全 118 件のコメント

[–]Evil_white_oppressorIreland 20ポイント21ポイント  (6子コメント)

I don't think that even many men should be allowed to vote, let alone women.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 12ポイント13ポイント  (3子コメント)

Remove all voting rights and select leaders from a pool of ultranationalist geniuses. Ideally.

[–]Epilogue09The Netherlands 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

So essentially China's model?

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Chinese electorate is not a meritocracy. It is a heirarchal election system whereby citizens vote on a local or provincial level and the next level is elected by the people below them.

The Chinese merit-based selection is an old thing (I believe) last used by Chiang Kai-shek and developed thousands of years ago in China but stopped by the Commies.

[–]AltRightSageRussia 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

China's nationalism is greatly overstated. Absence of PC faggotry =/= nationalism.

In reality ethnic minority groups get a shitton of privileges from fewer fertility restrictions to affirmative action in higher education. Actual nationalists of whatever hue are suppressed like in most other Communist countries.

[–]_psychrometric_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

In my opinion, only citizens in good standing (non-felons, etc) who are NET CONTRIBUTORS (pay more into the system than they are paid out in welfare etc), and have children within marriage should vote. Imagine the drastic change in policy if this was your voting demographic. No more welfare queens, deadbeat dads, ghetto baby mamas voting, etc. Everyone has proven investment by investing into the system financially AND investing into the future generation.

No need to discriminate by gender, everything would be put to rights pretty snappily

[–]tompanz 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

We pretty much have to have a totalitarian phase before we can even dream of becoming a democracy again (preferably a better system will come up by then). There's just no way we can convince enough people to vote the correct laws into place to save our countries. If a revolution or civil war does occur, and we just replace the people on top and try to stay a democracy, we will find ourselves in the same position , minus ((outside)) influences. You could probably convince people to shut down the border; to stop illegal immigration; to curtail political correctness; to restructure the economy to not be shit; but at the end of the day, as long as we still have the deadly combination of massive amounts of foreigners and feminism, we will get no where.

Even people on here have a seriously hard time accepting that we have to deport a shit ton of people and encourage traditional femininity. As long as blacks and Muslims that were born here are seen as deserving to stay, and women foregoing careers and college to raise children is seen as oppression , the western world is doomed.

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland[M] 11ポイント12ポイント  (16子コメント)

More stuff like this. In depth submission with a lot of effort put into it.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 8ポイント9ポイント  (15子コメント)

But there are fundamental inaccuracies and illogical strawmen within it.

It's fine, but people should be wary because this girl is a known troll.

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's still a quality effort. No one said anything about it being accurate.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 5ポイント6ポイント  (13子コメント)

I'm a dude but I'm fine if you want to think I'm a troll with my scary sources and arguments.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 3ポイント4ポイント  (12子コメント)


Oh yeah, those sources on voter turnout really proved the entirety of human existence up to this point wrong, right.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (11子コメント)

"proved the entirety of human existence up to this point wrong, right."

I shed a tear laughing, thanks I needed that.

At least this time you didn't assume I was a woman in a vain attempt to extort dick picks from me. Some improvement.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 4ポイント5ポイント  (10子コメント)

You're really trying to imply that human nature and the sexual dimorphism and its effects on the nature of the sexes aren't real?

At least this time you didn't assume I was a woman in a vain attempt to extort dick picks from me. Some improvement.

Why do you troll on this board? Why do you come here if you just want to divert from arguments and are unable to back the things you say with facts? Why do you lie and deceive the people here?

In addition to your diversions and evasion in this thread I will point back to this thread from earlier where you shat the bed and couldn't answer anything either.

"The great masses could be saved, if only with the gravest sacrifice in time and patience.

But a Jew could never be parted from his opinions.

At that time I was still childish enough to try to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; in my little circle I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse, thinking I would inevitably succeed in convincing them how ruinous their Marxist madness was; but what I accomplished was often the opposite. It seemed as though their increased understanding of the destructive effects of Social Democratic theories and their results only reinforced their determination.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying." - Adolf Hitler; on Jewish Arguments.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 3ポイント4ポイント  (9子コメント)

You asked for sources, I brought them and now you sit here like the clown that you are and quote hitler and call me a troll.

"In addition to your diversions and evasion in this thread I will point back to this thread from earlier where you shat the bed and couldn't answer anything either."

This thread is my answer, I made this special for you baby! But instead of being grateful you quote hitler and imply that I'm jewish (and a grill?!). Even better than I expected!

I like having discussions but you seem like you're only here to argue absolutely nothing sensical. Good luck with that.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 3ポイント4ポイント  (8子コメント)

You posted two sources on voter turnout and voter opinions and used them as a source to prove that women should vote.

Why don't you listen to a woman talking about it instead of refusing to actually address the meat of an argument.

You refuse to give concrete answers that define how and why women deserve to be equals when we know that they are not equal on a biological level and their imperatives for selection and action are all based in different ideals than the men that founded these civilizations.

A people whose ideals do not align with a nation cannot be among the leaders or the decision makers because their ideals will be opposed in every facet due to that very difference in ideal and thought. They do not strive to preserve our nations and thus they cannot be expected to vote to do such.

Women deserve no right to vote.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (7子コメント)


Heres a free breakdown of your idiot post.

"DAE I DIDN'T READ UR SOURCES I GOOGLED DEM SO HERES A REAL SOURCE FROM A SINGLE PERSON (not thousands of people that would be too complicated right) WHO SELF PROCLAIMS SHE "stirs the pot" WITH HER OPINIONS."

How can you walk around heavily sourced research and then counter with one video from a fucking pundit who worked for Fox News?

"You refuse to give concrete answers that define how and why women deserve to be equals when we know that they are not equal on a biological level and their imperatives for selection and action are all based in different ideals than the men that founded these civilizations."

I have given concrete answers you just refuse to get out of that safe-space hug box without long quotes from Hitler and implications those you argue with are Jewish and or a woman.

Can women lift as much as men? No. Are women as tell as men on average? No. Do they vote around the same as men across thousands of examples? Yeah of course.

"biological level and their imperatives for selection and action are all based in different ideals than the men that founded these civilizations."

