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[–]Ajuaju[M] [スコア非表示]  (21子コメント)

Firstly, the incident with /u/thezigmis was not the only reason you were kicked. Let me give the whole story:

  • You and Zigmis got into an argument involving Miraxus, which was basically a series of insults being thrown left and right. Due to this being unacceptable behaviour for a moderator, /u/AstonishingSpiderman gave you a warning, and you promised that you would never attack a user publicly again. Spidey also asked Zigmis to stop insulting Miraxus, and redirect all his rage to him.

    • Later on, and more recently, Zigmis continued to bash Miraxus, and you defended yourself here. Could we have dealt with this situation better? Yes, we absolutely could have. Was this the reason you were removed as a moderator? No, it was not.
  • The actual reason you were removed as a moderator was because you insulted a different user in a different thread, publicly, and in a comment chain that they weren't even involved in. Since you had already been given a warning in the past, you were removed.

  • And this removal wasn't even permanent either. It was simply a temporary removal, due to you acting inappropriately as a moderator. However you jumped to conclusions and assumed this was also related to Zigmis, and decided to make your leave from the moderation team permanent, as well as leaving the subreddit itself.

  • None of us bear any grudge against you - you always did amazing work at moderating behind the scenes, and we appreciated you for that. But not removing you after you had already been given a warning would have been clear favouritism, which is why we were forced to do so.

  • You are always welcome back into the moderation team if you are willing to act as a moderator should within the subreddit, however if you are still planning on keeping your leave permanent, then so be it. I wish you the best of luck with what you decide to do next, and hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling life.
