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(Today, 10:27 PM)
atbigelow's Avatar
Was making my own topic on this. My OP:

One of the most charming and passionate Nintendo employees, Alison Rapp, was terminated today.


She was part of a GG smear campaign painting her as a pedophile apologist and under constant barrage by them.

Guess they can put a notch in their belt. Someone is ruining gaming and it definitely wasn't Ali.
(Today, 10:27 PM)
NinjaCoachZ's Avatar
Based on some of her other tweets, it sounds like Gamergaters contacted Nintendo as part of their "pedophile" smear campaign and that led to the firing.

Fuck Gamergate. How can anyone think this is a movement with any merit is beyond me. It's absolutely transparent what their intentions are.

Worse yet is Nintendo falling for their bullshit. I am genuinely disappointed in NoA. Unbelievable.

I just... I need a minute. From all I have heard they seemed to be a safe and inclusive employer. But this succumbing to a hate group is completely reprehensible. Nintendo should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.
Last edited by NinjaCoachZ; Today at 10:31 PM.
(Today, 10:27 PM)
Wilsongt's Avatar
Whaaaaaaaaaat? Is this because of GG?
(Today, 10:27 PM)
GulAtiCa's Avatar
Fucking shit. Fucking Nintendo. Fucking Gamergate.

Stand up for your employees.
(Today, 10:28 PM)
Memory's Avatar
Expected, she was cool but her statements on the whole pedo issue were not inline with a company like Nintendo.
Was it over when the Russians bombed Gaza? Hell no!
(Today, 10:28 PM)
SuperSah's Avatar
Amir0x Remembers
(Today, 10:28 PM)
Entropia's Avatar
Reading her timeline and what lead to her employment termination... wow. That's disgusting and sad.
(Today, 10:28 PM)
DNAbro's Avatar
Nintendo should be ashamed that they backed down to a dedicated hate campaign.
(Today, 10:28 PM)
KarmaCow's Avatar
From the wording of that tweet, shame on Nintendo.
Junior Member
(Today, 10:28 PM)
moondoggerr's Avatar
This is a bad bad business.
(Today, 10:28 PM)
Bananastand's Avatar
Absolute terrible news. Really a poor look for Nintendo for letting these horrible people get what they want.
on the brink of disasrer
(Today, 10:28 PM)
Exterminieren's Avatar
What an utterly garbage situation.

Shame on Nintendo for buckling to a hate group.
(Today, 10:28 PM)
Nudull's Avatar
Piss off, Nintendo. And I say this as a fan.
not licensed in your state
(Today, 10:28 PM)
DrFunk's Avatar
(Today, 10:28 PM)
James Scott's Avatar
There was a cofounder of a foundation accusing her of being pro-pedophiles and telling Nintendo to terminate her position. Probably what resulted in her termination. I'll try and find it
@JamieWalton of the Wayne's Foundation is calling Nintendo out on employing Alison.
Seems like GG got to her. Not sure if a thread was made.
I believe there was a thread about it.
Last edited by James Scott; Today at 10:32 PM.
purveyor and connoisseur
of fine gaming specimens
(Today, 10:29 PM)
jiji's Avatar
Fuck Gamergate.
(Today, 10:29 PM)
BiggNife's Avatar
What the fuck, Nintendo. Why are you giving in to a hate group.
(Today, 10:29 PM)
Wilsongt's Avatar
Originally Posted by SuperSah
(Today, 10:29 PM)
Altazor's Avatar
fuck this situation.
(Today, 10:29 PM)
Rats Off To Ya's Avatar
Fuck this. Fuck you, Nintendo.
don't ask me for codes
(Today, 10:29 PM)
Tempy's Avatar
So Nintendo is a GamerGate supporter now? Wow.
(Today, 10:29 PM)
PsychoRaven's Avatar
WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!

