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[–]Davidkpa -6 points-5 points-4 points  (3 children)
Good points, but let's play as the devil. The entitled people you will plan to profit from, I'll be feeding to my hogs and using the remains of to make soap and various other things (in all fairness I have cannibalistic cravings I've never given into and have no plan of giving into, it's too 90's for my tastes).
The collapse would necessitate a liquidation of a great deal of the non-agrarian population to allow for sustainable food and crop raising. The liquidation would happen as a result of starvation, lacking medical care, mass riots and targeting by human predators (one of which would be me).
And again, something to think on, slavery would likely make a come back, and not the gentle master's plantation kind but the horrific shit most people don't know about. So be ready to fight for your freedom (I am), as I'm personally not against implanting explosives into human bodies and attaching the detonators to chains so those attempting escape would suffer immediate death. And those who didn't survive the implant, would be fed to my hogs and their fellow slaves.
It's an ugly future a part of me would like to avoid, another part, not so much.
Your last point brings up the open doors each scenario invites.
[–]Quizlyx 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
Are you the main guy from the SAW series?
[–]TheVictor333 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
This is some Fallout 3 shit right here.
[–]Davidkpa -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
Never played it, keep meaning to. But I did play Fallout New Vegas. They used explosive collars, I prefer implanted body explosives. Much harder and trickier to disarm, especially if you remove a kidney and replace it with an explosive.
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