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[–]kittyburritto 20ポイント21ポイント  (27子コメント)

This is obviously someone airing a grievance about that recent post vilifying /u/AstonishingSpiderMan but honestly through that whole comment section I only saw 1 mod actually act like a mod. the rest of you, Spiderman included, acted like childeren and used your positions as mods to make your comments regarding the the refuting of accusations more visible. That isn't what the mod flair is for and you shouldn't have had it on at the time of your comments.

NOW if you made a separate post as a mod that's a different story because then it's not seen as trying to suppress or control comments on somebody else's post.

I personally believe spidey is kind of a hypocrite but that's for the mod team to discuss with him. I can personally just write off his comments if I feel he's being unfair but to report him? That's just too much effort

[–]KenadianH[M] 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

That isn't what the mod flair is for and you shouldn't have had it on at the time of your comments.

I'll have to disagree with you on this. The mod flair is used whenever we are speaking in the position of a moderator. In the thread posted by Power_of_Pie, it was necessary that we distinguish ourselves because his thread was directed at the mod team, specifically AstonishingSpiderMan. It was very well a moderator issue, so I decided that it would be the responsible thing to do if I marked all of my mod-related comments in the thread. This serves two purposes:

  1. The comment can immediately be recognized as a moderator response to a moderator issue, and

  2. It leaves a log in the moderator log so we can always track the comment down if we ever need it for any accountability issues in the future.

I only made 4 comments in the thread, all of which were distinguished by the mod flair:

  • Comment 1

    • This was the comment I posted which included a picture of the reason why Power_of_Pie was removed from the mod team.
    • I believe my decision to distinguish this comment was justified because I am presenting evidence from a moderator's perspective to backup Ajuaju's argument that was regarding the thread by Power_of_Pie.
  • Comment 2

    • This comment was in response to Waqster94 who wanted clarification on whether the moderators may have misinterpreted Power_of_Pie's comment as a joke. I gave Waqster94 some background relating to the image I posted earlier in Comment 1.
    • My justification for distinguishing this comment was because it is a direct follow up to Comment 1.
  • Comment 3 (links back to #2)

    • This comment links to Comment #2. TheUltimateTeigu had a similar question to Waqster94, so I asked him to read my response to Waqster94, which is Comment #2.
    • The comment was distinguished for the same justification as Comment #2, in addition to allowing all users to recognize this to be a statement from the moderators in response to Power_of_Pie's thead.
  • Comment 4

    • This comment was different from the previous three. It was in response to JuviaOfTheDeep who said they were being harassed via PM. I directed the user to report it to Reddit's admins, but they told me it has already stopped because AstonishingSpiderMan already made the report.
    • Now, my justification for distinguishing this comment was because JuviaOfTheDeep (technically, it was their former account but the person running the account is the same person) was involved in an incident involving another user who publicly harassed her on /r/FairyTail. I sent a modmail to our modmail (so there can be a record of it and because I felt like this was a moderator issue as there were reasonable grounds to believe that the offensive incident may have taken place within the subreddit) on March 22 asking about the whereabouts regarding RainWomanJuvia (JuviaOfTheDeep's previous account). I was told by my fellow moderators that their account was removed because of trolls harassing her. This was reaffirmed when JuviaOfTheDeep commented on AstonishingSpiderMan's thread and when JuviaOfTheDeep stated in Power_of_Pie's thread that the "dirty PM's... still continued on this account". That was when I decided it would be the right decision to ask the JuviaOfTheDeep to report it to Reddit's admins.

There are definitely times when the mod flair may have been used in the wrong situations, but we'll be sure to remind each other when the mod flairs are used inappropriately in the future. However, this shouldn't be seen as a negative reflection on the mod team. I still have confidence in my fellow moderators. I still believe they are able to act professionally when dealing with mod-related issues.

Thank you for expressing your concerns about the mod team.

[–]AstonishingSpiderMan -2ポイント-1ポイント  (25子コメント)

I will try and a better mod. I apologize for all of it. However, In that said post all I did was give my side of the story as well as the rest of the story.

