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[–]JetBlackSunrise [スコア非表示]  (7子コメント)

To be fair, if you were looking to this unfunny, talentless "comedian" for political analysis, you're in deep trouble to begin with. I knew she was another mindless liberal drone the minute she implied "taking money from working people" and "feeding your kids cat food" are the only options, as if "get a fucking job" isn't a very effective solution to poverty. And really... casting successful people as "fucking rich assholes"? Only a Bernie Sanders supporter would make success and wealth out to be negative things.

Does anyone else feel like it's ridiculous that this psuedo-celebrity is worth millions for being absolutely horrible at her job, yet feels entitled to complain about rich people, yet isn't donating her millions to the poor?

[–]Stinyo7 [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Ben Shapiro had a pretty funny Twitter exchange with Patton Oswalt that was exactly this.

What is your net worth,@PattonOswalt, and what percentage of it do you give to those of lesser wealth?


[–]Planzorg1 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Looking for clarity after reading that, what exactly is a neoconservative? I was under the impression that they were those who became conservative with the resurgence of the Republican party under Reagan

[–]MacBethWay [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Neoconservatives as a group were mostly, initially at least, members of the Democratic Party with an activist, anti-communist, some might even say hawkish, foreign policy during the Cold War who were sort of left on an island after the McGovernite morons took over the Democratic party in the 70s. A good example were people like Senator Scoop Jackson and Jeanne Kirkpatrick. They were conservative Democrats, but not in the tradition of Southern Democrats who were more agrarian and populist in policy. Basically, it was a mixture of New Dealers and Cold Warriors.

They did come into the GOP with Reagan, mostly because there was more to like than dislike with Reagan. He may have been anti-union, but he wasn't anti-Israel or sympathetic to 3rd world communist movements.

[–]seasidechance [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Rich liberals are like those people who said "I won't get married until everyone can get married" when it comes to taxes. "I won't give more money to the poor until everyone is legally required to." So noble. Reminds me of when W told liberals that if they wanted to pay more taxes, he'd be glad to take checks.

Also, the fact that they equate taxes with charity is pretty laughable. It's not charity if you're legally required to do it.

I like this exchange:

Now, when do you plan to give up your millions for the sake of ending income inequality?

Patton responds:

Wow. You understand socialism as well as you understand anti-semitism, trans rights and, apparently, Twitter.

Well, considering that Patton's boy Bernie is ALL ABOUT income inequality and fixing it via Robin Hood Method, I'm not sure what Shapiro is failing to understand.

[–]JetBlackSunrise [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

To be fair, Shapiro was engaged in a battle of wits and intelligence with an unarmed "man" (I use the word "man" loosely when referring to male Sanders supporters; a real man wouldn't vote for Sanders).

[–]Chennessee [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I know you folks love Shapiro over here, but from an objective point of view. That Twitter exchange was just childish. Shapiro started it. Then he invoked political correctness by feigning anti-semitism. After all that, he keeps tweeting about another man's money.

I don't care about either men at all, but if it wasn't for the article saying Shapiro "DESTROYED" Oswalt, I would have never came to that conclusion.