Coin Center Opens Nominations for the 2016 Blockchain Awards

(@coindesk) | Published on March 30, 2016 at 15:00 BST

BCawards-CCThe Blockchain Awards, last held in 2014, are returning as part of the first Coin Center Annual Dinner.

This gala affair, held in New York City alongside Consensus 2016, will be an evening for the digital currency and blockchain community to come together and celebrate a year of achievement in moving this promising technology forward.

The awards will highlight companies and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the digital currency and blockchain industry over the last year.

Awards will be made in the following categories:

  • Bitcoin Champion of the Year
  • Best New Startup
  • Most Insightful Journalist
  • Most Promising Consumer Application
  • Most Significant Technical Achievement.

CoinDesk readers will have two weeks to nominate their picks in each of these five categories using the form below. Following that, a panel of judges will choose three finalists per category. A second, one-week voting period will then be opened for CoinDesk readers to choose the winners from those finalists.

Finally, the awards will be presented by industry sponsor Blockchain during the event on May 2nd, 2016.

Along with a special presentation of the 2016 Blockchain Awards, the gala will feature keynotes from Representative Mick Mulvaney, a US Congressman who established himself as an early champion for digital currency technology in Congress, and veteran investor Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures.

Cast your vote in our poll below:

Tickets for the Coin Center Annual Dinner are still available. Visit for details and sponsorship information.

Ballot image via Shutterstock

Coin CenterConsensus 2016Events

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