Showing posts tagged comics.

Hannah Blumenreich

Some more pages from my great big project thing. Getting really close to being done with pencils. You guys, 2016 is going to be super exciting because it’ll be when I finally get to start selling this. 

— 4 months ago with 78 notes
#it's really obvious i have no idea what goes on the ground of a forest  #is it more plants  #who knows  #comics  #process  #pencils  #The Crystal Prince 
based on the youtube footage i’ve seen, i believe the objective of the lindy hop is to attempt to murder your partner by shaking them out like a bed sheet. seems like…fun? [this is part of a set!]

based on the youtube footage i’ve seen, i believe the objective of the lindy hop is to attempt to murder your partner by shaking them out like a bed sheet. seems like…fun? 

[this is part of a set!]

— 7 months ago with 447 notes
#individual reblogs  #nightcrawler  #kitty pryde  #kurt wagner  #shadowcat  #marvel  #comics 
excuse me while i get some things out of my system

excuse me while i get some things out of my system

— 7 months ago with 1552 notes
#spider-man  #peter parker  #leonard nimoy  #bilbo baggins  #marvel  #comics 
a stupid joke (also, demonstrative of my continuing desire to have she-hulk and spider-man always appear together as bosom friends)

a stupid joke (also, demonstrative of my continuing desire to have she-hulk and spider-man always appear together as bosom friends)

— 8 months ago with 831 notes
#she-hulk  #spider-man  #marvel  #comics 
this mob scene brought to you courtesy of a katy perry concert crowd photo. (i imagine it was people demanding their money back lolllllllllllll)

this mob scene brought to you courtesy of a katy perry concert crowd photo. (i imagine it was people demanding their money back lolllllllllllll)

— 11 months ago with 13 notes
#just kidding they knew what they were getting into  #probably still worth asking for your money back though  #comics  #WIP 

ahaha oh dear, i somehow got through the entire month of march without posting anything HOW DID THAT HAPPEN. anyway, have a little sneaky peaky at this big ol’ comic project i made for myself.

— 11 months ago with 10 notes
#WIP  #comics  #The Crystal Prince