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[–]Davidkpa 41ポイント42ポイント  (50子コメント)

As a white man, I long for the collapse. Too many liberals and SJWs running about living and surviving off the foundation put in place by masculine men. Let the system implode, riots in the streets, mass starvation and migration, mass medical deaths from lack of basic medical care. The survivors will be better off having their lessers purged from the gene pool.

As to the issues of Race, I always like to toss out an uncomfortable hand grenade. Do white people need black people anymore? I think we need Asians to some degree (doctors, medical researches, sushi, etc.), and maybe even Indians (against doctors, medical researches, indian food), but if all the black people in America left and went to Africa. Would white Americans lose out?

I doubt it. Oh sure, some oligarchs in the Prison-Industrial complex, food stamp industrial complex, and the music recording industry would lose out, but oligarchs are expendable to begin with.

This country is getting tight on resources and jobs, it may be time to start collecting wagons and circling them.

[–]VeganRedPill 13ポイント14ポイント  (8子コメント)

Seriously. The real fucking irony of all this race baiting is it really has made me a bit of a racist. I used to like black people. I used to help women I don't know. They killed the only people who wanted to help them and betrayed us for our kindness. Good. It's a big relief not having to empathize with these dead weight idiots anymore.

[–]Davidkpa 16ポイント17ポイント  (5子コメント)

A big tragedy is that most black people are good people. Most black people just want to have a job, have a family, and do well for themselves and their family. It can definetly be argued that whites never appropriately aided blacks in helping blacks gain equal footing with whites but the time for that was back right after the Civil War with the whole 40 Acres and a Mule bit using former slaves to colonize the west virtually leading them to the promised land out of the south like Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt. America failed to do that and now reaps the tragedy of failing to do it.

I've worked with and come to know many black doctors, lawyers, business owners and just plain good people over the years. They tend to want to avoid the bullshit raised by the BLM types. Because they've put in the hardwork and sacrifice to make good in life just like we all have to do. It's the lazy scum that are the problem (the usual problem in any race, especially the white race as far as I'm concerned).

So don't hate black people, just be aware of what's going on and where you are likely going to be forced to stand or sit on your knees. Stand with those who do, not those who demand to be given free shit for being worthless.

[–]VeganRedPill 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

It's not like I hate black people now. But there was a distinct paradigm shift. I no longer assume good until proven bad. I see the individuals as bad until proven good, the same way I assume slut until proven clean. The facts don't lie - blacks are extremely violent and in my personal anecdotal experience I have met a huge number of shady blacks and only a handful of virtuous blacks I was happy to call "friend."

[–]Copenhagen23 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

You were downvoted but i balanced it because it is true even if it's harsh. Assume Black men are violent. If you let your guard down around a group of hyped up Black youths, you're asking to get "K.O. punched". My girl is from Jamaica and she agrees with this view. It didn't take her long to figure out American Blacks are much more aggressive and violent than Jamaican Blacks.

[–]Purecorrupt -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I just prefer to not trust anyone. "Great all drivers as if they are bad drivers."

AWALT... AMALT... Black people are violent example robbing/prison/etc. whatever. White people are too with the shootings and all that shit. Whatever. People are violent. I would say my take on it could be a little stressful if you go about treating everyone with no benefit of the doubt. It's just easier to stereotype poor/rachet/hick versus other in my opinion more than colour.

One thing that can make you resentful is the unexpected. When a stand-up white guy cut-throat cheats you out of something it won't feel like as much of a color thing than a human nature thing.

[–]Wilreadit -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

It's the lazy scum that are the problem

Yes. And I say that the numbers of lazy scum in black race is just as much as in any other race. But in any other race, your community will kick your ass to the streets if you want to sit by on your bum with your friends on the hood doing nothing. It is considered OK. And that pollutes the message that they send their young.

[–]RedMoonAscendant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I guess the brigade is out en force. Your comment modded into oblivion. Sad.

