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The Arist coffee machine brews coffees like the world's best baristas at the tap of a smartphone.
The Arist coffee machine brews coffee like the world's best baristas at the tap of a smartphone.
The Arist coffee machine brews coffee like the world's best baristas at the tap of a smartphone.
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2,519 backers pledged $845,139 to help bring this project to life.

Arist Professional Unveiling Ceremony


Hi Everyone!  

Thank you all for joining us at the New Arist Unveiling Ceremony last week. We couldn’t have done it without your continuous support!

Our co-founders, Nelson and Benson Chiu, demonstrated on stage the new powerful coffee maker, Arist Professional. With the help of barista Keith Law and models Fanny Ng and Bowie Choi, Benson demonstrated the use of the Arist Professional with the companion mobile application. Using Natural Ethiopia Harra G1 coffee beans, Benson brewed an espresso, americano, caffe latte, and cappuccino, which the models and some media members tasted.

For those of you who couldn’t make it to the event, here's a clip of the full demo for you:

Our guest speakers Felix Se, South China CEO of Tom N Toms Coffee, and Sean Wang, Investment Manager at IDG, also shared their thoughts and outlook of the the project.

As mentioned earlier, the renowned coffee chain from South Korea will open their first cafes in Hong Kong’s New Town Plaza in the 2nd quarter of 2016, which will eventually be integrated with Arist Commercial and fully implement Arist’s commercial smart cafe platform. Tom N Toms coffee is a South Korean based coffeehouse chain with over 500 shops around the world. With a mission to expand the South China market, Felix gave the audience a quick introduction on Tom N Toms coffee, and shared his thoughts on working with Arist. With the same unwavering set of core values, the partnership between Arist and Tom N Toms coffee was born to bring quality coffee to customers around the world.   

Sean Wang from IDG Capital Partners, our series A investor with $10 million vested in Arist, enlightened the guests with his extensive investment experiences. Founded in 1993, IDG Capital Partners has supported many exceptional entrepreneurs across industries including internet, mobile & tech, modern services & brand, healthcare, industrial tech & resources, as well as media, tourism & real estate. Their successful portfolio include Baidu, Xiaomi and Tencent, just to name a few. IDG Capital Partners will be assisting us with their valuable experiences, connective intelligence and talent resources to help us further develop the Arist’s innovative ecosystem. 

The ceremony came to an end with a Q&A session. Nelson and Benson answered numerous questions from both local and international guests. We’ve compiled a 3 page FAQ to answer your questions. You can see the list here. 

We also received a few ridiculous questions. It’s not that we can’t or we don’t want to answer them, but well...a picture is worth a thousand words (see below). There is no secret barista hiding under the table on stage and we actually did allow ample time for press members to take close-up photos even before the ceremony started. Also, there is a HUGE difference between capsule coffee machines and the Arist. We’re talking about fresh and real coffee beans, not stale old coffee grounds condensed in colorful pods.

We will be releasing an updated timeline and schedule shortly. Per our previous announcement, we will be launching a special trade-in arrangement for Kickstarter backers. Kickstarter backers will receive the next 2 home use editions of Arist for FREE. We will cover all the shipping fees and take care of everything for you. All you need to do is to return the Arist Professional with original packaging. That means all Kickstarter backers will receive Arist Professional before Arist Home is released; and once the Arist Home version is ready for shipment, you will be able to trade-in your Arist Professional and receive the Arist Home with no extra cost.   

Once again, thank you all for your support along the way. See you soon in our next update!

David Becker, Tobias, and 29 more people like this update.


    1. chris gans 5 days ago

      This Fake project and don't refund our money but kickstarter can't do anything. about @Li Yan Yam i think that said in FAQ. It don't has new invester so he want to more time for stole our money than this. I want my full refund that you promise

    2. chris gans 5 days ago

      It very joke. that you present to Pro version but has many problem about home version. until now don't has anyone see this product. what are you doing? present and give backer wait another 1 years? we can't waiting. I waiting more than 1 years and i so sad. I think your creater is rob my money. I request my full refund from 5 month ago.

      where is my money full refund. I hope the backer in HK please check schedule that it fake or not? I think i don't has annoucement

    3. Raymond on March 21

      @Kristy By the way, I do think that the last point you touch on should be cleared up.
      - Whether they pay for those shipping costs in advance or if we would have to pay for it upfront.

      Time will tell.

    4. Raymond on March 21

      @Kristy Not trying to "belittle" you, your question does matter and I get your concerns. International shipping isn't cheap. It just annoys me that some are asking questions without reading the FAQ well, which clearly contains the answer to your question.

