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[–]OneCrazyHorseLady 6ポイント7ポイント  (8子コメント)

I am a small business owner.

The funds to pay for benefits doesn't just magically appear.

It has to come from revenue coming in and be enough to pay for expenses. Not much different than your own budget. Income-expenses=profit or deficit.

Businesses (except for nonprofits) are there to make money for the owner(s). Jobs are a nice side effect of that. Business owners are not in business just to provide jobs.

When employers hire people, there are expenses that the employee does not see out of their check. In MN, we pay employment AND unemployment taxes on top of paying your wages and deducting taxes to send them to the state and/or IRS for you.

Benefits often cost far more than what you see deducted on your check.

Businesses that didn't offer benefits before due to cost of providing them, now are being forced to do so without ANY regard as to how those will actually be paid for. They can't magically increase revenue to cover those expenses. Especially in this economy which is still pathetically limping along.

It would be like your rent or mortgage payment being jacked up by several hundred or more per month by the government via property taxes to provide free (to poor people) or discount WIFI to the whole state you live in. You don't get a raise in pay that helps pay this extra amount. You have to generate more revenue, so either finding a different job or getting a second may be needed. All to give people something that shouldn't be your responsibility to provide to others. It should be their responsibility to do on their own.

Why should someone take a huge financial risk only for the government to be the one truly in charge?

And people wonder why companies move across borders and overseas to retain more earnings to ensure the future of the companies.

[–]Jon_Boy_5367[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Thank you! The wifi example was particularly good. I'm a senior in college studying political science, and often times people assume I know more than I actually do (I think people believe political science is less theory and more studying current events) and I recently got hit with that question. I'm under the impression the health care system did need to be fixed. Whether Obamacare was the answer or not is more difficult. My dad (life long conservative) has seen premiums go up and is not happy. My friend whose dad owns a small company has had to lay off employees in order to survive. I've never had to worry about insurance, my dad works for a Toyota plant that offers good benefits. In your experience, do you think these side effects will eventually get better, or will they continue to see the negatives a lot of people have had to bear?

[–]beyelzu 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

You might want to look at actual statistics and studies and avoid anecdotes if you hope to understand the effects of ACA.

[–]yaosio 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I've never understood that last line. The only place to move to with less burden on a business are places with a lower standard of living. Of course it's cheaper to operate in those places, you don't have to pay employees as much.

If you are moving a business from the US to another country, you have a short list of countries that are cheaper to operate in, none of them in western countries.

[–]OneCrazyHorseLady 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You can have a high standard of living without over-burdening tax payers, including businesses. It all comes down to what important items are needs to spend on. Same as your own budget at home.

The corporate tax rate makes a big difference in many companies bottom lines. I know we lost major dollars here in MN when Medtronic bought Covidien and moved HQ to Ireland. Same with Delta/Northwest. This is because the tax rate here in MN and the US corporate tax rate is not competitive enough to keep them.

Businesses aren't in business to pay taxes either. They are in business to make income for the owners or shareholders.

Government pork programs and tax dollar waste is what drags the economy down.

The government is telling people that it knows better than YOU how to spend your money. Yet we are deeper in debt than ever.

If you take money from my hands and give it to a person or entity that does not produce anything in return, what is gained? Nothing. No return on the 'investment'.

Companies often will reinvest the profits for betterment of the company or hold onto them in case of a financial crisis. When you see numbers of company profits being higher than ever, it is because they don't want to go blow the money and then not have it should the economy collapse again.

Forcing a company to pay higher expenses without additional revenue coming in can cost anything from investing in new equipment, to giving employees raises...to cutting jobs just to keep the company open.

For other reading: http://www.forbes.com/sites/ericjackson/2012/07/24/the-only-thing-you-need-to-remember-about-the-seven-habits-of-highly-effective-people/#255a0e2e498a

[–]pblood40 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

So help us push for a single payer health care system?

When my boss has to trade in his BMW for a Honda, I will shed a tear. :o)

[–]OneCrazyHorseLady 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Why should he not be able to drive a BMW that he earned and is paying for?

If you want to drive the same or better, why are you not working for it? Why not use his hard work as inspiration to do better for yourself and plan the steps to get there?

Why is your health insurance HIS or anyone else's responsibility and not your own?

My husband and I worked our own ways through college. No one paid for us. He has an MBA and no student loans--and his parents didn't pay for it either. I have some loans but my college degree was a bit different. I grew up poor working class with a mother who had me at 16 yrs old. I was born and raised in not even a middle-class income home. Yet here I am sitting on a 3/4 million dollar farm with 4 horses of my own.

I also work at a Bentley/Maserati/Aston Martin dealership as a way to pay for things on my farm instead of taking a loan for a new barn etc. My customers are pretty well off. MOST of them have worked very hard to get where they are-- i.e. self made. These people have been a great source for tips on successful habits.

Rather than be a puddle of envy over what others have and you do not, then not do any work to improve your own situation, why not figure out what it is you really want to have in life and go out and find the best mentors of that same goal or similar and get there yourself?

[–]ZTrain90 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nailed it. You want it? Go get it.