Empress Theodora, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth I of England, Queen Boudica, Queen Isabella of Castile, Maria Theresa, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Catherine II of Russia.

Great leaders that definitely don't share anything with their nation and are traitors, maybe they were all jews?

"A people whose ideals do not align with a nation cannot be among the leaders or the decision makers because their ideals will be opposed in every facet due to that very difference in ideal and thought. They do not strive to preserve our nations and thus they cannot be expected to vote to do such."

"A people whose ideals do not align with a nation cannot be among the leaders or the decision makers because their ideals will be opposed in every facet due to that very difference in ideal and thought. They do not strive to preserve our nations and thus they cannot be expected to vote to do such."

"A people whose ideals do not align with a nation cannot be among the leaders or the decision makers because their ideals will be opposed in every facet due to that very difference in ideal and thought. They do not strive to preserve our nations and thus they cannot be expected to vote to do such."

100% retard, although I'm glad you found a thesaurus it makes reading your bullshit posts slightly easier.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 2ポイント3ポイント  (6子コメント)

Because you're posting so many personal attacks and so much that isn't relevant in your comments I'll just address the cogent points.

Do they vote around the same as men across thousands of examples? Yeah of course.

Women are more likely to be Democrats at any age.
There is a difference in voter turnout between men and women.

So they do not vote similarly.

Listing queens

This doesn't prove anything besides that a small selection of women can be somewhat competent. This does not change averages.

100% Retard

You did not refute the point but I will explain further.

The male goal is the continued existence of his line, the female goal is the continued existence of hers. This is achieved in different ways but for men it comes down to the protection of his own people so as to find a mate whereas for women it comes down to finding a mate that will provide for them generally. This difference means that women don't care if a society falls apart because they will live on even if the men that previously governed over them die because new men will come along. These are reproduction strategies and they play into how people think. Female psychology is destructive to civilization and thus women should not be able to vote.

Against Women's Suffrage

Because women already have the municipal vote, and are eligible for membership of most local authorities. These bodies deal with questions of housing, education, care of children, workhouses and so forth, all of which are peculiarly within a woman's sphere. Parliament, however, has to deal mainly with the administration of a vast Empire, the maintenance of the Army and Navy, and with questions of peace and war, which lie outside the legitimate sphere of woman's influence.

Because all government rests ultimately on force, to which women, owing to physical, moral and social reasons, are not capable of con­tributing.

Because women are not capable of full citizenship, for the simple reason that they are not available for purposes of national and Imperial defence. All government rests ultimately on force, to which women, owing to physical, moral and social reasons, are not capable of contributing.

Because there is little doubt that the vast majority of women have no desire for the vote.

Because the acquirement of the Parliamentary vote would logically involve admission to Parliament itself, and to all Government offices. It is scarcely possible to imagine a woman being Minister for War, and yet the principles of the Suffragettes involve that and many similar absurdities.

Because the United Kingdom is not an isolated state, but the administrative and governing centre of a system of colonies and also of dependencies. The effect of introducing a large female ele­ment into the Imperial electorate would undoubtedly be to weaken the centre of power in the eyes of these dependent millions.

Because past legislation in Parliament shows that the interests of women are perfectly safe in the hands of men.

Because Woman Suffrage is based on the idea of the equality of the sexes, and tends to establish those competitive relations which will destroy chivalrous consideration.

Because women have at present a vast indirect influence through their menfolk on the politics of this country.

Because the physical nature of women unfits them for direct com­petition with men.

Grace Saxon Mills, 1914.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 10ポイント11ポイント  (3子コメント)

Your entire argument relies on that crux of, "50% of Europe that could vote conservative."

It fails in that the appeals are based on the Marxist theory that women and men are equal when on a biological level they are not. There are competing goals and standards of success for men and women. It just happens that men want what is best for the continued existence of cultures where women will submit to emotion and quite often end up making horrible decisions because their reality is subject to emotional state whereas men live in a mostly objective reality.

Your refutations of this will always rely on saying, "not all...," or, "but some men..." when they don't represent A) the averages and B) the reality of the situation. They're fallacies that do us no good to discuss further.

Sure, women not voting for their own protection, safety, and continued existence is a problem now but when we say that we don't want women to vote we are saying in a purely hypothetical way that if we are looking out for ourselves and somehow have the means to enforce this it is ideal that women do not vote.

This is just the fact of the matter; a woman won't engage in a relationship unless it benefits her and because they're the caretakers of individuals instead of protectors of a tribe why would they care to? It's not saying that women are bad, it's saying they're different and the focus they have on their own people is not conducive to continued success and existence. That's all.

[–]CallofTheeRosa Parks 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Your refutations of this will always rely on saying, "not all...," or, "but some men..."

I shutdown conversations when I hear this, because it means the person is now bending the fact to minimize it in their reality so they can...I guess, to continue to fit in or what ever their reason may be. But it feels nice to continue talking and chasing their ever changing argument around until they are suddenly contradicting themselves from only five minutes ago. It gives me a good laugh, I am just unsure if it is all a pointless waste of my time. I really need to start speeches in front of veterans my age, perhaps at a local beer-hall...

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I feel the same way. Maybe I'll organize a Putsch ;)

Look at this - the OP does exactly the response I predicted when I posted this comment.

They listed historical female leaders as some refutation of the fact that women aren't typically good leaders despite it having nothing to do with the averages. Ridiculous!

[–]SkaldSkaldsson 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

So? Why gloat about it and try to get a pack on the back from a random person?

If you think you're right then you think you're right and you're secure in that.

[–]kpnoireNorway 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm not in favor of restricting womens right to vote. On the other hand, I'm in favor of restricting the right to vote to employed adults at 25 years and older.

I don't know anything about other countries age limit on voting, but there has been debate of lowering it to 16 years in Norway. I find that nothing but absurd. There are a few sharp young minds out there, but the presence of general and political knowledge is much too lacking for the majority of young people to take part in actual politics. Also, being unemployed/reliant on welfare for reasons not related to physical disabilities should disqualify people from voting. Welfare recipients who aren't physically disabled, are either mentally disabled, drug addicts or lazy. In other words, people unfit to make decisions based on solid values and morals. People unfortunate enough to temporarily find themselves out of a job, without a history of unemployment, wouldn't lose their right to vote of course.

