全 58 件のコメント

[–]baube19 22ポイント23ポイント  (9子コメント)

This is somehowrelated.. a friend of my SO came for diner last night and she casually dropped she is sleeping around. We where dumbfunded at her logic "but unless he does'nt know it won't hurth him" or "he deserve it because..." we changed subject and after she left decided that we will never invite her again..

I'll just wait for the dust to settle so this bitch can't make the connection between telling us and me telling his SO. What a dumb bitch.. they are planing on gething engaged and all.. it will be a fun boat to see go down...

[–]2renzy77 10ポイント11ポイント  (4子コメント)

Not only do they not feel shame, a lot of them seem to treat it like the whole thing's a game. Like it's funny to dupe their trusting bf/husband. I've seen girls laughing and whispering and dropping hints about how they were flirting or messing around with guys, with their boyfriends standing right there.

It's like this wink, wink, nudge, nudge haha remember how much fun we had on that girls night out and then they laugh when they see the bf getting uncomfortable because he suspects something happened but he doesn't know what and couldn't prove it even if he wanted to because the girls all cover for each other.

I think to them it's funny to pull the wool over men's eyes and dupe them. A fun little game. To women, mocking men is always OK because women see themselves as punching up when they do it to guys. I think the idea that they should feel bad about treating their boyfriends or husbands like this never even occurs to them. It's not on their radar at all. Honestly, I don't think women even have the ability to feel sorry for the way they treat men or even to empathize with men at all.

[–]Chrience 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Honestly, I don't think women even have the ability to feel sorry for the way they treat men or even to empathize with men at all.

Love in a relationship always FLOWS DOWN :

Men ------> women -----> children ------> puppies

The guy in this example was weak, when it's natural for men to be the strongest in the relationship. Want some empathy and loving care as a guy? Tough! That love ain't flowing backwards from women to men in the above model for you, so you always have to be on top. Make sure to game your girlfriend regularly, keep you value and options high and keep stoic and strong, so you won't NEED that unnatural 'backwards love' to help you in the first place, and you remain the most powerful in the relationship (Captain first mate dynamic).

[–]MUTHAFATHAGENTLEMAN 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I used to wonder where I get love from.

God, your mom (and dad) and male friends.

[–]cheeky_throwaway101 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yep, and you can bet your bottom dollar as soon as your woman starts hanging around with these women she will become exactly the same.

[–]rporion 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

What still gets to me is not so much the whole cock carousel thing but the sheer brazeness with which they openly state what they are doing.

In my 20s, which ended a mere 12 years ago, they at least had they common sense to shut up and nobody would have bragged about it.

I also know how I reacted when a girl (exactly one, no more) back then insinuated that I would make a very fine BB eventually, my young, naive and very bluepill self immediately exploded and had a few questions, most important among them "what makes you think I would be interested in the washed up cum rags of other men?". *

Are they so spoiled and delusional that they do not even look out for their own self interest anymore?

The sheer hubris on display is mindboggling.

*abgelegte Fickfetzen, in the original.

[–]jimjam80 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Are they so spoiled and delusional that they do not even look out for their own self interest anymore?

My latest ex started a blog about her love life (think: her own personal Sex in The City blog, only she can't write and isn't funny, just unbelievably self-absorbed). She didn't get graphic, but she described all of her motivations and reasoning in the most unapologetic feminist context . . . anyone with half a brain who reads it will consider her the bottom of the barrel in terms of female nature. And she's PROUD of it . . . in her own little world, she's a superstar . . . only at age 31, she's actually a hyper-desperate, wall-approaching cunt. My favorite parts were the euphemisms she used to re-brand her desperation, such as "dating with purpose" or "looking for her forever person." Everyone knows she's "dating to lock up money before it's too late" and "looking for the most tolerable beta bux bitch to pilfer his resources."

[–]barlow69 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

She obviously wants you guys to tell her fiance. Seems like clear cut self sabotage.

[–]cruelironage 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hell if you treat them like they are precious princesses they just get mad inside. They think you're a fucking idiot for treating them like something they are not, and they're right! Treat them like the dirty sluts that they are. That's what they are. So treat them that way. No way any woman can respect an idiot so don't be one.

