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[–]AstonishingSpiderMan[M] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

1st and foremost Pie, no I didn't remove you because you and Zigmis didn't like each other.

  • You called Zigmis a giant douchebag and we (me and you) talked about how that was not acceptable.
    • That's when i also talked to /u/thezigmis and told him to redirect all the rude remarks that were aimed at you towards me.
  • You then called LazyReader2005 (who wasn't even on the thread you mentioned him in) the biggest pervert on the sub and such.
    • Having already been told by me not to disrespect users.
    • I'm not sure what subreddits you are subscribed to where Mods bashing users is acceptable but it isn't here.
  • I even wrote you lengthy pm, explaining everything.
    • Your response proved how fixated you were on the reason being it was Zigmis why you were removed.
  • I do my best to show 0 favortism towards anyone. You and everyone else is free to believe other wise.
  • My regret is being a complete asshole to /u/GoVorteX which i just told him earlier.

  • Final point, you were a mod. You could have removed his comments instead of replying to them, you could of issued a warning if you felt personally attacked.

    • Instead you didn't and you insulted users.
    • What is the point of having rules if we are going to hold ourselves above them?
  • Furthermore, before you became moderator we had a conversation on how users would try to get under your skin and how you had to be above that. How many pm's did i show you I got that were nothing but pure hatred. How many comments did we remove where my favorite character, episodes, etc were bashed along with their personal opinion about me.

I hold no hard feelings towards you at all. I mean I would have easily removed your custom flair, title, and spoke ill of you but I never did that. It's a shame you felt the need to tell the whole sub how you felt instead of telling me when I pm'd you 15 days ago.