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[–]somasora7[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (5子コメント)

I can see this potentially getting a little heated. I'm sure it won't but even so, this is a reminder to everyone to try and be civil to one another


[–]JuviaOfTheDeep [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

0_0 woah! Why did he say you have personal things to do?...this is confusing...


[–]HeavyUnderwear [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I feel like if I was a mod I'd be in the same position as pie. But lets withhold judgement until we get both sides. There's a reason why the mods didn't take this post down.

[–]snakebit1995 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Can we all not start this crap. I enjoy this sub because it's usually good for discussion and relatively drama free. I really don't want us to become one of "those subbreddits".

If there a problem discuss it amongst yourselves and don't drag other users in to try and side with you and as a result damage the community we have.

[–]Waqster94 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I don't know what to say dude

[–]Jack_n_trade [スコア非表示]  (47子コメント)

Oh great more drama, first on youtube and now one reddit!


Hey /u/JuviaOfTheDeep can you pass me the popcorn?


[–]AstonishingSpiderMan[M] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

1st and foremost Pie, no I didn't remove you because you and Zigmis didn't like each other.

  • You called Zigmis a giant douchebag and we (me and you) talked about how that was not acceptable.
    • That's when i also talked to /u/thezigmis and told him to redirect all the rude remarks that were aimed at you towards me.
  • You then called LazyReader2005 (who wasn't even on the thread you mentioned him in) the biggest pervert on the sub and such.
    • Having already been told by me not to disrespect users.
    • I'm not sure what subreddits you are subscribed to where Mods bashing users is acceptable but it isn't here.
  • I even wrote you lengthy pm, explaining everything.
    • Your response proved how fixated you were on the reason being it was Zigmis why you were removed.
  • I do my best to show 0 favortism towards anyone. You and everyone else is free to believe other wise.
  • My regret is being a complete asshole to /u/GoVorteX which i just told him earlier.

  • Final point, you were a mod. You could have removed his comments instead of replying to them, you could of issued a warning if you felt personally attacked.

    • Instead you didn't and you insulted users.
    • What is the point of having rules if we are going to hold ourselves above them?
  • Furthermore, before you became moderator we had a conversation on how users would try to get under your skin and how you had to be above that. How many pm's did i show you I got that were nothing but pure hatred. How many comments did we remove where my favorite character, episodes, etc were bashed along with their personal opinion about me.

I hold no hard feelings towards you at all. I mean I would have easily removed your custom flair, title, and spoke ill of you but I never did that. It's a shame you felt the need to tell the whole sub how you felt instead of telling me when I pm'd you 15 days ago.

[–]Thehypershadow [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

What content does he make for the sub?


[–]MyKillYourDeath [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

These are troubling times in the kingdom.

[–]RetardedOnTuesdays [スコア非表示]  (32子コメント)

This isn't surprising, honestly. Also, why did it take you this long to say it?


[–]Mavis_Vermilion [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I'm glad to see nobody is jumping to take sides without knowing the whole story, that restored a lot of my faith in this community.

Thank you for sharing your side of the story, /u/Power_of_Pie. We were all kind of wondering why you'd just up and leave with no formal goodbye.

That said, a mod really does need to have a thick skin. I have a HUGE amount of respect for our mod team, and I understand that they get a lot of unfair crap thrown at them, but if you are going to be a mod, you really have to be able to just take it sometimes.

[–]ExPeCtDeAtH [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This doesn't effect me at all.. I use want to say Lose* instead of loose

[–]oromiss [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I hate to be THAT guy but if you call someone out you should show clues. If you don't do it, it's just what side do you trust more.

About Zigmy I agree with you. Sometimes he sounds too agresive. I remember thinking if I ahould report his comment the first time I noticed him as individual. I hope the problem can be solved.

[–]LSXS10 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

starts popping popcorn "POPCORN, GETCHA POPCORN!"


[–]Keaysy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

We <3 you Power_of_Pie :)

[–]GoVorteX [スコア非表示]  (16子コメント)

I'm shocked. From one ex-mod to another, ASM is weirdly power hungry. Maybe that's not the right way to say it, but after I left I wasn't too surprised to see you (a friend of his) and now RobloxGirlClone (another good friend of his) join the moderation team.

Good luck with what you do from here forward.


[–]Azumia1 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

If this argument about ships...honestly guys...


