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[–]elltim92 72ポイント73ポイント  (17子コメント)

"Tell Medics/EMTs/ER staff you have chest pain, and they'll see you right away!"

I don't know what selfish irresponsible thundercunt started telling people this, but it's so fucking stupid, and people do it ALL DAY LONG. You're waiting because you're not a priority. People are literally dying, and you're upset over waiting.

We all know when you're lying, and you're an asshole.

[–]I_am_jacks_reddit -61ポイント-60ポイント  (16子コメント)

When I was about 8 I had a very very deep cut on my wrist. I was in the hospital waiting to see a doctor with a literally blood-soaked rag wrapped around my glass shard filled wrist dripping all over the waiting room. I was there waiting for over 2 hours. Your god dam right im going to lie from now on.

[–]elltim92 49ポイント50ポイント  (15子コメント)

You're waiting because you need a wound cleaned and a few stitches.

Slow bleeding with a rag around it is not that big a deal. It's being mitigated. How do you stop bleeding? Apply direct pressure, or tourniquet. I'd have a hard time believing you were in need of a tourniquet, and they told you to sit and wait. You already have direct pressure applied, literally every medical text will tell you to control bleeding via direct pressure.

There's people in the back literally dying. Like not going home after a few stitches, and a good scar story. They're not going home. Their wife/husband losing their life partner, their kids are losing a father, their parents are losing their child, and all the resources are going towards that.

If you're being a smartass here, I look like an ass for ranting, but if you're serious, fuck you, you are a lowlife.