[–]kittyburritto 6ポイント7ポイント  (24子コメント)

and you have every right to give your side of the story but i think its inappropriate to do so as a mod and not as a normal community member. i just think commenting in mod mode should be for inforcing decorum and rules all other purposes should be done as a normal commentor.

also if your worried about people thinking you're a Hypocrite i'd say do the best you can. you are human but so am i and i can do my part to react in a way that isnt... explosive.

i dont hate you or any of the mods i just disagree with some of the things you do and some of your methodology. but thats normal right?

[–]hitrho5 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm confused. What do you mean by commenting in mod mode? Are you referring to the mods' ability to sticky comments within a thread?

[–]kittyburritto 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Mods have 2 different commenting modes. one is a normal mode that everybody uses the other highlights their name and puts an "m" next to their name on all posts made in this commenting mode.

[–]AstonishingSpiderMan -1ポイント0ポイント  (3子コメント)

That is normal, I like that. What I don't like are some of the reports and the racial slurs and ignorance in some of them.

[–]kittyburritto 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

yeah that sucks and i hope you dont have to put up with the false reports and the slurs anymore.

i honestly think your hearts are in the right place when it comes to what you guys do i just dont agree with all of it. i know you guys will work it out like always and we can move on to discussion of a less meta nature

[–]AstonishingSpiderMan -5ポイント-4ポイント  (1子コメント)

I hope so but I doubt it.

[–]-WhenTheyCry- 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well with an attitude like that, husbando

Be positive. This will all work itself out.

[–]GooseRider960 -2ポイント-1ポイント  (17子コメント)

and you have every right to give your side of the story but i think its inappropriate to do so as a mod


but seriously because he's a mod he isn't allowed to share his side of the story?

[–]kittyburritto 2ポイント3ポイント  (16子コメント)

as a mod you can either post as a Moderator (usually your name is highlighted in lime green and there's an M next to your name) or as a normal community member (no m appears next to your name and in the case of spidey its more of a darker green highlight on his name) i believe these two modes of commenting should be used for different purposes

[–]AstonishingSpiderMan 2ポイント3ポイント  (4子コメント)

Correction for you the teal around my name is just a color I chose not one that implies I'm in Mod Mode.

The most recent comment I made as a mod was here https://www.reddit.com/r/fairytail/comments/4c2aog/week_4_lets_rage_the_stakes/d1eetav

[–]kittyburritto 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

didnt i say that? if i didnt then my mistake i was just trying to describe the difference

[–]AstonishingSpiderMan 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Well you did say I do it all the time which was incorrect so I just wanted to point that out.

Also yes I like nalu, but not once have I decided let me make the whole thing nalu just cuz. I always tell 11th hey can you do this banner for e.g 20k character Valentines Day, etc...and he chooses the images and what to put in them. I have all of our Skype conversations as proof.

[–]kittyburritto 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

i was saying you comment normally all the time not the other way around lol

and i dont care much about that stuff as much. like i said its not egregious and from what ive seen the hypocrisy is pretty minor and i kind of regret bringing it up just because im realizing how much I, as just a normal community member, have misconstrued about the nature the situation.

[–]AstonishingSpiderMan 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Honestly I just wanted to know because I was curious.

[–]11thDoctr -1ポイント0ポイント  (10子コメント)

What difference does that make..really? To the point of calling the mods children and what not? Over some color behind the username? ok.

[–]kittyburritto 1ポイント2ポイント  (9子コメント)

Mod mode is a representation of power in the sub and to use that power for personal reasons is childish to me

[–]11thDoctr 2ポイント3ポイント  (8子コメント)

A post, made by an ex-mod, about being a mod, talking about the other mods, about a disagreement between the mods, which ended with one of the mod's leaving.

..I think it makes sense why they would comment on mod mode and besides, I don't think the mods have ever commented on non-mod mode or whatever like ever so it's not like they did it specifically on these posts for their own gain. That's how their comments have always been. What exactly is the problem with that? Why do you think it is a personal reason? Please explain.

[–]kittyburritto 1ポイント2ポイント  (7子コメント)

spidey does it all the time. in fact he replied in non-mod mode to my original comment.

i think its a personal reason because the post attacked him and he defended himself. that's a very personal thing in my opinion. spidey has the right to post and to defend himself but not AS a mod because it could be seen an ethical conflict of interests to the community.

[–]11thDoctr 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

Okay. I get what you mean by what mod mode is, that was bad on my part.

Why do you think he's a hypocrite though?