Women are certainly prone to voting left, but don't forget that we are just starting to see the uncensored version of the invasion. Women are getting raped and molested left and right. Some of these women try to obscure reality and blame men in general for these crimes, but my bet is that the average woman are more than aware that the 'men' who are committing these crimes are mostly niggers and sand coons.

[–]ThenateoEngland 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

As a 19 year old, I completely agree. My friends are fucking morons that would see Europe burn so they don't get called racist on Facebook.

[–]DSieger 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

People have totally wrong ideas. It's not that we need to address the issue of who votes because we don't like who they vote for, it's about the Democratic system in general. Government should be so small and limited that it only has administrative tasks to fulfil and is apolitical otherwise.

Such a government would be immune to outside influence, lobbyist, idiot votes or any other problem we have to deal with today.

The problem is the outreach of a government out of control. No Chancellor should have the chance to invite billions and plunge Europe into chaos. No one should be allowed to write laws for special interest groups. No one should even be allowed to take rights or freedom away from the people because of some issues that were caused by the system itself.

[–]PruswaTurkey 8ポイント9ポイント  (5子コメント)

Everyone seems to forget that people don't own the right to vote because they are expected to vote for the good choices. That's not the concept of voting. If you think of it that way, then 99% of people, of any sex, shouldn't vote because most people are fucking retarded and not trustworthy enough to decide the future of the state.

Women own the right to vote because humans regardless of sex are free individuals who by birth own the right to decide their future. That's about it.

What is the point of defending Europe from Muslims if you retards are going to act like the Muslims yourselves? Are you this obsessed with skin color?

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 7ポイント8ポイント  (3子コメント)

Women have the right to vote because Men allow them the right to vote. That is what it comes down to.

[–]PruswaTurkey 6ポイント7ポイント  (2子コメント)

Would you lose your right to have a non-ruptured anus if some big hairy Turk who lives off of welfare held you at gun-point and raped your ass?

[–]Thevatman 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Would you lose your right to have a non-ruptured anus if some big hairy Turk who lives off of welfare held you at gun-point and raped your ass?

Yep, just like laws are enforced through coercion by the threat of state violence, this subhuman will have taken my ability to make the choice of my not having a ruptured anus. What are women going to do anyway? they didn't even win their franchise through blood and sacrifice they were literally handed the vote by cucked men. If say, we take their vote, theirs would be a muted response, nothing to worry about.

[–]youoweyourancestorsAustralia -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Trust a roach to have rape on his mind.

[–]tompanz 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Voting is not a human right. Voting is participating in the political process, and is tantamount to holding political power. 99% of people do not want nor deserve political power, if universal suffrage was stripped away (from men and women) and restricted to a smaller number of people, after a short time of bitching (because they , like you, think it's a human right), they would not give a shit as long as they had their needs met and their views represented.

Voting used to be, and should still be , restricted to people who actually have a stake in the success of the nation. Property or land owning individuals. As long as steps are taken to ensure that the people who own the land, are the same ones that care about the land and it's people, aka no multiculturalism , and no massive amount of corporate owned land.

What we have now is a parody of a good democratic system. It has long since forgone efficiency and self preservation in favor of using the majority of the population as a heard of gullible cattle. With each generation, more and more people become dependant on the government, more people become indoctrinated with ideas that would make the common person from a century ago laugh hysterically (the cry when he realizes you aren't joking) . It has become a system in which a tiny minority of people are able to do anything they want unquestioned and unchallenged. Democracy , as far as the western world is concerned, is dead.

[–]haezzerThe European Empire 3ポイント4ポイント  (3子コメント)

Great post. The best part is the fact you would actually prefer if women still did stay at home but realise how such a stance is never going to win over the mass European population. We need to be pragmatic and flexible in our appeal to our fellow Europeans if we are to sway their minds, even if that means swallowing our pride on certain topics so as to tackle the larger ones. In my experience as many women as men agree with me on non-European immigrants, which is by far the most important issue.

[–]Evil_white_oppressorIreland 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I assumed the plan was to pretend that we supported equal rights for women, and then when nationalist parties get in power, then send them back to the kitchens?

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you create white supremacist QT's you won't have to take the vote away or send them to the kitchen, they would do that anyway.

[–]_psychrometric_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

European women have always worked, usually at joint ventures with their families. In rural areas, every family member worked on the farm, women didn't sit inside while men worked. Merchant's wives ran shops and were busy all day, serfs worked the land male and female alike, etc ad infinatum. There was a very small percentage of the elite aristocracy where you could say women didn't work, but they engaged in complicated court political posturing and movements, which aristocratic men basically did as well; or they outright ruled as monarchs (queens etc). Anyway, the idea of a QT who just sits home barefoot and pregnant living a life of leisure raising kids and cooking is quite modern!

[–]uwotm8_wewladPlastic Paddy 13ポイント14ポイント  (16子コメント)

Men and women should be equal in all facets of the law

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 11ポイント12ポイント  (13子コメント)

But they aren't and never will be. Alimony in the US is a great example of that.

[–]uwotm8_wewladPlastic Paddy 4ポイント5ポイント  (12子コメント)

Alimony applies to both sexes I know a man that got alimony, it's just that men usually have better jobs

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 6ポイント7ポイント  (11子コメント)

recently represented a female vice president of a giant Bay area technology company divorcing an unemployed tire store worker who was seeking alimony. Despite the dramatic discrepancy in income, she fought and no support was awarded...Rosen, however, sees “a whole lot of bias against men in our judicial system”...In a recent case, the wife was an executive at a major national bank, while her husband stayed home with the kids, trying build a business “selling keychains online, but essentially not earning anything,” Rosen says. The man was awarded 6 months of alimony. “If they had swapped gender roles, she would have been given years of alimony, no questions asked,”

And there are many more case of men not getting equal treatment when it comes to divorce proceedings.

And alimony is just one example from the US:

When a child is born out of wedlock in Michigan, even if the father establishes paternity of the child, he is given no rights to custody or visitation of the child, but still may have to pay child support. He can only get visitation rights if the mother consents or by petitioning the court.