Ok this is the straw that broke the camels back. Gamergaters need to be removed from this planet. This woman didn't do shit to anyone. And yea fuck you Nintendo. I won't be buying any more of your products for this shit.
(Today, 10:29 PM)
FHIZ's Avatar
Wow, way to go Nintendo, not like this reflects poorly on you or anything.

(Today, 10:29 PM)
omnislayer's Avatar
Yeah fuck those gamergate assholes that got her fired.
It definitely wasn't deserved.
(Today, 10:29 PM)
Azuran's Avatar
Absolutely disgusting both from Nintendo and those brainless GG assholes.

I'm ashamed I share a hobby with people like that.
Junior Member
(Today, 10:29 PM)
gardfish's Avatar
Fuck Gamergate.
(Today, 10:29 PM)
BUNTING1243's Avatar
The legacy of Gamergate. disgusting assholes
(Today, 10:29 PM)
Fantomas's Avatar
Well that's fucking depressing, working at Nintendo was pretty much her dream job.
(Today, 10:29 PM)
KojiKnight's Avatar
This is absolutely horrible, the entire thing with her thesis promoting pedophilia was absolutely ridiculous (I did a quick write up about it in that thread).

How in the HELL did Nintendo listen to gamergaters on this? Prepare yourselves gentlemen and ladies... This is just going to embolden these a-holes to dig deeper on everyone they display to try and get them fired.
(Today, 10:29 PM)
Nintendo, you evil communist country.
no more brown bags for my meals
(Today, 10:29 PM)
Vince McMahon's Avatar
Originally Posted by James Scott
There was a cofounder of a foundation accusing her of being pro-pedophiles and telling Nintendo to terminate her position. Probably what resulted in her termination. I'll try and find it
Yeah, that's when things got really bad.

And seriously, good luck explaining to the Board of Directors why nothing was done about this, when they hear what they hear and bring it in. Depending on your BoD that shit ain't easy to communicate.
Trust no one!
Keep your laser handy!
(Today, 10:30 PM)
SalsaShark's Avatar
damn Nintendo stand up for your employees
(Today, 10:30 PM)
Blackquill's Avatar
This is absolutely disgusting, both from these gamergates childrens and Nintendo, which didn't even protects her employee but stabbed her in the back instead.

I'm just incredibly sorry for her, I hope she will finds a new job asap
The Birthday Skeleton
(Today, 10:30 PM)
KingSnake's Avatar
Awful news. Empowering the bullies. Not what I would have expected from Nintendo.
(Today, 10:30 PM)
J@hranimo's Avatar
This is not a good look for Nintendo at all.

Smh. Deplorable.
(Today, 10:30 PM)
NotLiquid's Avatar
Disappointed as fuck at Nintendo for not standing their ground for an employee who was clearly the victim.

Angry as fuck at the mob that managed to push the issue this far.

What a shitty evening all around.
(Today, 10:30 PM)
Mashing's Avatar
I don't know the lady, but I feel for her if she was fired because of the GG fucks.
Junior Member
(Today, 10:30 PM)
Not a Nintendo fan and don't really know the Treehouse people... but this is really upsetting.

Gamergate needs to be stopped ASAP. And shocking to see Nintendo acually listenes to cyber bullies.... I mean WTF...
Tomodachi wa Mahou
(Today, 10:30 PM)
darkside31337's Avatar
Nintendo deserves every single bit of flak they get for caving to those assholes. Shameful.
Junior Member
(Today, 10:30 PM)
This makes NoA look terrible! Unless something comes out unrelated regarding her job performance, but even then it's just downright unseemly.
(Today, 10:30 PM)
Myggen's Avatar
Originally Posted by SuperSah
Read the second post of this thread.
(Today, 10:30 PM)
JonnyDBrit's Avatar
So Nintendo picked the worst possible ending on this.
(Today, 10:30 PM)
Warm Machine's Avatar
Fucking video games man. Every day I distance myself more and more away.
(Today, 10:30 PM)
DocSeuss's Avatar
It always sucks when someone loses their job, but I'm kinda torn because I wasn't a big fan of hers at all.

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