      The Home version will be released before the one year warranty of the
      Professional expires and backers can trade-in the Arist Professional and receive the Home

      Just in case, you can find the FAQ here:

    5. Kantapat Srichantamit on March 20

      This Fake project and don't refund our money but kickstarter can't do anything. about @Li Yan Yam i think that said in FAQ. It don't has new invester so he want to more time for stole our money than this. I want my full refund that you promise

    6. Jack on March 20

      Best thing about this is, the machine probably weighs more than the model.

    7. Victor on March 20

      ...the question marks in my previous comment were supposed to be smiley's...(bummer). :-)

    8. Victor on March 20

      First of all, thank you for your latest update which I think shows how much progress is made in the last period! Again, I am impressed to see how much you have grown as a team and how many hurdles you have already taken. My compliments to you.

      Since I have read all the earlier comments from other backers, I think it was time to mention the captioned above. So.....please read it again and let your inner smile grow.... �And again... �

      I am not saying the other comments are not to be followed up, but I was looking for a bit more emphazis on what is already archieved next to what still needs to be done. That is it.

      Thanks again and I look forward to receiving the next update! GO team!!

    9. Grb on March 18

      Hans: I have found the app called "Arist"

    10. Ronald on March 18

      @Hans: look for nbition

    11. Hans G. Schnieder on March 18

      Has anybody been able to find the App? Arist - Arist coffee - Arist espresso, all without result.

    12. Kristy Fowles on March 18

      @Raymond Seriously. How does the "free" return shipping work. Unless explicitly stated,if you do not clarify such things, you have only yourself to blame. "All you have to do is return the device" doesn't sound like free shipping is included and without clarity on such matters, it leaves it open to interpretation. I've been burned by such before and I would like to think I have learned from past mistakes and such assumptions.

      If it comes with a self stamped box that has the return address on for later, then that is cool. If it is something where we have to ship it back from our ow pocket and be re-reimbursed later, I may not be able to afford that as it will cost thousands of ZAR to ship something like that. I paid almost R1000.00 just to ship a T-shirt and a few small items to the states last year as part of the Reddit Secret Santa protect, and that was before our Rand crashed.

      Please don't belittle me for asking the questions which I believe matter, especially when I am concerned I won't be able to afford return shipping unless it is paid for up front. That being the case, I would rather just wait for them to ship be the replacement model once off.

    13. Li Yan Yam on March 17

      @Thomas They've mentioned it a few times and also in the FAQ. The money they received from IDG "cannot be used for any Kickstarter related refunds, as per the investment agreement".

    14. Georg Kaefer on March 17

      watching the video: in faq you state the pro can do things simultaneously and the home version not (it will do it successively). But in video the steps were slow - very slow grinding - and the steps shown in the app were the opposite than simultaneously.
      reading the faq: I do get a pro version and within a year of warranty the home version with less features(?) / less quality grinder (?) will be released and I can trade in this version and the following home version?
      why should I do this? what benefit do I get? can you more clearly present in details the differences between the professional and the home version?

    15. Thomas on March 17

      I do not want a pro - I want the machine I backed or all my money back. If you can afford shipping a machine of that size and cover all the costs involved you can surely afford to refund me.

    16. Kantapat Srichantamit on March 17

      It very joke. that you present to Pro version but has many problem about home version. until now don't has anyone see this product. what are you doing? present and give backer wait another 1 years? we can't waiting. I waiting more than 1 years and i so sad. I think your creater is rob my money. I request my full refund from 5 month ago.

      where is my money full refund. I hope the backer in HK please check schedule that it fake or not? I think i don't has annoucement

    17. Peter Soliman on March 17

      Can we get a backer video with the Arist working up close? The shaky handy cam video you sent just doesn't do it for me. I want to see it up close and personal with a better resolution video.

    18. Abbas Raissi on March 17

      I am guessing there is something missing from the professional version as it not clearly stated in the FAQ because why otherwise would you want to trade in a better model for a lesser quality one. Also, I think the first home version will be buggy hence why there is a second free version.

      At this time, I will welcome the professional model and exchange for the home version when available.

      Looking forward to your timeline.

    19. Maxim Smirnov on March 17

      Please, write all difference between Pro and Home versions.
      A lot of gossips, that Pro will not have alot things that you have promissed to do in Home version.

    20. JChen on March 17

      That model girl looks great! Not sure about the machine...

    21. Raymond on March 17

      @Kristy Seriously...

    22. Peter on March 17

      I'm a backer and haven't seem any machine whatsoever! Who are we kidding?

    23. Joseph Linaschke on March 17

      Congratulations! I see you'll be shipping out the Professional then replacing it with the Home. Since the Professional is a more powerful, capable unit, why would we want to exchange it for the lower end Home unit? I must be missing something. Thanks!