Section IX of the Wisconsin Family Code – Paternity. The entire section is entirely unfair to men beginning with the assumption that the mother is the primary caretaker and finishing with the point that the father is statutorily responsible for reimbursing the state for birthing expenses if the mother was on state assistance when the child is born. The mother isn’t required to pay back the state, though.

Under the Texas Family Code, the harshest law on men is the section on Acknowledgement of Paternity. In Texas a child’s mother and the man claiming to be the father may execute an acknowledgement of paternity that is then filed with the Bureau of Vital Statistics.

In order for a father to rescind an acknowledgement of paternity, he must file an action to rescind the acknowledgement (or denial) no later than 60 days after the date the acknowledgement (or denial) is filed.

However, if a man signed an acknowledgement of paternity mistakenly believing himself to be the father, or if a presumed father signed a denial of paternity mistakenly believing that he was not the father, a suit to contest the acknowledgement what is not filed within the 60 day period may only be filed on the basis of fraud, duress, or material mistake of fact and must be filed within four years.

Thus, this rule is harsh on a man who is told he is the father, signs an acknowledgement and later finds out he is not the father and the 60-day period has passed. He then must prove fraud, duress or material mistake of fact, and it must be proved within the four-year statute of limitations. See Tex. Fam. Code Sec. 160.308.

And a ton more here: http://dadsdivorce.com/articles/harsh-laws-that-discriminate-against-men-and-fathers/

[–]uwotm8_wewladPlastic Paddy 1ポイント2ポイント  (8子コメント)

Those laws need to be fixed

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 7ポイント8ポイント  (6子コメント)

They won't and never will be. It's what I said the first time around.

[–]uwotm8_wewladPlastic Paddy 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

Well that's a problem in the structure of the law which needs to be changed. I think alimony reform is much less radical than giving up universal suffrage...

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 3ポイント4ポイント  (4子コメント)

Problem is that you'll never get equal treatment for men and women in the eyes of the law. Therefore we should not accept that they have the right to vote either.

[–]uwotm8_wewladPlastic Paddy 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Why won't we? Why is it impossible?

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 6ポイント7ポイント  (2子コメント)

Have you seen how this so-called democracy works? It doesn't work. You'll never get that. It's impossible.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes they do. When I was younger and putting myself through school I worked in a labour intensive industry. The hours were long and often irregular. This is hard on relationships and many were divorced once, twice or even three times.

We had supervisors making 100,000+ a year asking for extra work because THEY HAD NO MONEY. Their Ex's would get 5,6,7,8+ years of free money from them and essentially make them poor no matter how much they worked.

I assumed they had drug and booze problems, but it turns out many of them couldn't afford to drink or do drugs because they would literally be homeless because their ex-wives took them for everything.

Many became unstable, and its very hard on people knowing that your cheque gets huge taxes taken from our crooked government and then another chunk stolen via their blood-sucking ex-wives.

Many started out as good people but when you're so close to poverty and still working 140 hours a pay period you get haggard. Some smoke 2 packs a day, others take dozens of over the counter pills. I see them dying in front of me without a doubt, and its due to our legal system looking at them making 50,000-100,000 and saying OH HEY MAN YOU GOT CASH SO HERES WHERE ITS GOING FOR 10 YEARS!

The laws need to be changed.

[–]_psychrometric_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

“If they had swapped gender roles, she would have been given years of alimony, no questions asked,”

These "if things were swapped" postulating is really pretty rhetorically worthless, I know women who've been left destitute by divorce and weren't awarded any alimony.

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Irrelevant really as still in many states women are receiving favourable treatment by the courts or even in the law.

[–]FrischeVollmilch 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Men and women are not equal. So why is it preferred to have them equal in all facets of the law?

Say for example military service. A strong case can be made that every man should serve. So a law can be written. Should that law be equal and force every woman to serve? Should we make a somewhat equal law that forces every woman to serve in a social job for a year to make up the military service? Would that even be equal? Would it be preferred to stop women from potential childbearing for a year just to have equality?

[–]Perzys_Anogar1337United States of America 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

Look where that has gotten us...

[–]OdrevanIreland 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Short Answer: Silly question, women have just as much a right to vote as men in my opinion.

Long answer: I think there should be a test you must sit and pass to earn your vote, regardless of gender. You have to pass a driving test to be allowed to get into a car, turn her on, put her into gear and hit the motorway. You have to pass a test to earn your college degree, before you get credited for being competent in your field. Why not test people on their political knowledge before allowing them to make decisions that have the potential to change their country, and in turn, the world? I don't think the test should have biased questions, I think it should be searching for whether or not you actually follow politics, know domestic and international policies, have any form of economic sense etc etc. Don't pick on all women, that's misogynist, and quite frankly it's a joke people here are thinking like that, instead, allow everyone the opportunity to earn their vote. If the majority of college liberals, male and female, fail to pass the test and get stripped of their vote because it's clear they have no clue on policy and economics, well that's just a tragedy :P

[–]SwedishCavalierSweden 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)


This is Europe, not Saudi Arabia.

[–]seegufepar 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

The way the mods shill for Islam nowadays, I think they'd prefer the latter.

[–]tompanz 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Traditional values , are not fucking Islamic! Why do people keep saying this shit? This is how society worked for 40,000+ years, and we had many stable empires, they were obviously doing something right that we aren't.

[–]Get_Trumped 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

The base biological value a man brings to a relationship is resources/money. A woman, fertility. Government forcefully redistributes money, but not fertility. It would be dangerous if men were given the moral justification to vote on the forced redistribution of fertility. It's equally dangerous for women to have the moral justification to vote on the forced redistribution of money.

The conflict of interest is that voting allows you to get what you want with nearly no negative repercussions. Single moms and bleeding hearts get money redistributed without working to earn it (from an employer or from a male partner). Then they have little incentive to be good towards men - they can get a significant part of what a man offers without his consent. Same if men could vote to get sex, men would have little incentive to be good to women - they can get a significant part of what a woman offers without her consent.

The root cause though isn't women's voting habits, that's a symptom. The root cause is giving the moral justification to government workers to forcefully redistribute money and to forcefully inject foreign invaders.

[–]Lv100_BixNoodGroßdeutsches Reich 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Good points.