[–]Wilreadit 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Same here man. I 'ACTUALLY' want equality for races. But the blacks would never surrender their 'victims of institutional racism-get out of hardship' card ever to eke a life of hardwork and winnings. I am Asian and the only race per se who play victim when things aren't going their way and who play 'gangsta' when in their own zone are blacks. No one else does that. Not the latinos, not the whites, not the asians, not the indians.

[–]RedMoonAscendant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

This this this so much fucking THIS.

[–]flat6turbo 12ポイント13ポイント  (7子コメント)

i'm not white but i can sense the tension between whites and latinos and blacks. it's increasing. the political climate isn't helping.

buy guns and ammo, and learn how to use them.

[–]shitlordvaldemort 6ポイント7ポイント  (5子コメント)

When you force people who do not share the same culture, ethnicity, or values to be in close proximity to each other, then they are going to fight.

[–]Polaris382 11ポイント12ポイント  (3子コメント)

I think a perhaps bigger issue is the shaming going on, as mentioned here. I do NOT consider myself racist at all (I mean my LTR is Haitian and my best friend is a black Muslim just for starters), but I do fall a bit on the side of "conservative" and I get REALLY sick of all this "evil white man" SJW type nonsense. It shouldn't be "racist" to want to enforce immigration laws or "islamophobic" to want to take precautions against a group that has shown to have a substantial enough number of violent radicals to be concerned. National Security should not take a back seat to feels.

Also, as far as white men...well you know conquest has been going on by all races throughout human history. Just because whites happened to be quite successful at it doesnt mean we should feel "guilt" and all this nonsense. Also, PC or not, how many countless advances have been made by white men? Yet this is the group the far left and SJWs constantly want to berate. God forbid if we ever reach a tipping point where things get pushed too far, and white men get too fed up...we've seen what pissed off white men can do if they decide to commit to violence and the like.

[–]RedMoonAscendant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Who started black slavery in the USA? A black man.

Who abolished slavery in USA? Whites.

Ponder this.

[–]Sawagurumi -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

I agree with everything you say here, but to reinforce shitlordvoldermort's point, it is a historical fact that when you have very different cultures in close proximity you get violence. This is why multiculturalism is so retarded, it isn't as if we didn't have a historical precedent. This is particularly the case with Islam at this point in time (and in fact, pretty much for its whole existence), it has a long history of violence against other cultures which we see again pretty much every day. But the thing that makes it particularly dangerous for us is the suicidal tendencies in our own culture, where somehow things like 'political correctness' is even a thing, and where western people take up against their own culture, even supporting inferior cultures that bring nothing but mayhem, violence, death and poverty to any country unfortunate enough to fall under it.

After 'international women's day' being celebrated at work, they are now crowing about a 'women's appreciation month' or some such. Yet the fact is that for over a hundred years this company was built and made strong by men, yet there is no 'men appreciation month' or even acknowledgement that there was an International Men's Day. How fucked up is that?

[–]Polaris382 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Honestly, I consider myself much more of a "Centrist". I get what you are saying though.

Ive experienced so many different cultures, and from a young age have always enjoyed doing so. Its nice to get different views, perspectives, experiences, all that...and I greatly respect them as long as they respect mine.

I like to maintain a level of "Open mindedness", but once there is a certain line. Come into a white country and demand certain things, disrespect the people, commit crimes, or just the idiotic far left white population wanting to cuck its own people, etc...then I begin to take serious issues with that, and I feel that is simply taking advantage of those more "open minded". Also those people acting idiotic like BLM or the Radical Muslims, or rapefugees in Europe should be dealt with swiftly and seriously- and white men should not be shamed/discouraged against/or guilt tripped for doing so. I get what you are saying about it just being easier to avoid it all together, but then there are plenty of white idiots as well so Im not sure...it just idiots should be addressed as idiots and "minorities" should be held to the same standard as whites. I think its far more racist to hold them to a LOWER standard like the left wants to do.

The Women's stuff I wont get into. Im sure you already gathered what I would think of that. Its another good illustration through of the far left run amok.