[–]evileddy 13ポイント14ポイント  (2子コメント)

The amount of times some chick is leaving my house freshly fucked to return to her "boring, but stable" boyfriend made me realize that you can't treat them nicely with respect or they simply DO NOT RESPECT you. lol

So having learned that.. why would I want to spend most of my life in a long term relationship treating someone like shit.. so they don't leave?

Nah.. fuck that.

[–]Chuckwagon1645 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It doesn't take much effort to treat women like shit in all honesty. Just act as if they're job is to keep you instead of it being your job to keep them.

[–]Hodensack666 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

they are more animals then humans . they doont thonk or reason. they just test how far they can go and thats where they will go. its more like very small children also.

[–]32643264 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think i get what you are saying. 3rd wave feminism has resulted in women's empowerment, sexual promiscuity, independence, etc. which has caused women to look at men as a mere utility in the game of "love". They created this shit storm so we shouldn't give them an easy way out by saying "women gonna women" / "you can t be mad at something for doing something thats in its nature."

Maybe its a reach, but when you say "women deserve to be treated badly" you are actually saying "enjoy the decline".

[–]FillingInTheSkanks 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

He is saying women don't respect bitches.

[–]yomalolo 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Preach on, brother.

This is an especially refreshing food for thought for those men who are still thinking of pretty women to be something higher than theirself and thus getting nervous about approaching said women... which is basically me since I've just swallowed the pill about a week ago.

[–]Hodensack666 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

kudos. finally someone says it like it is.

[–]F_Dingo 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Women have fought long and hard for the right to no longer be honored and privileged. To have to work jobs like everybody else. To stigmatize homemaking and motherhood. To shame feminine behaviors. To normalize a level of sluttiness that would make the trashiest whores of fifty years ago blush, and make promiscuity not just an option but practically an obligation. To engineer a society where bored wives can cash out of marriages with minimum fuss and maximum gain, and cheating sluts can point a finger and ruin the lives of promising young men with just a word.

Great summary here. Even after swallowing the pill, some of us still have an issue of being the "asshole" guy to women whom we've been told to be respectful and nice to.

If your dog bites one of the kids in the neighborhood, you have it put down.

Why was your kid around my dog unsupervised?

[–]The_48_Laws 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Here's the thing..

Recognizing a thing for what it is, and then treating it appropriately, is not bad.

This is why I really love the stoic philosophy. Objectivity is a major point of the philosophy - see things for what they are.

You sit down for dinner in a luxury restaurant. When you look at the menu, do you see a premium, tender, juicy, lightly seasoned filet mignon, or do you see a piece of dead animal flesh?

And no, I'm not saying that you should be a raging cynic who can't enjoy the pointless delicacies of life. What I'm saying is to keep it in perspective.

Likewise, enjoy women, but do so knowing that while she might look like a $50 premium cut of steak to you, she's something off the dollar menu to someone else.

See a thing as it is, not as it markets itself, and then treat it as it deserves.

[–]Endorsed Contributoralways-be-closing 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

Women have fought long and hard for the right to no longer be honored and privileged. To have to work jobs like everybody else. To stigmatize homemaking and motherhood. To shame feminine behaviors. To normalize a level of sluttiness that would make the trashiest whores of fifty years ago blush, and make promiscuity not just an option but practically an obligation. To engineer a society where bored wives can cash out of marriages with minimum fuss and maximum gain, and cheating sluts can point a finger and ruin the lives of promising young men with just a word.

This is why I'm much more sweet with girls 18-22, who are still students, and largely still have a "Daddy" in their lives who is not government or the employer, especially if they also have older brothers.

If there's some kind of male authority they can't fuck, but whom they can adore and love, and whose corrections they've received and tolerated, they're just worlds apart from other women.

Not all of them are raging feminazis, or 'career women' who have ceaselessly borne their vessels against the current, trying to be men.

