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[–]redditalias7 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

This is a legitimate question in my opinion. The current cultural line is that vagina's can't be stretched out big big D's permanently because they are somehow magically elastic. But I think this is feel good blue pill culture. Look at some BBC porn and see girls hella stretched out by 11 inch monsters...you think she's gonna feel much going to 6 inch dude after that?

It's only anecdotal, but I've dated girls in Asia that were really tight at first and after a year or so of aggressive banging they lost that tightness. Also anecdotal but I've been with maybe 10 or so mothers and they are almost always looser if they've had a kid.

[–]VictoriaLovesGlitter 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I promise it isn't magic, and even your own body is full of elastic tissue. I'm assuming you've been with a girl before, and also assuming that she used tampons at some point in her life after being with you without it falling out. Either her vagina is elastic, and wasn't permanently stretched out by you, or you have a dick the size of a tampon. A mother may be loser after having a kid, but her vagina doesn't stay full baby sized either.

And honestly, regarding your anecdotal evidence the girls in Asia sound like they got tired of sleeping with you. When a woman is excited her vagina will contract/hug your wiener. Not so excited, not so much wiener hugging.

It probably goes against TRP, but if you want to fuck a girl and feel her squeeze you from the inside you need to get her aroused. Or somehow find yourself a chick who is religious about working on her pelvic muscles.