[–]The__Tren__Train 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

white person here (obvi).

blacks don't even get along with each other (E.G. Chicago, South Central, Oakland, Compton, Hayward, etc.)

there is animosity between light-skinned blacks, and dark-skinned blacks as well.

Same with Hispanics.. between Native-born central Americans and those born in the US.

it's insane. I have no idea why they can't just get along.

they are like Sunni and Shia muslims

[–]Wilreadit 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

And to speak nothing of the tension between black vs the other minorities.

Blacks have always played the slavery card to gain sympathy and be the entitled minority in the US political sphere. Suddenly they were overtaken by other minorities. Hispanic food and music became popular. Asians with their nerdy scientists. Africans(Continental) with their education.

Suddenly, no one wants to placate you. They all have other minorities. You can't just get by with the criminal rap and the big penis and the cool dawg narrative. Life just hit reality.

[–]disposable_me_0001 11ポイント12ポイント  (9子コメント)

I'm not sure if you're joking or not. Whether one group needs another is totally beside the point.

Most, if not all socioeconomic strife is the rich versus the poor. All this other stuff you see about christians versus atheist versus muslims or jews versus asians or whites versus blacks, all of it, is the rich pitting different groups of poor people against each other so none of them keep the eye on the ball.

SJWs? They are the fucking idiot vanguard of this trend. Making a giantic fucking fuss about microaggressions or some shit, when the real damage is done by the rich raping everyone in broad daylight.

[–]Davidkpa -2ポイント-1ポイント  (6子コメント)

Not all comedy is a joke. But thank you for picking up on a piece of what I was attempting. Yes, the uber rich, the .1% (not the 1%), are responsible for virtually all strife in the U.S., and probably most parts of Europe. Trust me, I'm all for killing off the .1% en mass. I even have a shirt that says "Eat The Rich" that I wear with glee.

I work with rich people. The shit they get away with is ridiculous. I'm a lawyer, I made a big part of fortune helping them fuck people over and a lesser part of it helping people they were attempting to fuck over. And I'm just running with the 1% crowd, not the .1% crowd.

But human nature is selfish and myopic, thus why nothing will get fixed till the country is broken. Sad but necessary thing.

[–]Wilreadit -1ポイント0ポイント  (5子コメント)

Trust me, I'm all for killing off the .1% en mass.

The times have changed, I would really love for you to try that and be alive.

[–]Davidkpa -1ポイント0ポイント  (4子コメント)

Oh they certainly have. It's why I haven't attempted it. Plus my life is quite comfy and nice. Why fuck up a good thing?

[–]Wilreadit -1ポイント0ポイント  (3子コメント)

What I meant to say was French revolution ain't gonna happen anymore. There is an incentive to be richer and that is this.

Being a lawyer for the 1pc does not make you any closer to fighting the 0.01pc(Networth above 100mil USD). They are way stronger, way smarter and they wrote the rules of the game.

[–]WiseOldEnemy 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

Even an elephant dies to bacteria

[–]Wilreadit 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Totally irrelevant. A stronger elephant can easily crush a weaker, starved, dumb, blind and slow moving elephant.

[–]WiseOldEnemy 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

A bear can kill a mountain lion!

[–]Wilreadit -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Well no one is forcing you to believe in any narrative. If you or anyone else can find the right avenue and apply yourself you can shape the world to your convenience. In short, everyone has a reasonable shot at being rich. But that is not gonna happen if you are always playing the victim.

[–]disposable_me_0001 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, I notice a lot of white people have this attitude. They got everything from their own talent and hard work. It's quite striking, really.

[–]aa223 9ポイント10ポイント  (9子コメント)

As a spanish man I also hope the collapse comes. After all when it does come I profit while the rest of the entitiled scum will need people like me to fix their stuff. I mean who else will mow their lawn for $5/hr?

And allow me to toss that grenade back. You are claiming that we need certain races due to them occupying certain professions. However, would anything change if we threw out everyone? Let us say we make America into a white nation again would it matter? People will adapt and take up professions anyway. There were white doctors and different types of food before immigrants came.

