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The Meltdown

by · 5 months ago

And so it begins.

And so it begins.

I took over a long defunct subreddit used only for link spam, the one and only mod had been shadow banned. About 4 months later I start getting these messages, and spam posted to my subreddits. All of these messages are over the course of 3 or so weeks, the admins banned about 5 of his accounts.

He posts a thread like this every couple months.

He posts a thread like this every couple months.

Posted to one of my subreddits.

Posted to one of my subreddits.

His twitter, he also sent a bunch of harassing tweets.

His twitter, he also sent a bunch of harassing tweets.

He gave up after a week or two later.

He gave up after a week or two later.

Yeah, he mad.

He sent hundreds of messages to me, probably using bots.

A true badass

He followed my post history for awhile

Better brace myself, we got a badass here.

He gave up.

So much for "forever"

The most epic meltdown ever.
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