[–]A_for_AnonymousThink a based green anarchist that doesn't love islamofascists 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm baffled to see so many posters here would not want women to vote. I thought sexism was something only muslim savages were big on.

I'm egalitatian and think men and women are intellectually equals, and equal worth as human beings, thus capable of making political decisions and entitled to do so. As an egalitarian, I'm not a feminist (feminism is about misandry at worst, and only caring about the issues of women at best), not misandrist, and not misogynist.

Of course I would want women to vote. I'd restrict voting rights by ability to sustain the country and understand what the fuck is going on, though, so I would make it so that only employed people 25 and over (i.e. not retired, not unemployed, not stay home men or women) can vote.

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 6ポイント7ポイント  (22子コメント)

If it was up to me women should not be allowed to vote. And only men who've done military service or own land should be allowed to vote. If you have not sacrificed anything for your country or don't own land in the country your loyalties can be questioned. Even the Romans understood this.

With landowners if should only be the patriarch that has the right to vote without having done military service. But even for those they'd need a very valid reason not to serve.

[–]Legios1Croatia 0ポイント1ポイント  (8子コメント)

Heinleins Starahip Troopers idea, about the voting. It hits it completely.

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 0ポイント1ポイント  (7子コメント)

Heinleins Starahip Troopers idea

What's that?

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

Citizens vote and you only become a citizen by serving in the military admirably.

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Nah opens doors to politicians just allowing any foreigner to serve.

[–]tompanz 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

If I remember correctly, you could do non-military civic duty. I loved the book by the way, after I found out that the man who made the movie was a Marxist, and was making the movie as a parody of the book it really soured the movies image for me.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

It was pretty obvious from how he portrayed government propaganda.

It seems letting the (((businessmen))) touch anything makes it suddenly Marxist.

[–]tompanz 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It also disgusted me on how they even got the rights to the book. Heinlein time and time again stated his desire to never have his books turned into movies. What Hollywood did was wait until he died and his widow turned senile so they could swindle her out of the rights, just so they could shit all over his life's work. The only reason it wasn't a complete failure was because that commie fuck went so over the top, he actually made it appealing to people who didn't get the fascist undertones.

[–]_psychrometric_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (11子コメント)

In my opinion, only citizens in good standing (non-felons, etc) who are NET CONTRIBUTORS (pay more into the system than they are paid out in welfare etc), and have children within marriage should vote. Imagine the drastic change in policy if this was your voting demographic. No more welfare queens, deadbeat dads, ghetto baby mamas voting, etc. Everyone has proven investment by investing into the system financially AND investing into the future generation.

No need to discriminate by gender. Things would be put to right pretty snappily.

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 0ポイント1ポイント  (10子コメント)

Look at silicon valley as an example and come again. The one thing the left is good at is to get jobs to one another. Making them net contributors.

[–]_psychrometric_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (9子コメント)

If they are net contributors, it's their right to have representation. Reminder that I specifically include "married with children" in my criteria, that cuts out a lot of liberal anti-natalist childfree retards. Also silicon valley is overrun with men so, by your gendered voting criteria they'd be voting anyway. Of course not everyone will vote for nationalism under my plan, but those who qualify and vote liberal would be outvoted by those who vote conservatively.

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 0ポイント1ポイント  (8子コメント)

If they are net contributors, it's their right to have representation.

Well then you don't want change to our current situation. And this is exactly why democracy doesn't work.

[–]_psychrometric_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (7子コメント)

How do you mean, I don't want change? Our system is fucked up because net dependents on the system are voting for "gimme-dat" policies. Young non-working liberals who aren't married with children, inner city blacks and mexicans and muslims, etc. Cut them out of the voting demographic and policy direction will change immediately.

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 0ポイント1ポイント  (6子コメント)

Our system is fucked up because net dependents on the system are voting for "gimme-dat" policies.

And how do you think those policies came to be? They came to be because people are naive morons and vote for idiots.

[–]_psychrometric_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

Those policies came to be because people who don't contribute vote to steal from those who do. If you remove these leeches from the voting pool, policy will change.

[–]RamblinRambo3Finland 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

And what do you expect will make it change? Democracy does not work. You cannot remove their right to vote by voting. The only way you can do that is through a revolution and if such a thing takes place then we might as well go back to what kept Europe together for hundreds of years. And in that system only male landowners were allowed to vote and in some places also men who had served in the military.

[–]_psychrometric_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Male landowners was a good proxy for net contributor since historically on the whole they were married with families and didn't take more from the system than they created into it. However it's outdated and non-applicable to the modern western economy that is no longer feudal and agrarian-based; plus it is unpopular and harkens unto the barbarian uncivilized mascularchies of Islam and Africa - people won't be signing up to revolutionize to imitate that. Western europe's philosophy of individualism, freedom, and representation is it's greatest and most unique contribution to the world, you'll find that squelching that is not going to be a much-supported or realistic goal.

[–]redleftredGreat Britain 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't even know this was an issue. Of course women should keep the vote. Social issues like the state paying for fatherless kids has helped men a lot. Men can just sleep around and not worry about the consequences.

[–]Lv100_BixNoodGroßdeutsches Reich 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

I don't think anyone should be able to vote. Most people are borderline retarded when it comes to political affairs and are easily brainwashed by the media, meaning that whoever controls the media basically controls the country, i.e. our situation nowadays. No thanks.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Some interesting opinions, could you elaborate a bit?

[–]Lv100_BixNoodGroßdeutsches Reich 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think democracy sort of worked before the TV was invented, but nowadays the media has too much power over people. As I said, whoever controls the media can shape public opinion to the point where they have the de facto power in a country.

And who controls the media? (((People))) with money of course. So you end up with a situation like now where the international banker elite owns the media and uses it to further their globalist agenda.

The only way I see to prevent this scenario is to have the media being owned by people close to the government (like in Russia for example) or by the state itself.

[–]192873982 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Hard question, honestly.

I personally wan't women to have the right to vote.

BUT what if women are genetically programmed to make decisions that are not good for the nation? I mean the most successfull mating strategy for women is definitely not to be loyal to the tribe, but to be flexible instead, cooperating (and mating) with whoever is in power at the moment. That could theoretically have had the effect that women still follow that pattern, which would basically mean that their decisions in some questions suck, e.g. when it comes to migrants, since the tribe is not essential to women, because they can swap any time.

