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[–]Prince_Kropotkin 7ポイント8ポイント  (8子コメント)

I'm sure you'll delete all my comments in this thread as you do usually, but this person nonstop threatened me and said some really fucked up shit to me before. They make /r/anarchism a much worse place by being here and I'm far from the only one who thinks that. I wish they'd just follow through and leave.

EDIT: Pretty much the only moderation you do in this sub is to attack me and delete my comments. Why is that, exactly?

[–]boilerpunx -4ポイント-3ポイント  (7子コメント)

I delete a bunch of dumb shit. You post a lot of dumb shit. Its a match made in heaven. Also

somebody made fun of me on the internet because I'm an asshole. Let me mock their mental health! That'll show everyone I'm not an asshole.


Goddamn mobile formatting.

[–]Prince_Kropotkin [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

If someone has continually threatened me and told me to kill myself, I'm not going to pretend that their oppression status means I'm not allowed to respond to them or make fun of their frequent public meltdowns and ragequits. Sorry... not sorry (this is not the same thing as attacking someone for having a mental illness, by the way). Maybe I should make a new account and say I'm trans, therefore I get to graphically describe how everyone I dislike should commit suicide and send them death threats? Is that how using your identity as a shield works here?

[–]-Enkara- [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

Some people think I'm an asshole and fit all the characteristics of a typical entitled cis dude, when they call me out on it I feel sad. Cispression is unfair wahhhh.

Your opinion on what is and isn't acceptable discourse favors the status quo, politically correct (reactionary) narrative. Keep on pretending everything is symmetrical and one day you too will grow up to be a real anarchist(tm)!

I am most certainly a judgemental asshole, but you're a filthy smug little grue and I'll happily send mean sentiments your way, guilt-free.

All you had to do for months was to do is stop rubbing shoulders with reactionaries and transphobes/white supremacists/misogynists/etc and you would not have been associated with them. (Additionally, your continued and concerted trolling efforts here are transparent, the only reason you're still here is due to sync. Furthermore you are stubborn and unable to hear criticism of your shitty behavior. If you behaved like this in any IRL anarchist space you would be pretty quickly expelled from community spaces, and probably told to kill yourself.)

So you know... maybe give it a try.

[–]Prince_Kropotkin [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Buzzword buzzword buzzword, I am oppressed therefore I can threaten you at will with no repercussions, buzzword buzzword, how dare you be mean to me despite my continued threats and urges to kill yourself, buzzword.

All you had to do for months was to do is stop rubbing shoulders with reactionaries and transphobes/white supremacists/misogynists/etc and you would not have been associated with them

I await your ban proposal of punkswcleankitchens and radqav, then. Go on, explain why "it's different" for me, I will laugh.

It's pretty funny hearing you of all people talk about IRL anarchist spaces, though. I cannot even imagine the state of a anarchist space that tolerated people like you (and to be clear, I mean people with your disposition, undirected rage, and general shitty threatening behavior, not trans people) but it certainly wouldn't be good for much besides the manufacture of leftist circular firing squad jokes. (How about those means of production! drum sound)

[–]-Enkara- [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Lol you really have no idea do you? You don't do shit in meatspace but you somehow think people like you show up in radical communities and at actions?

Nooooo, lol, you're like one of those guy fawkes mask wearing "the real issue is plutocracy!" losers that show up at liberal sidewalk marches.

[–]Prince_Kropotkin [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Oh, yeah, what do you do in real life to "help anarchism"? I can't see you spending five minutes in a discussion without threatening to attack the first person who disagrees with anything you say.

[–]-Enkara- [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I'm not discussing that with you.

[–]Prince_Kropotkin [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I doubt there's anything to discuss. Maybe you made rude faces at some cops when they weren't looking once.