[–]Endorsed ContributorCopperFox3c 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Women definitely get worse as they get older. They become more demanding, even as they have less value to offer in terms of sexual attractiveness or fertility. And the current generation of women doesn't even know how to cook or do other domestic things ... I have plenty of money and a career, I don't need that in a woman. They essentially provide no value to my life.

This is largely why, even as a mid-30's man, I avoid women over 30. They are too much trouble, and not enough value ... and the worst of it is that they don't even realize it ...

[–]merciless_smelliot1 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

We need more Men to have the courage of their convictions and to do the right thing as fathers when little suzy thinks she's going to becoming a doctor or attorney or whatever else she delusionally feels entitled to pursue in life. We need conscientious fathers explaining to their little cupcakes that she doesn't get to have everything she wants in life and that she has a role and it involves obedience, giving love and accepting that her purpose and value in life lies solely in her beauty and purity. That a pure vagina is the only goal she need concern herself with and that nursing babies is what she needs to dream about. Not being an emasculating career cunt. If I had daughters and they wanted to ride the cock carousel while pursuing a higher education that they have no business earning, they would be out on the fucking street like the whores they aspire to become. Women have no courage or ingenuity. While an 18 year old man would take that challenge and go off and forge his own empire, an 18 year old little girl has no options but to obey per the intellectual inferiority. They need to be given as brides the second they hit 18 and on their most fertile day to Alpha males who knock them up day 1 of wedded bliss so the dye is cast and her options neutered. For now, our feminist society has men completely too indoctrinated for this to be the norm but compliments of TRP I detect there may be a tide change on the horizon.

[–]alvlear 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

The anger in this post is palpable. Excellent.

[–]modex20 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

goooood... goooooooooooooood.

[–]jimjam80 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You don’t need an excuse to treat them badly, think badly of them, or fuck them and leave them. You don’t need to feel bad about this, just because they’re human like you.

This is where my head is at lately. I went a few dates with a few different women from online dating and ghosted them after they got too annoying, which happened almost immediately. I felt guilty at first, but then I thought, fuck this . . . these women deserved it. They thought moment that they had sex with me, I was lofted into a new tier of obligations and commitment toward them, when in fact, they were terrible in bed. I can think of two who's 'feminine hygiene' was lackluster, and their night moves consisted of just laying there. Obviously I was aiming too low, but regardless, I owed those bitches nothing. I've been blown off by women several times, and have realized that each time I didn't bring enough attraction to the table. Women don't think that way . . . it's never their fault. They'd never consider that perhaps they should trim and wash their pussies before a date in case sex happens.

[–]PantsonFire1234 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Man I am one hundred percent with ya. I compare it to the Walking Dead scenario. The group tries to survive like the old societal book has taught them. It doesn't work and people end up dead and hurt.

After a while the survivors become relentless (but don't lose themselves, they remain loyal and humane towards each other and those who deserve) they don't trust on sight. They deploy 110% violence on any threat.

After a while Rick the main protagonist meets an old acquaintance whom he met at the beginning. This man knew the beta male nice guy Rick version and asked him what happened. Rick, now a hardened survivor and leader tells him simply:

"I don't take chances anymore"

He's not mad or scared. He simply accepted that he had to live by these rules to secure safety and happiness for his group.

Same towards women. We have to, they deserve it, we don't take chances anymore. Let them suffer in whatever capacity they end up. It's not our responsibility anymore.

[–]kinpsychosis 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

... so treat them like assholes because they deserve it?

This statement makes you no different than feminists who hate on all men, you are missing the entire point of this subreddit, its about self improvement and the truth, not about hating women.

In fact, one of the very ideas is that don't blame society, it won't get you anywhere, just improve yourself and accept the world as it is.

[–]ColOfCloutties 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

But that isn't as fun as circle jerking to an absurdly literal interpretation of AWALT.

[–]JornSellew 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

But I feel really bad about treating them this way, and empty about all the meaningless sex without more of a connection.

That's like saying "Oh I feel so bad for the flies who have to hang around the dung" No it's exactly the flies who are choosing / being genetically compelled to fly around shit. If you don't have your shit behind the bushes, they'll just find another dropping to hang around.