We could however resolve that issue easily by the following. All men and women can get trained in the army, but only citizens who do so get the right to vote. This would select out the ones who wouldn't risk their lives to defend their country, which means only the good men and women remained.

[–]FrischeVollmilch 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

All men and women can get trained in the army, but only citizens who do so get the right to vote. This would select out the ones who wouldn't risk their lives to defend their country, which means only the good men and women remained.

Is a good woman the woman who trains in the military or the woman who prepares her body and mind for bearing the next generation?

Do you know that women in the USA love to get into the military for financial reasons and turn pregnant in record numbers just before deployment. Should that be rewarded with the right to vote?

[–]tompanz 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, but I'd say that's better than being a party slut in their 20s, and shitting out one autistic kid in her 30s before becoming barren. We can just pretend we wanted them to deploy, even though they would have gotten pregnant on deployment anyways because there's like 10 women and 1000 men.

[–]FrischeVollmilch 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

"Much attention has been paid recently to the question who women vote for. Traditionally, women tended to vote more than men for the centre−right (Duverger 1955; and Lipset 1960). By the 1980s this tendency had weakened or reversed in many West European countries. In the Netherlands, Denmark and Italy women had become more left-wing than men, and in other West European countries they have become less conservative than they were (Inglehart and Norris 1999). (2)

For 40 years in Western Europe women VOTED MORE CONSERVATIVE than men. What happened is that the conservative parties have failed to strike a cord with women, as historically even in Western Europe women were sympathetic to the right wing. This is not something that is permanent and women can once again vote for the right, history has proven this possible and possible for a LONG time.

I have two theories regarding that reversal

i) Feminism was extremely effective in brainwashing them. Either by actually changing how they think or by stopping them from forming a strong bond with a husband in their twenties. I think I have read somewhere that married women still vote majority conservative.

ii) The fucking pill. Massive hormone cocktail that changes everything

Women are too emotional to vote logically like men do...

That really is utter bullshit. Humans are 80% emotions 20% logic. It makes more sense to vote emotional. Especially for Humans below an IQ of 100 cause the information they can manage to understand will be less reliable than their gut feeling. If left alone the love for their people would override any logical propaganda.

[–]toriko2Germany 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'll be honest. I heard from multiple women that their only reason to vote Hillary Clinton/Merkel/any other female president is that they are female. If I ask them why do they support them the reason is 80%+ they are female and it's time for a woman to rule this country for once/right now. I am not entirely sure how to discuss with them now? Would they vote for an insane woman over a man that is by knowledge/experience better just because of gender? Isn't that the opposite of feminism isn't that sexism? I am currently undecided upon this topic. In my opinion we are actually going in many placed backwards. Where actually women start to have more right than men which is bullshit. Why should a woman be one of a higher ups in a company just for being a woman? Even if the man is better for the job? Stuff like women's quota is absurd.
The person best for the job and in the most interest of the company should get the job. Not based on gender. If most women are better for the job than men I am fine with having more women in there. But it should work both ways. There are reasons why men are on top of the companies. On average women are less good at leading and at enforcing rules/schedule. At some point they can pretty much randomly disappear for multiple years, because they got pregnant and afterwards maternity protection. The company invested in that woman in a leading role and pluff she is gone. Till she is back they had to get somebody new/or the market changed and she is incompetent by now. By no means I think women are inferior to men, however both genders have their strengths and weaknesses and trying to overplay them and enforcing stupid laws is bullshit. Yes woman get payed less than men on average, but if they sell themselves undervalued it's their on problem. On average they have less high jobs as well, because they lose years by getting children dropping out of college/quitting job for a while. Obviously you don't want them to be one of the most important parts of the company if they are more likely to be gone. As long as women make sexism out to be a big deal it will always be one even though it isn't anymore. Honestly we might end up in a world where men are less worth than women which is insane.

[–]Lucy__Sky 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

In my opinion, only citizens in good standing (non-felons, etc) who are NET CONTRIBUTORS (pay more into the system than they are paid out in welfare etc), and have children within marriage should vote. Imagine the drastic change in policy if this was your voting demographic. No more welfare queens, deadbeat dads, ghetto baby mamas voting, etc. Everyone has proven investment by investing into the system financially AND investing into the future generation.

[–]EssencialToLife 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Women are stupid and only vote for the left

Woman benefit from the left more than men. A single woman has no problem raising kids because the state pays for it all. No work or beta hubby required. Blame feminism and blame welfare. The single mom welfare state is the reason womans votes did change to the left.

Women are too emotional to vote

Explain why 1% of woman vote for the AFD, but 20% of men. Because the photo of one drowning kid. Democracy doesent work with such feelz > reals idiots. Sweden and the germany will dissolve because of woman. Those woman will be raped and then DIE while uttering "i did nothing wrong".


I know this first hand because my mother was one of those left voting pro-immigrant idiots.

[–]lop125 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

t. cuck or roastie

[–]shotxxxxThe German Empire 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


And you're still a faggot, OP.

[–]Thevatman 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


Women voted conservative because that was the cultural zeitgeist at the time. They vote not for themselves but what they think society at large thinks is 'right'.

[–]KindyreGermany 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

Honestly, I'm having trouble finding any consistency in your arguments. You keep going off on tangents that are completely unrelated to the point you claim to be talking about / arguing against.

The one common theme I see is that you openly acknowledge that women's voting habits have gone to shit (and taken all of us to hell with them), but fail to make the connection that this happened as a result of women being given the vote to begin with.

For 40 years in Western Europe women VOTED MORE CONSERVATIVE than men.

Yeah. Those were the women that were raised before women had the right to vote. They voted predominantly conservative themselves. Because that is what they knew; those were the values they were raised with.

But as soon the right to vote was given to them, policies began changing, society began changing, and consequently the girls (and boys!) that grew up in that new, changed society were also different. And, as a result, voted differently when they came of age. Meanwhile, the older generations gradually died out. And so you see the gradual shift to the left.

But it wasn't just the weight of votes that shifted to the left. The left itself changed in order to attract those votes. Further and further left it went. Until it became what it is today; something most of us here find absolutely abhorrent.

