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[–]fullcancerredditExtra-Chromosomed Cock Gobbler 1ポイント2ポイント  (27子コメント)

I will edit the debunking in, piece by piece, so you can't go on with a "huhuh he debunked me but did not respond in a set time limit tough luck friendo" thing.

That's sweet coming from the guy who edited his comment to make sure everyone knew I hadn't responded to his comment in 9 hours. This time it's been 3 days. I'm actually surprised you managed to hold in the snarky edits.

So basically you spent the first 10k characters talking about the liberal bias in my sources and the general media, congratulations. You're so far down the Drumpf rabbit hole you fail to see that it's reality that has a liberal bias. But regardless, since "IT'S WRITTEN BY LIBERALS" is not a valid argument whatsoever I'm going to ignore that part. Also you might wanna cool it with the antisemitism or at least hide it better.

Then you go on to explain how NYC black population was 20% instead of 25% "Look he's only 4/5ths as racist as people say he is!" Your mental gymnastics are strong.

Drumpf Management noted that the agreement did not constitute an admission of guilt. Anything about admitting to be racist here?

That's how settlements usually go, no side admits any guilt even when it is. Everyone knows he's guilty, but they pretended he wasn't so he could save face in public.

Then comes some dubious math.

We can assume that 35% of blacks in those specific NYC boroughs were in poverty in 1974. Of those, we can assume 32.5% were on welfare. Now what's 929,992 times 0.325?

Where did you get the 32.5 figure from? Just take 35% and cut off 2.5%? Can't find anything in your source Your assumptions are getting quite assumptive. But let's go with it.

So of the population of those NYC boroughs, we can assume that only 12-13% of all blacks were not on welfare in 1974!

What the fuck? No. That's not how it works. 4.8 million was the total population of NYC in 1974. What you calculated - if your assumptions are correct - was the percentage of black people who are not on welfare out of the total population. that 12.85% is already 3 times the percentage of black tenants in Drumpf apartments, but if your assumption is correct that Drumpf had a non-racist no-welfare policy, your statistic is skewed down because your calculations completely ignores white people on welfare. Count them out of the total population and you'll end up with an even higher percentage. Since you seem to love basic division and addition so much you do the math, I'm too lazy.

But honestly the fact that you go on to defend that there were at least 3.2 times as many non-welfare blacks in the NYC population as there were in Drumpfs houses speaks volumes. "Those 69% of black applicants were filthy and rowdy looking, you couldn't let them live next to decent law-abiding whites. So your claim is debunked. Drumpf isn't racist and neither am I, nope not at all."

What is racist about this? Is it racist to despise a criminal for doing violent criminal acts, just because they happened to be black? He made no real mention of race in the statement he made, which is below.

Only a racist could not understand how this is racist. The Central Park 5 were innocent and yet they were arrested, intimidated into confessing and sentenced to 10 years in prison until DNA evidence exonerated them. Drumpf wanted 14 and 15 year olds executed for a crime they didn't commit. The police arrested them because they were black, they intimidated them and made them confess under duress because they were black, they illegally released their names to the public because they were black, the media jumped on the case because they were black and because the victim was white. The rape of a black woman on the very same day received almost no attention whatsoever.

Politifact Unreliability

Again, "liberals wrote it" is not a valid argument. Try to actually address the points they make instead of screaming bias and then proceed to link to Steve Moya-whateverthefuck and the heritage foundation.

if they have the genitalia of boys, even though they identify as girls, they are widely considered as boys.

Except most psychiatrists and clinicians in the field of gender dysphoria recommend they be considered girls, especially if they're already dressing and presenting as such.

obvious liberal bias.


claim Drumpf's claim on black crime is wrong because anti-black racism/poverty

Drumpf's claim is wrong because it's literally just wrong. The numbers are just wrong. Holy shit.

They say he's wrong, even though they find a source for his claim. obvious bias because they don't like him.

Except this isn't a method of calculating unemployment, only potential full time working hours. It completely ignores part time workers with very valid reasons for not working full time. The source is literally just the ramblings of a washed up Reagan era politician on his blog. No serious economist considers this an accurate measure of unemployment. This is a well-deserved pants-on-fire.

the growth from his cuts, plus the ways we will save by removing immigrants and taxing imports will result in net profit in due time

Except, you know, most economists think that's bullshit at least without any other measures taken. Now you suggest removing illegals to save 54 billion (dubious number but let's take it). Even if we manage to do that and cut 54 billion in spending, it would hardly put a dent in the annual 1 trillion extra deficit Drumpf's tax plan would bring. Taxing imports would also be bad for the economy and hurt federal revenue in the long run. When prices increase, people buy less of it or if it's something essential like food they'll have less money to spend on other things. In any case, demand decreases which means less revenue on the import tax and less revenue for the producers which means less revenue from corporate taxes and worker lay-offs. So probably not worth it.

and the wall is perfectly possible to afford.

