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[–]throwawaybecauseicam [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

heck, even vietnam, which nobody knew existed, pushed them back.

Lol... with chinese and russian help? and a us public demanding draw down of forces?

If we actually wanted to vietnam wouldn't exist, do not for a minute pretend we lost, we simply cut our losses and got the fuck out.

Also it doesn't matter how far apart it is from the usa. We've got the biggest air and sealift force in the world, and regional allies on china's doorstep. We'd spank them so ridiculously hard, they do not even have a blue water navy just what do you think would happen?

The only war china could win is one where we tried to invade, which we'd never do anyway. We'd just lobe bombs and missiles and china would be helpless after a few weeks maybe a couple months.