The right shifted left as well. Clearly not enough to keep majority... But then, would we have wanted it to? If it did, it wouldn't really be the right we're talking about anyway. If anything, those of us here want the right to shift back to the way it was before. Not pander more to the typical interests of typical modern women (which seems to be what you're arguing for).


You cannot give children the right to vote and then act all surprised when politicians don clown suits, use taxes to fund weekly bouncy castle parties, and launch campaigns for free candy in school cafeterias.

And no amount of explaining to children that candy is bad for their teeth will get the politicians to stop campaigning for it. Because no amount of explaining will make the candy less sweet. And the politicians know perfectly well it will get them votes anyway.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

"The right shifted left as well. Clearly not enough to keep majority... But then, would we have wanted it to? If it did, it wouldn't really be the right we're talking about anyway. If anything, those of us here want the right to shift back to the way it was before. Not pander more to the typical interests of typical modern women (which seems to be what you're arguing for)."

DAE conservatives can't attract women, so therefore women should adjust to the party that should represent them and want their vote.

You grasp the concept of people being born into a system, and then that system changing here:

"Yeah. Those were the women that were raised before women had the right to vote." (with implication they now don't obviously).

And then lose it right after that by thinking this:

"The right shifted left as well. Clearly not enough to keep majority... But then, would we have wanted it to? "

Well you had the right idea, the right didn't move, it stayed archaic. AND WE WONDER WHY WOMEN WONT VOTE FOR IT! Amazing how the left adapted to the times where as the right didn't as much and we sit here wondering why women vote left more often?

People like you who would rather lose every election than actually give people what they want is WHY we have the shithole Liberal paradise in Europe right now. The 1960's wont return anytime soon, its 2015 (+1) now and even the most fundamentalist parties need to change to win any votes, this is the nature of politics today and doing literally nothing is a death sentence.

"If anything, those of us here want the right to shift back to the way it was before. "

And this is why the right keeps losing. That's never going to happen, get that through your head.

[–]KindyreGermany 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

And this is why the right keeps losing. That's never going to happen, get that through your head.

Yeah, quite right. It's never going to happen.

While women are allowed to vote.

That's our point exactly. Perhaps now you understand why many of us are seriously considering abolishing it as the best course of action?

Well you had the right idea, the right didn't move, it stayed archaic. AND WE WONDER WHY WOMEN WONT VOTE FOR IT! Amazing how the left adapted to the times where as the right didn't as much and we sit here wondering why women vote left more often?

The right shifting left enough to accumulate enough modern female votes would cause it to cease to be "right" by any definition of the term.

Case and point: The CDU. AKA Merkel's Party.

It was always the "center-right" party in Germany. It still is, officially. See their Wiki page. But no sane person would claim its policies are anywhere near the tradition right, or even center-right.

We're largely and broadly traditional right here. Supporting the modern "right" (read: traditional left) or modern "left" (read: fucking communists) is not an option we find appealing in the least.

But for traditional right to succeed, women's suffrage will have to go.

As you yourself effectively admit here.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

"That's our point exactly. Perhaps now you understand why many of us are seriously considering abolishing it as the best course of action?"

Who's we? At least 51% of the population? Because if you aren't that wont ever happen.

"The right shifting left enough to accumulate enough modern female votes would cause it to cease to be "right" by any definition of the term."

No thats not how politics works, parties change all the time. Look at the major American parties. During the civil war the Democrats supported slavery and now they are the first to pander to blacks and minorities.

"The right shifting left enough to accumulate enough modern female votes would cause it to cease to be "right" by any definition of the term."

Not true, lots of people get whipped up about one issue. Famously in Canada our asshole leader promised FREE WEED LMAO. If our conservatives would have offered just an idea of the same thing to gut the Liberals on that issue Harper might still be in power. They could have even made it almost impossible to get legal weed, as all people wanted was the idea of it, we already have legal weed in all but name, its just nice to admit it. Conservatives CAN modify policy to stay relevant and they do all the time, just not enough.

"Case and point: The CDU. AKA Merkel's Party. It was always the "center-right" party in Germany. It still is, officially. See their Wiki page. But no sane person would claim its policies are anywhere near the tradition right, or even center-right."

Yes Germany is fucked for that. I have no idea how they can call themselves centre-right with a strait face. The political spectrum is very fucking odd in countries like Germany and Sweden. But this is comparable to a lot of places. In Canada our conservatives would be considered Democrats in the US and their regular Republicans could almost be considered quite nationalist to us. It changes in every country. Although Germany and Sweden are disturbing.

[–]KindyreGermany 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Who's we? At least 51% of the population? Because if you aren't that wont ever happen.

Ah, now we're no longer talking about "should women be allowed to vote?", but rather "how could we accomplish abolishing women's suffrage?"

... and that is a different question entirely, which warrants a different thread with a different title and body.

No thats not how politics works, parties change all the time. Look at the major American parties. During the civil war the Democrats supported slavery and now they are the first to pander to blacks and minorities.

Sure. But if you used a time machine to switch the populations of America today and America then, I think you would find the same people would no longer be voting for the same parties.

Aside from having to deal with a civil war and rampant time paradoxes, of course.

I have no idea how they can call themselves centre-right with a strait face.

Isn't this a direct contradiction to your point above? Couldn't you argue they just "adopted to the times", "this is how politics works", "parties change all the time", etc?

See this is my point: Sure, right-wing parties could change their policies to gain more left-wing votes and potentially win the election... but it would be a victory for the "right" in name only, since their policies (or at least their promises) would now be left-wing.

I don't care about party names or spectrum labels. Neither should you. Nobody should.

Politics isn't sports. It's not the team that matters; it's the policies, and their consequences.

I want policies that safeguard my country, its traditions and its future. I want my children to grow up safe and sound. I want the elderly taken care of. I want the young to be healthy and productive. I want the needs of our people to come before the desires of other people. Etc, etc.

I don't care what the name of the party or its leader is. I don't care whether they call themselves right or left or green or blue. I care that they get the job done right.

And that's just not going to happen while they're pandering to interests of modern women. Because their interests are inherently not compatible with those goals; on the contrary, they are self-destructive. And they poison any party that tries to gain their favour.

