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[–]woeskies[S] 25ポイント26ポイント  (10子コメント)

I dont even know where to begin. Cyprus with South Asia, Japan being the least traditional society, and the East Asia Group in the middle of Europe. Just what? To start us off, grouping cultures together like this and then going on a 2 dimension scale is just impossible, besides the fact that the whole project is useless to begin with. The idea of traditionalism vs secular rationalism is quite stupid, a country can have a high value places on science and rationalism while still having a traditional society. East Asia is a perfect example of this. Then the idea of survival vs self expression is trying to mean collectivism vs individualism, which in that case, why the hell is Canada and the UK higher on individualism than America? The welfare state is almost by definition a more collective mode of thinking and the welfare state is much bigger in the UK or Canada than the US. Also a bad metric to compare people with, as the aims of many modern social democratic parties is to use a mix of welfare within a capitalist framework to maximize the benefits to both the society and individual.

Also, lets play spot the stupid

  • Malta in Latin America: They speak a Semitic derived language with heavy Arabic influence and English. There is also some Italian influence in Malta, but it is definitely not part of Latin America considering it is in the European Union!
  • “Confucian” groups in Europe. Besides the fact that Confucianism influenced South Asia as well, it is definitely not the most secular rational group, considered that Confucianism places heavy emphasis on tradition. Yet they are surrounded by Europe and dont touch any other Asian areas.
  • Yemen is less traditional than Mexico: Mexico has several states that recognize same sex marriage. Yemen still has massive amounts of child brides, and is one of the most traditional societies around
  • Cyprus is in the South Asia Group: Besides making no geographic sense, following the chart's logic, should it not be in the Orthodox group close to the African-Islamic group given Bosnia and Albania, the latter being Islamic majority...?
  • African-Islamic: Besides the fact that South Africa, Turkey and Malaysia make zero sense in the same group together, the chart puts Bahrain, the country that regularly represses the shia majority of the country as the most liberal and non traditional of the whole group. It just makes no damned sense.

[–]FaubourgNuclear-grade political correctness 12ポイント13ポイント  (5子コメント)

Oh mein gott OP this is beautiful. How did you stumble upon it?

Here's a few more items for your list :

  • Poland is in Latin America apparently. I must have missed the lush Polish rainforests last time I visited the country. Edit: the Philippines are also in Latin America!

  • French Canadians don't exist.

  • Ethiopian Orthodox don't real.

  • Countries such as Egypt and Israel are omitted while the city of Hong Kong, which had, by the time this was created, been part of China for 18 years has its own dot. The "country = culture block" approach is dumb but if you're going to use then at least apply it with some degree of consistency.

[–]abisidenAyn Rand had some good ideas 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

Poland is in Latin America

That is hilarious

Also, isn't Mexico in North America rather than Latin America? Or is it North American and Latin American but not South American?

[–]1000facedhero 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Mexico is Latin america, if I remember correctly Latin America is named for countries in the Americas where a Romance Language (i.e. with Latin roots thus Latin American) is spoken like Portuguese or Spanish.

[–]JP2JebalMaleDzieci -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

That is hilarious

Even more hilarious: Poland is apparently more traditional than Slovakia but less traditional than Ireland. Feels like the whole chart was based mostly on stereotypes.

[–]kiwithopter 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is /r/CrappyDesign for sure. They're trying to illustrate that geographic regions fall approximately into clusters (how they measured the axes I don't know) but they're trying to illustrate overlapping clusters with non-overlapping regions. Hence the Philippines are in Latin America and so on.

[–]woeskies[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

How I stumbled upon this: there was somebody trying to push the fact that 75% of Turkish men beloved women should obey their husbands. I decided to check on source and it brought me to this wonderful site. How shocking that the claim does not show methodology and its clearly trying to push an agenda

[–]TheZizekiest 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Also, and I'm not 100% of this, but I think Switzerland is majority Catholic?

[–]CradleCity 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Catholics are the biggest group, but there's no absolute majority (38,21% are Catholic, 26.93% are Swiss Reformed, 21.42% are unaffiliated (this group includes non-denominational theists, agnostics and atheists)

[–]Yung_Don -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're stupid for taking a big shit on this chart. The World Values Survey is a respected instrument for comparing cultures, run by eminent political scientists like Pippa Norris and Ron Inglehart. The point is it's a survey with an extremely large sample size. The measures are checked for validity and reliability and based on participants' self-reports.

Nobody involved would ever pretend that this two dimensional model perfectly captures cultural differences, or that the measures are 100% reliable across different cultures. The groupings are made to give a general idea of cultural differences worldwode using a couple of the most well known determinants of culture: geographical region and dominant religion. It doesn't matter that a handful of countrys are in the "wrong" place, but the fact that it's actually pretty easy to "map" cultures suggests that there's some validity to what they're doing.

You're not smarter than dozens of well known political scientists, many of whom have put decades of their lives into improving the WVS project. It's not perfect, but it's a damn sight better than the assertions you pull out of your ass to dispute its method and findings.