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A short film exploring the universality of hatred and its manifestation in the 21st century.
A short film exploring the universality of hatred and its manifestation in the 21st century.
18 backers pledged $2,530 to help bring this project to life.

About this project

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pledged of $2,500 goal


As mentioned, "Collision" is a short film that addresses the universality of hate and its manifestation in the 21st century. When an interracial couple attempts to maintain a relationship, the hatred of not only their peers, but their elders, becomes an obstacle they must overcome. 


It was early this past August (2013) that the idea for "Collision" was spawned. Shortly thereafter, we constructed a detailed calender with various deadlines to which we committed ourselves. After much writing, rewriting, editing, and networking we are currently in the very early stages of casting. Our hope is that this Kickstarter will allows us to purchase the equipment necessary in order to commence filming in late February. Below is the budget from which this Kickstarter is based: 


As ambitious college students, our hope is that we will complete filming this short by early March and be able to submit it to various film festivals (such as Austin) and generate some positive buzz. For those of you that would like to track our progress, you can like us on Facebook:

or follow us on Twitter:

If nothing else, this film will act as a spring board for future films and assist us in building our creative portfolios, which will be especially helpful in the application process for MFA programs. 

Risks and challenges

As college students our schedules are hectic. Papers, exams, extracurriculars. This may cause delays in terms of production, but we are fully prepared to wade through the chaos of scheduling conflicts and finish this film regardless of any setback we may encounter.

If we are not successful in our fundraising efforts via Kickstarter, we will be unable to continue on until further notice (whether this means revisiting Kickstarter or finding other means of fundraising). This will not deter us, however, as we are prepared to revamp and reanalyze our campaign if need be.

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    Pledge $1 or more
    About $1.00 USD

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    THE JOLT: We cannot thank you enough for your support! Because of your pledge, you will receive a personalized thank you e-mail from Paradigm Lost FIlms.

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    Pledge $5 or more
    About $5 USD

    0 backers

    THE SHOCK: You will be added to the Paradigm Lost Films e-mail list on which you will receive updates regarding production as well as a personalized thank you!

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    Pledge $10 or more
    About $10 USD

    1 backer

    THE IMPACT: Not only will you be added to the Paradigm Lost Films e-mail list, but you will receive a shout-out on both Facebook and Twitter as well as a personalized thank you e-mail.

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    Pledge $20 or more
    About $20 USD

    4 backers

    THE PANDEMIC: We're raising the stakes! For your pledge of $20, you will receive a personalized written thank you from Paradigm Lost Films as well as the previously aforementioned rewards.

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    Pledge $50 or more
    About $50 USD

    2 backers

    THE EARTHQUAKE: How would you like to show up in the credits? For your pledge of $50, you will now receive a thank you when the films wraps as well as the previously aforementioned rewards.

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    Pledge $100 or more
    About $100 USD

    3 backers

    THE CONTAGION: Woah look at you! To show our appreciation, you will receive a hardcopy of the script signed by the founders as well as the previously aforementioned rewards.

    Estimated delivery:
    Ships to: Only United States
  7. Select this reward

    Pledge $300 or more
    About $300 USD

    1 backer

    THE INFECTION: You're official! For a pledge of $300 or more you will be named as a producer in the film credits plus a signed hardcopy of the script.

    Estimated delivery:
    Ships to: Only United States
  8. Select this reward

    Pledge $500 or more
    About $500 USD

    1 backer

    THE VIRUS: Wow! Because of your pledge, you will now be named an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER in the credits and will also receive all of the aforementioned rewards including a signed copy of the script.

    Estimated delivery:
    Ships to: Only United States
  9. Select this reward

    Pledge $1,000 or more
    About $1,000 USD

    0 backers

    THE COLLISION: For your AMAZING contribution you will not only be named an executive producer, but you will also receive a hard copy of the film as well as a signed photograph of the cast and crew. This also includes a hardcopy of the script signed by the founders and all previously aforementioned rewards.

    Estimated delivery:
    Ships to: Anywhere in the world

Funding period

- (30 days)