they were.

raped by Trudeau's freshly imported dune coons

And that is a problem all refugees* will perpetuate should they find refuge* in a Western country. They are completely incompatible with our way of life and it is ripping Europe apart

  • *="refugees"

  • *=a place where they can get free stuff from the Government

You're about to be heavily brigaded by /r/shitamericanssay. For what it's worth, you're 100% correct. In the UK, the Conservative party is moderate left wing in all but their approach to the economy, our left wing parties (that don't pretend to be anything other than what they are, unlike the Conservatives) are very far left wing; dangerously so. Anyone that has dissenting views of 'refugees', muslims, welfare, our cutbacks to the military, healthcare or really anything of that ilk that challenges left wing ideals is branded a racist or neo-Nazi; its extremely infuriating and this echo chamber our political system employs is leading to the destruction of all that used to make this country great. We need Trump to instigate a resurgence of right wing politics that can save Europe from itself

Edit: How are you guys allowed to exist as a subreddit? You brigade all over the place, clearly in breach of site rules. I've reported the subreddit but I have a feeling it'll be to no avail.

It's like you saw someone wearing a swastika arm band and forgave them because they don't agree with Hitler's position on taxes. It doesn't change the fact they're still wearing a swastika on their arm.

[–]StaIkyleftist baguette monkey 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Tbh I just didn't have the will to go through all this shit, kudos to you.