Why are women rewarding alpha behavior with sex if you're not supposed to treat them like shit.

[–]noufris 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm not sure if I got this correct but I'll write it best I can

The better you fuck them, the more you can get away with

My last two plates I have been truly shitty with. Both fought for me not to end it with them (I ended it with them due to boredom).

Both were amazing in bed too.

[–]merciless_smelliot1 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Never forget YOU are the prize. When you consent to a LTR, you have electively chosen to put your natural prowess and mating strategy on hold to accommodate hers. All Men need to understand that that is the ONLY concession you make in regards to her. She forfeits frewill at that point and needs to be relegated to nothing more than an all access 3 holed toy for your amusement. Her wants, needs, goals, etc. get left at that fucking door when she enters your world and your frame. Everything they tell you that is so-called "emotional abuse" - well call the fucking waaaaaahmbulance because it aint. Demands for total obedience and sex on tap are the least this stupid bitch owes you. Never feel bad for inducing her crocodile tears.

If her class schedule is inconvenient for you - she drops it or you drop her. You owe her not one thing and it's incumbent upon her to make herself available to you at all times you need those balls drained. She has no life priority above you. period. Don't ever feel bad or qualify her ridiculous musings. Game the fuck out of all of them and throw back her shit tests like Jager shots.

For cunts that you're stuck masking your disdain for who you work with or have classes with - protect and promote your interests over theirs and to their detriment with complete ethical immunity. Professionally and academically annihilate them. Ruin them socially, sexually and professionally. Do it for sport and giggles.

Women do deserve it. Their life objectives and dreams are at complete odds with anything that could possibly make you happy or amused - so fuck with her within the complete letter of the law. Insider tip: They don't realllly like it when we treat them like shit. They just get emotionally embroiled when we bait and switch them and slowly snuff out their egos. They keep trying to patch their wilting self esteem which is why they hang on. They stay with assholes because of the social entanglement that's been created and because there's also a desire to save face publicly. Doesn't matter if being treated like shit is their flavor. They deserve every fucking second of it. Millenial men didn't get a choice in their being liberated strong mouthy entitled pieces of shit but we sure no how to exact a pound of flesh for our inconvenience. Enjoy the decline, gentleman.

[–]ColOfCloutties 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'd prefer not to treat anyone like an asshole, regardless of gender or sex. That's the way I was raised. I will be kind to people until they've shown me a reason not to be. Then I will be an asshole, again, man or woman it doesn't matter.

It’s okay to treat women this way because they deserve it.

This seems absurd. Why? Why is the presumption that a woman deserves to be treated like shit off the bat before a word is even said? That's not to say you should be a fedora tipping omega, but is there not a medium? Like... say.... being a decent human? And then if/when she reveals herself to be a bitch/whore/terrible person, treat her like shit?

I understand the intention of the post, but the vitriol sounds a lot like sour grapes.

[–]J_AsapGem 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

This post got me fucking pumped, let's do this!

[–]Bassethounds4ever -1ポイント0ポイント  (5子コメント)

Um, I thought RP was about what the info described on its main page. Not simply a woman hating group.

[–]TRP VanguardArchwinger[S] 8ポイント9ポイント  (3子コメント)

Feel free to keep trying egalitarian relationships filled with mutual respect, and let us know how it goes.

[–]Bassethounds4ever -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

Oh no, in most cases I agree with the mentality a man should keep and the logic behind his actions but usually the posts start to seem hostile, angry and just biased. Which makes me think its an emotional tantrum (although, still with good details) but due to being hurt by a woman and "all of them suck and should be treated like bitches".

[–]strppngynglad 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The funny thing is when they come across one of the 1% of girls worth their time they're not going to see it. writing of half the population of the entire planet is idiotic. Have your defense and suspicion but be able to identify when you find one that's different.

[–]55555321 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Theredpill is all about getting success in your sexual relationships and life. So if you have success with a different approach (let's say treating your woman like a queen) go ahead and feel free to make a post about it.

[–]Endorsed ContributorNightwingTRP 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Everybody here is groaning inwardly at this comment.