    24. Dave Pekala on March 17

      I'm happy to see some movement in the right direction. However, I'm not understanding the response to the internal milk unit. How does "[a]ccording to our survey, 40% of coffee drinkers consume espresso or single shot coffee on a daily basis" warrant not including an internal unit? Also, what do you mean by "taking into account of hygiene concerns?" How is this any different than what will be in the "home" version? Are you saying you're not able to have an internal milk unit be safe? I would hope there's a mechanism to clean the internal containers (milk, syrup, etc.) through either automatic cleaning (difficult) or removal so owners can manually clean the containers (much easier).

    25. Clarence Lim on March 17

      It annoys me when people tend to not read and make statements.

      "The Home version will be released before the one year warranty of the
      Professional expires and backers can trade-in the Arist Professional and receive the Home
      version with no extra cost, even the shipping cost for returning the Professional will be covered.
      Arist Professional will be officially mass manufactured and the estimated shipping date is 4
      months later."

      Well down Arist! I look forward to professional model!

    26. Kristy Fowles on March 17

      @Raymond They will cover the shipping of the new product to you, yes. But you have to first return the original product to them in the original packaging, which would be at your own cost. I would rather wait and not have to return anything.

      " Kickstarter backers will receive the next 2 home use editions of Arist for FREE. We will cover all the shipping fees and take care of everything for you. All you need to do is to return the Arist Professional with original packaging. That means all Kickstarter backers will receive Arist Professional before Arist Home is released; and once the Arist Home version is ready for shipment, you will be able to trade-in your Arist Professional and receive the Arist Home with no extra cost. "

    27. Rambert Tai on March 17

      I have question regarding the size of Arist professional how big is it?... I live in Hong Kong as well and as you know size is everything for us... If the professional version is too big can we opt to not receive the professional version and just wait for the home version's release? ... The idea of the professional version being too big would be troublesome to ship back anyway...

    28. Raymond on March 17

      @Kristy Did you read the FAQ (

      The Home version will be released before the one year warranty of the
      Professional expires and backers can trade-in the Arist Professional and receive the Home
      version with no extra cost, even the shipping cost for returning the Professional will be covered.

    29. Li Yan Yam on March 17

      Some great questions answered in the FAQ. Also really happy to hear you'll cover shipping costs, I was really worried how much it would cost me to send the machine back to you.

      Are you going to post more details about the machine? What I would like to know most though is the wand the extends out that heats the milk and water temperature controlled? The reason I ask is I drink more tea than coffee and it would be awesome if I was able to heat my water to 80C then pop my green tea in.

    30. Kristy Fowles on March 17

      For us to ship items in South Africa can prove very expensive, especially since our president took it upon himself to ruin our economy recently. I'm afraid I won't even be able to afford the shipping for the exchange, and if the Arist Kickstarter had started today, I would not be bale to afford to take part in it, since the ZAR has crashed the way it has.

      Will the one we receive from this project not be worth keeping?
      If that is the case, can we hang on and rather just wait for you to ship us the better one - Since I won't be able to fund the return shipping.

    31. Tobias on March 17

      @Laurens: Thanks for the answer! I was writing another one and did not see it before I posted again. I writing from my phone so I only see a small part of the comments when writing. :)

    32. Tobias on March 17

      @arist: I saw now that my question was answered in the FAQ more or less. One thing I could not find in the FAQ was regarding other containers that was in home edition for syrup etc are they in the pro? Milk is clear that it is poured in the cup instead. Is there any pictures that you can share with us similar to the one in the campaign where you point out the containers inside of the pro version? It would be super interesting. We are longing for some more info now. :)

    33. Laurens on March 17


      You can find this in the FAQ ;)
      Here is the snippet:

      What are the differences between the different versions of Arist with regards to
      functionality, design, and price?
      Arist will be available in 3 versions: Home, Professional (the one demonstrated onstage), and
      Arist Professional is designed and manufactured based on the reviews and recommendations of
      professional baristas. The Home version is a coffeemaker with a smaller design. While the
      general brewing process and quality of coffee are the same, the biggest difference is the
      individual built-in power system components in the Arist Professional, allowing the machine to
      simultaneously grind beans, produce milk foam and boil hot water, whereas the Home version
      performs each brewing process one step at a time. We encountered unforeseeable challenges
      during the manufacturing process for the Home version, hence the delay of shipment. We also
      underestimated our capabilities on hardware production. The Commercial version is designed
      for heavy-duty users such as cafes.
      As for the price, the Home version will be sold at USD 899, Professional is priced at USD 1499,
      and price for the Commercial version will be undisclosed.

    34. Raymond on March 17

      Thanks. Can you share the dimensions of the Arist Professional?

    35. Tobias on March 17

      @creator: Thanks for the update and the positive news! :)
      I have not looked at the FAQ yet but I have one question. What is the difference between pro edition an home edition? I have not seen that info anywhere.

      Last but not least keep up the good work!! :)