- An overwhelmingly popular reading is that Elsa is somewhere on the LGBTQIA spectrum - most likely a lesbian, with asexual as another possibility. She has no male love interest, and her storyline reads like a Coming-Out Story. From early childhood, she knows there's something different about her. She tries to hide this part of her, but suffers miserably for it. The day that she embraces this aspect, and fully owns it, is the day that she becomes comfortable in her own skin and happy with herself. We're... we're talking about the ice powers, right? Many reviewers said that "Let it Go" sounds like a proud and jubilant coming-out anthem, especially with lines like "That perfect girl is gone!"
- Oaken being gay is something most of the fandom agrees on. The concept comes from the scene where he says "Woo-hoo, hi family!" and people presumed: A. That was his family. B. The man was the only adult. Thus fans consider them a couple with four kids.
- In modern AUs Elsa is always an introverted, socially incompetent hikikomori.
- The most common surnames for the sisters in modern AUs are "Summer(s)" and "Winter(s)" if the girls are unrelated, "Anderson" and "Arendelle" if they are.
- In modern AUs the princesses are usually middle class Americans. They're often presented as college students, with Elsa being an architect major while Anna is a business or art major. Anna is frequently a Passionate Sports Girl who is decently muscular.
- Sven is almost always a dog in modern AUs. Olaf is usually either made an adult human who either works for the girls parents or is friends with them, though fics where Anna and Elsa are an unrelated couple often make him their young child.
- If you're going to put Hans back in somehow, his job or his first job must be a stableboy and shovelling horse poop, as that's a fairly good punishment for him. It's canon now as of Frozen Fever, though he's still in the Southern Isles.
- Hans' Conspicuous Gloves are almost always given a lot of emphasis... in particular, he's often shown keeping them on during sex. Not necessarily explained, he just does.
- The bishop seen at Elsa's coronation is usually given the name "William" or some variant thereof
- "Agdar" and "Idun" are almost always the names chosen for Anna and Elsa's parents when they do show up in a fanfic, based on translation of the Runic inscriptions on their gravestones.
- Some fan works portray Hans as having fire powers to counter Elsa's frost, despite there being nothing supernatural about the character in the canon.
- Some fans use Hans' gloves and him putting out the fires (as in Hans using his hand to put out a candle) as "evidence" for his power or him having powers originally, but them being cut in production, given the entire motif of "the gloves coming off".
- At one point in development Anna had powers however in the final film there is no evidence of this. Despite this Anna having powers is common in fanworks:
- Some give Anna fire powers which had been sealed when the trolls removed her memories of Elsa's magic. This is also not supported by canon.
- Other have Anna controlling nature based on several works of concept art.
- Anna with wind based powers pops up.
- Making Anna the Sword to Elsa's Sorcerer is popular since she is a Badass Normal in-canon.
- Giving Anna Super Strength isn't common but isn't unheard of.
- Rapunzel and Eugene's cameo has led to the opinion that Frozen and Tangled share the same universe. Additionally, since Idun bore a suspicious resemblance to the Queen of Corona, some fans have concluded that they're sisters, and therefore Rapunzel is Elsa and Anna's cousin. Alternately, some theorize it could be King Agdar who is related to one of the rulers of Corona. This is taken even further with the fanon that Elsa and Anna's parents were going to Corona to attend Rapunzel and Eugene's wedding, but the ship sank outside the coast of Denmark, the shipwreck it left behind being the one Ariel explores at the beginning of the film. One fan theory even believes that Rapunzel and Elsa were the sisters and that after Gothel took Rapunzel, Elsa was left with Anna's parents for safe keeping. Thus, the explanation for why they shut her out from the world. To keep her safe.
- Speaking of connecting Disney universes, a joke theory was that the parents end up surviving their crash... and end up living in the jungle raising who would eventually become Tarzan.
- Elsa's ice power being referred to as "Ismakt", which is Norwegian for "ice power".
- Quite a lot of Hans/Elsa fanfiction have Hans go back to Arendelle to work as an unpaid stable boy for Elsa as a punishment from his family. Hans is often very grumpy about his job, but will often become considerably nicer. This is thankfully done without ignoring his actions in the film.
- Other fanfictions frequently tend to pair Elsa with a (usually male) OC, usually someone that's either one of her personal guards or someone that's on the royal council. Some fanfictions can also frequently depict the character as a commoner that fell into Elsa's good graces due to saving either her or Anna's life, and over time develops a relationship with her. If the OC is a woman she is often royalty or high class, though mysterious commoners or adventurers aren't uncommon.
- Elsa's most popular early design (with the spiky black hair) is often brought to life in fanon as Elsa's Enemy Without, Superpowered Evil Side, or Evil Counterpart. Such as this comic
- Virtually nothing about Hans's 12 older brothers are known, but any fan depiction of them is guaranteed to include at least a pair of identical twins. While the tie-in book A Frozen Heart later confirmed a pair of twins among the brothers, they were fraternal twins.
- Anna being a Hero Worshipper towards Joan of Arc, which was only implied by a throwaway line.
- Some fandom communities have adopted the names "Dominik Herrmann" and "Fritz Bauer" for the Duke of Weselton's bodyguards (with mustache and without, respectively).
- If you don't ship Elsa with Anna, Hans, or your random original character it's quite common for people to write Elsa as simply not marrying. Sometimes she is asexual and other times it is a conscious choice
- Marisol from the licensed books is Ambiguously Brown but fans see her as either Arabic or Latina.
- It's generally considered that if Elsa hadn't been born with powers she would have black hair, as seen in several pieces of oficial concept art. Despite this, modern AUs are almost always "no magic AUs" but keep the blond hair (probably because Elsa without blond hair looks very different).
- On a more nsfw line of thought, a lot of fanworks portray Elsa as being into some level of dom/sub kink.
- While not the most common fanon, and not as common as with Rapunzel, several fanworks explore the idea that Elsa ages slowly due to her powers or even that she is functionally immortal.
- Anna's hair color is notoriously vague however most fans consider her a redhead.
- The notion that Anna and Elsa often share a bed post-movie is ever-present in the fandom.
- Elsa being prone to night terrors and nightmares, usually about killing Anna, is a topic that appears constantly in fanworks.
- There's a Broken Base on whether Elsa is Christian or worships Nordic gods though either one is acceptable. You're more likely to see the latter though.
- Anna thought Elsa wore her gloves constantly due to a severe fear of germs.