全 7 件のコメント

[–]Kimmalah 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

I don't really have any complex analysis of her to offer, just that I think she's a terrible person and a blatant liar.

[–]JohnWesleyFitzgerald 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

She could mean everything she said. She may very well be intellectually dishonest or a misogynist.

[–]Kimmalah 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm not saying she doesn't mean it, I'm saying she literally makes stuff up out of thin air and pretends it's truth. Like when she made up a bunch of quotes and attributed them to Jessica Valenti to basically make her look bad.

And then of course there's that whole moneygrubbing trainwreck in Calgary...

[–]LiftWellKittyDomiMatrix 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'll put it this way: would anyone know who GirlWritesWhat was if she didn't support MRAs? Probably not.

It's a common fantasy for the disempowered to imagine that they've somehow been winning all along by "topping from the bottom," so to speak. He wouldn't hurt me if he didn't love me and want to keep me safe, and I actually have so much power over him because I can make him angry — that kind of thinking. She may see herself as living this out by getting popular support from MRAs just for defending them, or she may really believe that she's defending the downtrodden by reaching out to men who say that things suck, regardless of whether they really do. As for doing that at the expense of women who are attacked unfairly or lied to: that's despicable, but not anything that they can't take or aren't used to.

[–]Barneysparkyway past the wall 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

My take is she is in desperate need for any attention. I honestly feel bad for her.

[–]StopsForKittens 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

An amateur 'historian' whose arguments are not subjected to scrutiny by her fans because they like what she says, and because actual expertise is uncommon in internet communities. I wouldn't overthink why a person such as GWW writes what shes writes, as trying to understand every weirdo out there is only going to cause exasperation.

[–]Princeso_BubblegumI don't exist 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think Karen is outright wrong on a matter of issues, in particular her narrative of "on sinking ships, the women and children are saved first," is practically wrong, the Titanic is an odd example because it took hours for the ship to sink, in most ship wrecks, its every person for themselves in a mad panic.

That said, I do respect her a little, one of her recent videos about how all ideologies are toxic is something which has stayed with me, she is also supportive of transgender rights, which is something I like to rub into transphobic MRA's faces, in that their idol is fine with us.