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Running Bash on Ubuntu on Windows!

17 分, 55 秒


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Running Bash on Ubuntu on Windows? Really? Yes, REALLY! In this video we’ll outline why and how we’re enabling Windows 10 to run native Linux apps and tools directly on Windows! Watch to learn more and to see Bash running on Ubuntu on Windows!


  • DonDon

    Sounds like: DOS command prompt is dead, Powershell is dead - next thing is Linux Bash.

    I would have prefered if this investment had been used to improve Powershell instead of introducing one more alternative.

  • Juan Carlos RuizJuanKRuiz JuanK

    Great! all the Web development community appreciate this a lot!! that's the real value of a company that loves their development customers.

  • NemonikNemonik

    That's it. I'm buying a Surface. Pay attention Apple, it is by how thin you make your bloody device.

  • @Don: PowerShell? Dead? FAAAAR from it! PowerShell is a fabulous tool with some incredibly powerful features that integrates deeply with Windows and most of Microsoft's platforms, technologies and tools. Unlike Bash, PowerShell enables you to pipe object graphs between commands/scripts, reducing/eliminating the need for text transformation tools like sed, awk, etc.

    Bash, on the other hand is frequently used in open-source projects and Unix/Linux based platforms. It has been added to Windows primarily to make Windows your home for developing code for all projects, platforms and devices.

    We believe you should be able to run both, using their strengths when you need them, allowing you to work how and where you prefer, from Windows.

    Please be sure to visit our Bash UserVoice and post ideas/asks/wishes - we take your feedback very seriously!

  • @JuanKRuiz: Many thanks - we're very flattered! We build this stuff for devs like you because you're like us - you just want to get your stuff done and have as much fun as you can doing it! Look forward to hearing how you get on with Bash on Ubuntu on Windows!

  • mcornellamcornella

    Lol. That history expansion at 12:38 ("Rawr!!" expands to "Rawrclear").
    It must really be the real thing haha

  • K GK G

    How many times do you say "xyz...running on ubuntu...running on windows"

  • JohnJohn


    What provides the root filesystem for the Linux subsystem? If C:\ is /mnt/c, then / clearly isn't the actual root of the NTFS filesystem.

    How are you mapping filesystem permissions between NT and POSIX? Many have tried to square this circle, but I've yet to see a really good solution.

    How do Win32 apps start Linux programs and vice versa? Windows relies on filename extensions to identify "programs", whereas Linux relies on executable bits in filesystem permissions.

    The Linux mmap system call can map on 4K page boundaries. The NT kernel (ZwMapViewOfSection) can only map on 64K boundaries. I've heard that this difference prevented prior attempts to fully emulate Linux syscalls on Windows. Did you change the Windows 10 kernel to fix this?

    Will the Linux Subsystem be included in Windows Server 2016 RTM? Nano Server?

  • MrSparcMrSparc

    Wow! Congrats team for amazing job. Now I'm dreaming the team includes this layer also in Window 10 Mobile and then I'll can run native Linux apps in my phone.... wow! A new era comes here... Microsoft loves Linux... really ;-)





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