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[–]theunterrified 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Because online, it's still more or less a role-playing game, isn't it? IRL, engagement with the non-trans world requires a certain amount of courage and conviction, whereas in the privacy of their own apartment, literally anyone can pick a gender off the rack or make one up, roll the dice, and come out with whatever they want.

To be fair to the trans mob, they are not the only ones at it: pretender radicals, armchair activists, trolls and assorted psychos of all stripes have been wasting the time of serious people online since the 1990s.

The difference is that none of the others have the support of the liberal establishment. That support has been gained by means of a widespread psy-op, probably (IMO) due to the medical cartels. When a delusion gets beyond a certain size, you can guarantee that someone aims to profit big from it.