Friday, 25 March 2016

Four best rules of diet for weight loss.

Its the diet challenge for either you will hit a weight loss challenge or not. Should you opt for vegan diet or search for food according to your Blood type. The options are multiple and their is no single criteria that can allow you for your perfect match. 

Like long term joyful relationships needs a perfect person for you, same is for weight loss which is a long term game. Only dieting around is not the perfect single criteria that you should opt for your weight loss? Finding a food that works for you best is the key for success in weight loss transformation. Here is how to find a perfect weight loss food for yourself. 
There are multiple diet plans available and one among them will diffidently helps you to lose your pounds, but the question is which one?
Find this formula of four rule and select your food according to it.

  • To cook or not to cook: This is the biggest question that surrounds your cooking style. Do you even like cooking. Are you prepare food for yourself or opting for outside dinning. Are you have the responsibility of preparing food for others. What do you like and do not like in cooking will primarily depends on your successful home life aim. If you are choosing microwave then this diet will not last more than a day. If you are opting for dinning out, then the venue and the menu both will count for the right selection of your food for weight loss. 
  • What are your eating Patterns: Are you take meals three times daily or opt for a heavy breakfast and some snacks at night. What are your snacks intake habits? Knowing your food patterns will also determine which is your  best diet plan for weight loss. For weight loss you can go, in long term, against your established food habits. The best way is to alter it in a healthy way, so know about your eating patterns first, adjust it for a more healthy one and meet your objective.
  • Do the plan have enough protein: Its not a healthy choice to select veggies and juices as food for your weight loss. May be you will be enable to sustain it in long term in a healthy way. Your body is majorly made of protein and you have to ensure its proper amount intake to maintain and build your muscles. Decrease in protein intake will slower your metabolism and will result in undesired weight loss results, select a plan that have enough proteins so as to avoid losing body muscles and keep your metabolism boosted.
  •  Are the claimed results reasonable: Majority of the diet plans does not deliver the promised results. What is the source of the diet plan you are going to select. Majority of the food plans will diffidently give you results but that will be only short term and you will be unable to maintain your weight loss journey in long term. For long term, successful weight loss transformation, you need a change in your life style. Alter your lifestyle in a more healthy way, the way you enjoy the most and go for long term game success.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Top three diabetic weight loss drinks.

These are the drinks for those of you having diabetes and want to lose weight. If they are suitable diabetics, without any ? they are more suitable for you as well. Lets talk,

  1. Cucumber, Lemon and Bitter Melon: You are in need of,
  • Cucumber, Peeled and cut in small pieces.
  • Lemon Juice of half lemon.
Blend all the ingredients together, its bitter but it works very well for you. Have a cup of this blended drink at morning and see the results in a week time.

      2. Bitter Melon.
To prepare this drink, you are in need of,

  • Bitter Melon: 02
  • Water as per requirement.
Blend it well and take one cup every morning at empty stomach. Do not store the concentrate, prepare fresh daily.

     3. Honey, Cinnamon and ACV
To prepare the drink, you are in need of,
  • Honey: One Tablespoon.
  • Cinnamon: One teaspoon.
  • ACV: Two tablespoon.
  • Water: 250 ml.
Blend it and take at morning empty stomach. It works best when consume fresh.


Sunday, 13 March 2016

Saturday, 12 March 2016

08 reasons your body loves coffee.

Right, you can blame coffee for some time gives you jitters, but your body knows thyself well, so it loves coffee. Here are the reasons.
  1. Coffee lowers Depression: As per findings of Harward Medical review, women who drink coffee four times daily, have 20 % less depression levels than those who have no coffee intake. Coffee is a nervous system friendly drink and effects the secretions of brain,s chemicals, Dopamine and Serotonin, in a healthy ways, lowering stress and depression.
  2. Coffee is heart friendly: A daily intake of 200 mg to 300 mg of Caffeine, improves heart function and boosts blood circulation, particularly when you are at rest.
  3. Coffee boosts energy: A daily intake of three to four cups coffee enhances your energy levels. Try it before workout and you will be able for a longer healthy and fitness activities.
  4. Coffee lowers risk of diabetes: Find by Harward Medical Review, a daily intake of 8 oz coffee can reduce the risk of type- 2 diabetes by 33 %. 
  5. Enhances Memory: In a recent study it was found that a daily intake of 200 mg of caffeine, improves the long term memory.
  6. Skin Health: A daily intake of three cups of coffee decreases the chances of skin basal layer carcinoma.
  7. Liver protection: A daily intake of up to two cups coffee daily, decreases the chances of liver malfunction, like Cirrhosis.
  8. Coffe protects your feet: A daily intake of 06 cups of coffee decreses the chances of gout by 59 %. Coffee lowers the acids levels in blood and helps you in maintaining your feet health.

Friday, 11 March 2016

12 Foods That Speed Weight Loss

12 Foods That Speed Weight Loss
Kick your weight loss goals into high gear with these 12 low-calorie foods that help the pounds come off!
Posted by on Wednesday, January 13, 2016

These are the top three raw and simple weight loss and body cleanse shakes.

The Natural body cleanse and weight loss is best for your fitness transformation, the three recipes given is among the most potent one for weight loss and body cleanse.


  • One handful spinach.
  • One cup Almond Milk.
  • 1/ 4 Cup frozen Mango.
  • 1/ 4 Cup Pineapple.
  • 1/ 2 Banana
  • One Tablespoon of Cha seed, Flax seeds and Vanilla Protein powder.
How to Prepare:
  • Combine all ingredients to a blender and blend it till it smooths.
  • Take Chilled.
2. Peppermint Green Smoothies:

  • One large frozen banana.
  • One Cup Almond Milk.
  • Fresh mint, one hand full.
  • Two Table spoon chopped dark Chocolate.
How to Prepare:
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender without chocolate and blend it well. Serve with Chopped chocolates.
3. Strawberry Kiwi Green smoothie.


  • One Kiwi.
  • 3/ 4 Cup Strawberries.
  • 1/ 4 Cup Pineapple.
  • 1/ 2 Lemon.
  • Two Cup spinach.
  • Two Cup Coconut Water.
Blend all and enjoy this potent body cleanse and weight loss drink.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

These are five most effective short cuts to lose belly fats.

Are you opting for good habits to lose your belly fats and are unable to do so, here are five most effective short cuts to lose your belly fats that can helps you a lot and can cover the blocks for your belly fat loss.

  • Speed up your walk: Pick up your walk and you will lose almost 25 % more calories than average pace of walk, burning more calories will helps you a lot to burn your belly fats. As per an observation those who have a high intensity workouts for comparatively shorter periods burns 20 % more visceral fats than those have slow intensity workouts for longer periods of time. So, its your speed not your duration of workout for burning the belly fats. Speed it up, to speed the loss of belly fats.
  • Get on the ball: You can get more stable ab toning from stability ball. During stability ball exercises you can activate your 40% top most abdominal muscles and 47 % of your side abs. You can also add some moves that target your deeper belly muscles as well.
  • Balance on one leg: Its a proven fact that basic lower body movements is among the effective ways to balance the core muscles and thus helps you to lose your belly fats in an shorter period of time. Such moves like balancing on one leg helps you to tone your every little muscle and results in a flattened belly.
  • Have a sound sleep: Your diet plans and exercises will show the desired results if you are getting a sound and adequate sleep. Inadequate sleep results in high cortisol levels that makes you stress and also have a direct impact on the belly fats production with your body.
  • Take Green Tea: Take green tea and see the magic for losing your belly fats. Green tea not only effectively detoxify your body out of toxins but is also a potent fat burner, particularly of your belly.
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