You don't think there can be a white sushi chef who can learn in Japan and bring back the skill and expertise here? You don't think that a white man can go into east Asia or India and learn the skills you think we need from those races? The truth is that no one would lose out. I mean there will be an initial loss but adapting will happen.

People can also travel to experience the "authentic culture" as well if you are talking about that. The truth is that race isn't a factor in terms of professions. Just because a certain race dominates a profession doesn't mean only that race can pursue that profession.

[–]Wilreadit 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

No collapse will affect a man who is willing to adapt and learn. But if you have always parasited off of others and played the victim, the vacation will be over.

[–]bigchiefslapaho99 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

Race is a factor in regards to types of professions. Certain races/ethnicities - i.e. whites, East Asians, Jews - have higher innate, average IQs than others - for example, blacks, hispanics, etc. Professions that require individuals with higher IQs, such as medicine, law, engineering, etc., are usually filled by people of races/ethnicities with higher average IQs.

What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter how much you try to educate someone with a low average IQ, say, an IQ of less than 100. That person is never going to become a physicist. There is a spectrum of IQ scores of people of every race, and some of those people, in each race, will have IQs high enough to be proficient in high-IQ-required professions. But it is also the case that other races/ethnicities - like whites, asians, Jews - have more people with high enough IQs to fill those professions than other races.

Let me ask you this: Do you believe that there are differences in average IQ between races/ethnicities?

[–]aa223 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Well there are obvious differences in IQ between races and ethnicities. However, this is about professions and if only one race was living in this piece of land we call America. They would adapt and they would take up a lot of the professions that races like Asians for example would normally take. There are smart and dumb people in every race, the amount just varies from race to race.

[–]TekkomanKingz[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well there are obvious differences in IQ between races and ethnicities.

No, the only difference is in who breeds the most and who doesn't. Slave masters made sure to have the dumbest biggest Black Men fuck and the intelligent slaves who learned how to read are hung from the trees and burned. Of course there were slaves who were smart enough to conceal their intelligence through various means, so this is why not all of us are dumb as shit like many of you think.

This may sound familiar - Selective breeding. Notice how most Africans have no problem scoring the highest on exams in Ivy league schools compared to the sons and daughters of slaves - Learn American history.

[–]Copenhagen23 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

As a White electrician living in North East US. Yes it would matter. The majority of construction workers are White. There are many Latino laborers doing roofing, siding, and drywall, but overall I never see non-White contractors, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and HVAC techs. Why these trades have very few non-Whites is beyond me.

If the hiring of illegal workers had a punishment that was actually enforced, there would hardly be any Latinos at all in the construction trades. There is no doubt they are all payed like shit. But they ARE paid.

[–]OneRedYear 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

Here's the better question on race. Is 50% of male population necessary? Automation is on a course to anwser no. We will get down to the owners and the amount of men needed to keep the machines running. 80% of men will become disposable in the wake of the Automation Revolution. So keep aruging over races as they race to replace all who are not owners or STEM workers with machines.

[–]TekkomanKingz[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yep I'm looking to be an owner for that exact reason.

[–]1SH1TR0CK 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I would argue that a huge chunk of people are a bunch of useless pieces of shit, despite of race.

Like my brother always says "People are idiots, until proven otherwise"

[–]Davidkpa 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think you are correctly, and your brother speaks the truth.

[–]yomo86 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

You want to see the death of a almost 100% secular nations of producers look to France and Germany. Count to 3. I mean years and boom. It was all over the news in the UK people are getting weapons and other means of self-defence en masse.

[–]Davidkpa 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The people are starting to wake up. They aren't quite there yet but they know more and more their governments can't and won't protect them. They'll have to do it for themselves, and perhaps retake their countries from the good intentions (and the paths to hell being paved) of SJW'ers and other fools.

[–]RedMoonAscendant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Upvoted for needing Asians for sushi.

[–]drallcom3 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

First you collapse and then a long time after that the country.