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[–]OnRockOrSomething -9ポイント-8ポイント  (4子コメント)

If your hatred of gays trumps your desire to run a business open to the public, then close up shop. It's not that difficult.

It doesn't work that way. You can't just take away someone's livelihood because you disagree with the exact manner in which they operate. That is fascism.

Nobody is making you serve anybody. But if you serve some you serve all if you want to be open to the public.

No such thing as open to the public.

The overwhelming majority of the country is not in agreement with your opinion.

Which makes it even more important that the rights get protected. Popular speech doesn't need protections.

50 years ago the exact opposite woould be said. Consider yourself lucky that your opinions happen to be popular and you have the luxury of not having to defend them against tyranny.

[–]Werewolfdad 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

It doesn't work that way. You can't just take away someone's livelihood because you disagree with the exact manner in which they operate. That is fascism.

No its not. The business owner is choosing to not abide by the laws.

No such thing as open to the public.

Other than CostCo, Sam's, or BJs, what retail businesses aren't open to the public? Pretty sure I've been able to just walk right into every hotel, grocery store, bar, restaurant, etc I've ever gone to.

defend them against tyranny.

Do you think being required to serve black, muslim, or female patrons is tyrannical too?

[–]OnRockOrSomething 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

No its not. The business owner is choosing to not abide by the laws.

Yes it is. You have laws which violate the rights of the owner. What if they passed a law saying that a business owner could not promote any political candidate or position at their business?

Other than CostCo, Sam's, or BJs, what retail businesses aren't open to the public? Pretty sure I've been able to just walk right into every hotel, grocery store, bar, restaurant, etc I've ever gone to.

You can walk right onto my front yard as well, is that a public accommodation?

Do you think being required to serve black, muslim, or female patrons is tyrannical too?

Anything law which unjustly violates a right is Tyrannical. A law saying you can't discriminate against whites, Christians, and men is tyrannical.

[–]Werewolfdad 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes it is. You have laws which violate the rights of the owner. What if they passed a law saying that a business owner could not promote any political candidate or position at their business?

Pretty sure Citizen's United put that to rest. Its also completely unrelated to the topic at hand.

You can walk right onto my front yard as well, is that a public accommodation?

No, you're not a business inviting people in to engage in commerce.

Anything law which unjustly violates a right is Tyrannical. A law saying you can't discriminate against whites, Christians, and men is tyrannical.

You really like Ron Paul don't you?