Not true, lots of people get whipped up about one issue. Famously in Canada our asshole leader promised FREE WEED LMAO. If our conservatives would have offered just an idea of the same thing [...]

So you're saying we should support parties that lie to gain votes?

We don't want liars and swindlers leading us, either.

Honesty, integrity, decency. Those are our virtues.

Following professional hustlers is what got us into this mess to begin with.

[–]Politcal_acountA new confederacy- League of the South 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

I'm a monarchist, so I don't really think anyone but the Aristocracy should vote. However, if I were to choose who should vote, I would set it up as a traditional, patriarchal societies where there is only one vote per household. This is primarily because men and women are not equal, and should not be treated as such. In stable societies, men lead as that is what men are built to do. Men have evolved to lead, fight, and provide. Women have evolved to have and children, and maintain the home. Men are also more rational, and less likely to make decisions based on public opinion.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Men are also more rational, and less likely to make decisions based on public opinion.

"Men are also more rational, and less likely to make decisions based on public opinion"

Argument debunked already. This isn't true at all. Read the second source provided for more information.

[–]Politcal_acountA new confederacy- League of the South 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

No, he didn't. He was making the assumption that when this is said, it applies to all women and we believe that all women are irrational 100% of the time. He debunked idiots who believed that, he didn't debunk that fact that men are more logical, rational, tribal, and independent compared to women.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thank you for posting this. The OP doesn't seem to understand the sources he posts don't refute anything when you put scrutiny on them.

[–]10113519United States of America 0ポイント1ポイント  (7子コメント)

I feel it's embarrassing that a lot of people here think women should not vote, or that women are too stupid to vote, or that women only vote on stupid shit.

No one cares what you "feel is embarrassing." Most people probably feel it's embarrassing to stand up for European civilization and ideals against globalism and cultural marxism; what difference does that make?

We are talking about 50% of Europe here, why the fuck don't you want them to vote AND potentially come over to the side of conservatives.

Why should we want them to vote? Since when has women's suffrage been a major part of rightist/conservative principles, exactly? The right to vote being granted to women was another blow to traditional societal structure and the stability of the family. You don't fight liberalism by defending the liberalism of yesteryear.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (6子コメント)

Why should we want them to vote? Since when has women's suffrage been a major part of rightist/conservative principles, exactly? The right to vote being granted to women was another blow to traditional societal structure and the stability of the family. You don't fight liberalism by defending the liberalism of yesteryear.

There ins't a choice anymore. You can either lose every election with a platform against 50% of your voter base or realize that you need them to win an election. We aren't going back to pre-sufferage days and to hope thats going to happen is a sad delusion.

What I've hoped to show is that statistically in Europe women and men vote very similarly. During the 1930-40's where most women began to vote they voted more conservative than men....they voted more conservative than men for 40 years. The conservatives simply thought they could rely on that vote without trying to keep it, and they were wrong. But they could get it back without a time machine to the 1960s, they just have to adapt.

They don't have to change everything, but they do need to evolve to stay relevant.

[–]10113519United States of America 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

There ins't a choice anymore. You can either lose every election with a platform against 50% of your voter base or realize that you need them to win an election.

We're not talking about setting up a political party, we're talking about the concept of women's suffrage. You're defending it as a concept, not as part of trying to win a certain election.

We aren't going back to pre-sufferage days and to hope thats going to happen is a sad delusion.

So if you disagree with "progress" (aka liberalism) you're sad and delusional? Are you sure you aren't one of them? What's your rationale for defending women's suffrage itself as a concept? "Because it's 2016"?

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

Well if your job is to get elected and you refuse to even try to appeal to 50% of people that are supposed to elect you, you are both sad and delusional, yep.

" You're defending it as a concept, not as part of trying to win a certain election."

Well if the concept is important to winning an election, the two are one in the same are they not?

"So if you disagree with "progress" (aka liberalism) you're sad and delusional? Are you sure you aren't one of them? "

I've always voted conservative, I simply realize the sad reality that women's suffrage was an issue decided long before I was born and it's not going back to how it was. This is the world we live in now, we have to adapt or never get in power.

[–]10113519United States of America 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

Well if the concept is important to winning an election, the two are one in the same are they not?

It's one and the same, and no, they aren't. If you're talking about trying to win elections that's a totally different story than defending it as a principle or concept in itself.

I simply realize the sad reality that women's suffrage was an issue decided long before I was born and it's not going back to how it was.

If it's a sad reality that it's not going back to how it was in your view, then you're against it as a concept. Which invalidates your whole post.

[–]Canadaisfullgohome[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

No lots of people including you think we have a shot at going back to how things used to be or perhaps brining back the people who left by changing absolutely nothing.

This concept is fundamentally flawed. The party was designed to appeal to a crowd that no longer exists. You can attempt to win while sticking to your guns and lose every single time or change. Europe is dominated by the left, guess who changed and who didn't. Guess who now sets policy that further undermines an already weakened conservative stance.

I don't like women's suffer age but is what it is. I don't sit here and think that it isn't s thing or it's something that is going away. It won't. What we can do is realize that women historically can vote heavily conservative and we need their help.

We don't help ourselves by assuming they are all idiots who can't vote our way. They have and they still can.

[–]10113519United States of America 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I don't like women's suffer age

But your whole post is defending women's suffrage:

I feel it's embarrassing that a lot of people here think women should not vote

Again, if you're talking about trying to get elected to actual positions, that's a totally different issue. But as far as I know, no one here has suggested running a right wing party that has as part of its platform revoking the right to vote for women.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Don't bother. The OP is clearly not defending women's suffrage with logic. They're just saying we can't repeal it and relying on that to form a semblance to an argument.

[–]YouHaveCrusAIDSWales 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Men go to war. Men get to vote.

Women don't go to war. Women get to vote.

That's equality by today's standards.

I don't think you should be able to vote AT ALL until you have served time (voluntarily) in the military. I also believe if you vote for war you must participate in it.

This is "fair" and would solve EVERY problem we have with voting today.

Betas would not vote. Only the strongest and bravest of women would vote.

It would ensure that only the people willing to give everything for their country could participate in its decision making.

[–]FaliceerDeutschland 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's a good day to die, if you know the reason why - Citizens, we fight for what is right.