I never said it wasn't, still a stupid idea.

or we can threaten mexico to give us the cash, using war as a way to push the threat.

Oh yeah let's spend trillions of dollars on war to save 20 billion. Do you think the Mexican government is that stupid? They'd know it's a bluff, they will ignore Drumpf and laugh their asses off as he pedals back. Sometimes I want him to become president just so I can watch this play out.

[–]iwilllurkredditCringe Tagger's best! -31ポイント-30ポイント  (25子コメント)


[–]fullcancerredditExtra-Chromosomed Cock Gobbler 16ポイント17ポイント  (18子コメント)

Awww now I went and broke the alt-righter.

But just to finish you off, my arguments were all on point. I showed you why Drumpf is a racist idiot and why his policies are shit, meanwhile your arguments amounted to "librul bius" and "dem jewww medias". You do realize Drumpf loves the Jews, right?

Give me the fucking proof. I want a source.




Here you go, sure it's not too difficult for you to understand?

I hope you know that a large majority of post-operation trannies kill themselves. It's a mental disorder, and they need help outside of pills. It's a Jew made concept, transfaggotry.

Oh, well now that ilurkreddit MD has offered his expert opinion the matter is settled. Ignore the countless psychiatric associations and decades of medical research. It's obviously dem Jews and faggots. How could we have been so blind?

I don't think they'll ignore them with the threat of their economy collapsing, and getting their country torn into nothing.

Except you know, they're not as fucking demented as you are so they know Drumpf is full of shit. The U.S. is also just as dependent on Mexico as they are on the U.S. No more cheap goods to import means Americans can't afford shit anymore and the U.S. economy tanks. Also threats of war against a liberal democracy mean literally every other Western nation sanctioning your ass and very high chance of a large coalition against you. So yeah, I'd say the Mexicans can safely laugh in Drumpf's face with no worries.

Was this known at the time? Was it known that they were innocent at the time the case leaked? How the fuck would you know then if you weren't one of the kids or one of the cops involved in it?

The fact that the media jumped on the case is a clear indication of their prejudice or more likely they were just baiting for views knowing the American public is as racist as it is to be absolutely outraged by a black-on-white crime while being bored black-on-black and white-on-white crime. Drumpf jumped on the bandwagon, his comments were just particularly ugly. He wanted them executed before the trial even began.

So not wanting people that will destroy your property staying on your property is racist? Really? Would you let in 5 black gangsters to stay in your house? Would you really? I bet you wouldn't, because you're a hypocritical piece of shit. You whine about Drumpf not letting arrogant, thug blacks into his apartments, and yet you'd never let any of them in your house in your entire life. You dirty fucking hypocrite.

No, I wouldn't let dangerous people live in house. The difference is I don't consider every black guy with saggy pants dangerous. That's entirely your bigotry (and Drumpf's).

How the fuck do you know? Was that spoonfed to you by the Jew media?

The fact that he settled, even though he "never settle[s]".

It was just a guess, as I could not find any source for it.

Of course you can't you're an alt-right nutter, you make shit up as you go and claim it fact.

How so? Reality shows that blacks are inferior to whites, the Jews control politics, the stock market, and the media, and muslims follow a disgusting religion. Is that a liberal bias?


I find it funny there's no place where I've read more about cuckoldry than /pol/. The projection is strong.

All I've seen from you is ad-hominem

Literally none of my arguments have been ad hominems, you need to google the definition again.

sources pandered to idiots like you

You literally linked to a random Trumpbot vlogger to try and debunk my sources. wat

Will not respond to the rest, as they are ad-hominems. There is no way to refute them, as they are not an argument. Your few "arguments" are putrid, your attitude is homosexual and HIV-addled, your "sources" are worthless. You're a fucking inferior being, a fucking slog, a rat, a cancer, a disease, a Jew, any fucking insult in the book. That is what you are. I usually don't get this uppity about liberals, but your sheer idiocy has hit a note. I am using ad-hominems, I know, but they aren't in a context of argument, it's just insults. So don't use the "but you used adhominem u nazi bigot" shit on me, you worthless faggot.


And honestly, Drumpf will win or he will get cheated out of it and revolution will happen to make him ruler


Conservatism really is a mental illness. Get help while you can, friend.

[–]iwilllurkredditCringe Tagger's best! -7ポイント-6ポイント  (2子コメント)


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[–]TotesMessenger 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

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[–]iwilllurkredditCringe Tagger's best! -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)


[–]Jan_Brady 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Drumpf is a racist.

[–]iwilllurkredditCringe Tagger's best! -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)


[–]AutoModerator[M] -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

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[–]iwilllurkredditCringe Tagger's best! 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)