[–]Ajuaju[M] [スコア非表示]  (21子コメント)

Firstly, the incident with /u/thezigmis was not the only reason you were kicked. Let me give the whole story:

  • You and Zigmis got into an argument involving Miraxus, which was basically a series of insults being thrown left and right. Due to this being unacceptable behaviour for a moderator, /u/AstonishingSpiderman gave you a warning, and you promised that you would never attack a user publicly again. Spidey also asked Zigmis to stop insulting Miraxus, and redirect all his rage to him.

    • Later on, and more recently, Zigmis continued to bash Miraxus, and you defended yourself here. Could we have dealt with this situation better? Yes, we absolutely could have. Was this the reason you were removed as a moderator? No, it was not.
  • The actual reason you were removed as a moderator was because you insulted a different user in a different thread, publicly, and in a comment chain that they weren't even involved in. Since you had already been given a warning in the past, you were removed.

  • And this removal wasn't even permanent either. It was simply a temporary removal, due to you acting inappropriately as a moderator. However you jumped to conclusions and assumed this was also related to Zigmis, and decided to make your leave from the moderation team permanent, as well as leaving the subreddit itself.

  • None of us bear any grudge against you - you always did amazing work at moderating behind the scenes, and we appreciated you for that. But not removing you after you had already been given a warning would have been clear favouritism, which is why we were forced to do so.

  • You are always welcome back into the moderation team if you are willing to act as a moderator should within the subreddit, however if you are still planning on keeping your leave permanent, then so be it. I wish you the best of luck with what you decide to do next, and hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling life.


[–]11thDoctr [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Pie, I like you. You know I did since the day I joined the sub and Skype chats. Hell, I even made Miraxus fanart for you. I even sent you a PM on Skype a few days ago to let you know it's not been the same since you left and I am sad over everything that had happened, which you ignored.

Truth is, I still like you. You're a cool guy and all but I don't see your point in this? But I guess it's not my place to talk about that. My only advice is, if you're claiming this as "the truth", then maybe you should show the whole truth and not just the parts you cherry picked to make Spidey look bad. You're not completely innocent in this.

[–]Jalidric [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Mod in-fighting has nothing to do with me so I don't have much of an opinion on it, but good luck on your future endeavors.

You'll be the first person I think of when Miraxus is made canon or crashes and burns!

[–]Waqster94 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I don't know what happened and I don't know the person whos in question but I know pie and I know spidey and they're both awesome I hope this gets worked out

[–]Titania_E_Scarlet [スコア非表示]  (15子コメント)

As a newcomer to this subreddit this is kind of sad... really makes me not want to post anything...


[–]emperor-spriggan [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

The amount of salt this thread will generate is going to be phenomenal


[–]GreenSickess [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

(continues looking for more nalu posts)


[–]cerealfalcon [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

My thoughts on this are only: wasn't this sub supposed to be the one of the friendliest sub? Is this true or is it not? I'd want it to be true. But I guess not.


[–]Juvia-Lockser [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Don't get yourself too worked up about this and remember that we love you no matter what <3


[–]-WhenTheyCry- [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Oh Pie...Pie...this was a bad move...

This was a really bad move on your know I love you and think the world of you but yikes yikes yikes

[–]Sm0kescreeen [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I'm gonna reserve judgement until I hear all sides to this story, and boy does it look like an interesting story.


[–]NeoChrome75 [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Damn, I took a screenshot of this just incase it gets taken down O.O

Well, all I can say is, do you have any proof of zigmis' inappropriate behavior? I mean his humor is a little dark at times, but I've never seen him attack a user or hurt anyone. So what exactly has he done that deserves this punishment you're speaking of?


[–][削除されました]  (2子コメント)



    [–]cow_co [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

    Where exactly did you "call out" ziggy, and for what? Also, I feel that this is pretty immature. There is no reason for you to bring your grievances out here. There is nothing to be gained for anyone by putting this out in public; it is between you and the mods and ziggy.

    I love you, pie, but you know as well as I that this is just juvenile spite, and it is beneath you. If you wanted to provide your side of the story to the sub as a whole (I don't see what that would accomplish, but whatever), you would provide links (to screenshots; gotta avoid dat brigading) to the cases in point. Instead, you have just posted a spiteful rant aimed at the mods.

    As far as I recall, at the time you left with relatively good grace, and now you bring this shit up? That is not on. If you objected so strongly, you should have done so immediately.

    As I say, I really don't have much against you, but I can't see this as anything other than petty spite. You're better than that.


    [–]DimensionDan [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)


    better call KEEMSTAR cause the dramas about to spark

    But on a serious note it sucks about the situation you were put on, but as the same as others I'll wait to put in my opinion as all it could do before we get both sides to the story is fan the flames in the situation.
