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[–]Anen-o-meConcurrent-Nomocracy: "Rule of the self by the self." 1ポイント2ポイント  (8子コメント)

Shift to blue-chip corporate debt? How many companies died in the Crash of '29. And if the dollar hyperinflates, companies will happily pay off their debtholders for pennies on the dollar. And hyperinflation would be an attractive way of eliminating US debt, indeed world debt; ie: repudiation, or a global debt reset.

I could easily, easily see such a thing coming about as part of a global agreement that also forms a world government.


[–]Cole7rainThe guy you REALLY want to have a beer with.[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

Over the next 20 years I think we will see be a battle between agoristic crypto-currency markets (think Monero and DASH, not bitcoin) and the globalists. It could honestly go either way, either we go full on new world order.... or socialism dies.

Exciting times to say the least.

[–]Anen-o-meConcurrent-Nomocracy: "Rule of the self by the self." 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

That's why I say we live in a key moment in history, and have to take action before a global government is thrust upon us.

We know they want to do it.

[–]Cole7rainThe guy you REALLY want to have a beer with.[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

The actions that will make the most significant impact will be counter-economics. Political action is a side-show IMO, the success of cryptocurrency markets will draw more and more people out of the fog of socialism.

The goal is the legitimization of the idea of a free-market for the fundamental instrument of human commerce: Currency.

[–]Anen-o-meConcurrent-Nomocracy: "Rule of the self by the self." 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Counter economics is most effective outside state jurisdiction, ie: the ocean, space.

If they have a world government they will claim world jurisdiction. Things will become that much harder.

[–]Cole7rainThe guy you REALLY want to have a beer with.[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

If they have a world government they will claim world jurisdiction.

It won't happen, we're too smart for them now. We only need 10% of the population to side with us, that's how much power our ideas hold. The laws of the universe are on our side, and they supersede man's law.

[–]Anen-o-meConcurrent-Nomocracy: "Rule of the self by the self." 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

We only need 10% of the population to side with us

We won't get that at this rate for another 200 years, in the US alone. What's your radical plan to get to 10%?

I have mine.

[–]Cole7rainThe guy you REALLY want to have a beer with.[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

this rate

The rate will change as circumstances worsen. This will all be decided in the next few decades.

Seasteading seems like pretty much a joke from my perspective, nothing other than a prohibitively expensive attempt to run away from the problem rather than face it head on.

[–]seinfan9God, Guns, Gold, Liberty 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

A world empire wouldn't last very long. No matter the technology used to attempt to track and neutralize anybody they perceive as a threat, the political elite will be under constant attack both physically and through cyberspace.

Even in the event that they attempt to hoard energy resources and block access to the internet, plenty of people would be clever and resourceful enough to find ways to connect online and do something to cause chaos amongst those they are trying to fight. Planting fake evidence of attempted coups or giving orders to a military group to attack their own allies. Although it will be a time of the most oppressive tyranny, the people are simply squeezed faster to react in a defensive manner.