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[–]faaaksDrama for the Drama god. Butter for the Butter Throne 17ポイント18ポイント  (49子コメント)

Here they are, speaking English, using primarily American technology on an American website..hmm.

[–]EnderFrith 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Stop! You're proving their point!

[–]Speech500 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Reddit is an American site, yes, but the use of English was spread by the British empire and the technology we use today comes from all over the world, especially Japan and Europe other than the US.

[–]pandizlle [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Yes but do you see British English much on here? I can't remember the last time I saw someone use their spellings.

[–]Speech500 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Well as I previously stated, Reddit is indeed an American site. A majority of the userbase is American. However, when most non-Anglo nations teach English, they teach British English.

[–]KaiserVonIkapocCalibh of the Yokel Haram -1ポイント0ポイント  (44子コメント)

speaking English

Uhhh... what?

primarily American technology

What technology exactly? The Internet? The keyboard? Mouse?

Like, in general I can agree but what?

[–]shittyvonshittenheitFinnish door theorist [スコア非表示]  (11子コメント)

What technology exactly? The Internet? The keyboard? Mouse?

Americans could make a good case for all three depending on how loose you are with the definitions of a computer keyboard, and mouse. The internet, for sure, can be claimed by the US, however.

[–]KnightModern"IT'S A DRAMA DAY YEST IT IS!" 4ポイント5ポイント  (31子コメント)

Uhhh... what?

the pioneer of second english spread waves was (and I think still is) US

What technology exactly? The Internet? The keyboard? Mouse?

as example, OS

yes, that included XP

and Reddit, American website

[–]Speech500 [スコア非表示]  (17子コメント)

Have you heard of the British Empire? That's how english was spread. Not by you America.

[–]KnightModern"IT'S A DRAMA DAY YEST IT IS!" [スコア非表示]  (16子コメント)

Not by you.

I'm not American

that's the key, my country don't have long history with British. do you think I would try to learn speak english if world lingua franca was french? when most famous movies are french language? when the language that's used by scientists around the world is french?

you can't deny American influence, it's like denying British man as one of key role in modern internet, well I would say the key role in founding modern internet foundation to common people

[–]Speech500 [スコア非表示]  (15子コメント)

English was one of the most spoken languages in the world long before the US became powerful. I'm sure they cemented the use of English worldwide, but they weren't the ones who spread it.

[–]KnightModern"IT'S A DRAMA DAY YEST IT IS!" [スコア非表示]  (14子コメント)

I'm sure they cemented the use of English worldwide, but they weren't the ones who spread it

they're actually what I would like to "call pioneer of second waves"

British has no really much influenced in my country, why I need to speak english, then?

US spread their culture, their movies, their consumerism, their music, their book

I never say British has no influence, but for non-british-influenced ordinary people, we speak english usally because of American influence

[–]Speech500 [スコア非表示]  (13子コメント)

Can I ask what your country is, out of curiosity?

[–]KnightModern"IT'S A DRAMA DAY YEST IT IS!" [スコア非表示]  (12子コメント)


and we have not much deal and active relationship in the media with british,

even if we'll learn english, it's because of Australia and Singapore

without them and US using english, I don't think we have need to speak english

if you argue "well, they're former british colonies", that's what I refer as first wave, which has little effect with us

for non-british-influenced ordinary people US is the pioneer, you hear US music, you see US movies, and until recently (I think around 2000s) you watch US tv show like baywatch or WWE (which got backlash because of dumb parent thinks they can leave their kid alone watching late-night show)

and if people here recognize british music and movies, you can bet they're recognizable in US, too

[–]Speech500 [スコア非表示]  (11子コメント)

Okay, that's fine. There are definitely countries in which English is spoken mainly because of the US. That's what I meant when I said "they cemented the use of English worldwide". But in much of the world, like in Africa, North America, India, the Caribbean and Europe, in which English is commonly spoken, it's because of the British Empire, whereas countries like Japan and Mexico have English speakers mainly because of the US.

[–]KaiserVonIkapocCalibh of the Yokel Haram 0ポイント1ポイント  (12子コメント)

the pioneer of second english spread waves was (and I think still is) US

No? English in Iran is because of the relations between Europe and later the British Empire's relations with it. There was no 'second english spread', English is heavily spoken today because of the British Empire. America spread the language mostly on the continental level and in some cases today in mostly non-Western areas, mostly because of popular culture.

and Reddit, American website

American hosted, websites don't have nationalities. All intents and purposes Reddit can just get up and be hosted in Mexico City or Ontario these days if it's needed or convenient. Assigning a nationality to a website is pretty useless.

[–]su5 6ポイント7ポイント  (3子コメント)

I read that as "made by an American, hosted by Americans, for an American company"

[–]KnightModern"IT'S A DRAMA DAY YEST IT IS!" [スコア非表示]  (7子コメント)

No? English in Iran is because of the relations between Europe and later the British Empire's relations with it

.... really? for common people?

if french is still lingua franca, people would learn french instead of english

especially if you said europe, I don't think English is europe's lingua franca until at least cold war

America spread the language mostly on the continental level and in some cases today in mostly non-Western areas, mostly because of popular culture.

some? I would say most non-english area speak english because of Aemrican culture, I would say at least during cold war and beyond

American hosted

who found it? American

which company? American one

which one that has most demographic? American

well, seems lke this is American website, they just globalized, just like rest of popular American brands

P.S for future reading

[–]KaiserVonIkapocCalibh of the Yokel Haram [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

.... really? for common people?

if french is still lingua franca, people would learn french instead of english

It's lingua franca because the British Empire ruled basically 1/4th of the entire world. How hard is it to comprehend such a thing? America might've taken up the mantle of ensuring English is lingua franca, but again it goes back to the fact the British Empire established it in the first place. And I'll also point that French, Arabic, Spanish, and Russian are lingua franca in an especially large amount of regions in the world, English being the most obvious of choices from globalization and the history of its proliferation.

well, seems lke this is American website, they just globalized, just like rest of popular American brands

Reiterating: Websites don't have nationalities, the founders do. And it'd be just as easy for a Chinese company to buy it out and, congratulations, it's now owned by the Chinese. See the point I'm making here? Founding and its parent company is one thing, the actual website is another and calling it an American website still falls on the idea that a website can have a nationality... which it can't.

some? I would say most non-english area speak english because of Aemrican culture, I would say at least during cold war and beyond

'in some cases today in mostly non-Western areas, mostly because of popular culture.'

Note as I said here that in some cases, because we go back once more to the British Empire. A lot of former British colonies still speak English, and yes American pop culture perpetuates it, but that's not the point being made here. Every area highlighted, including the United States (and exempting the Philippines) all share the same fact they were at one point British colonies.

Modern cases it still varies, and there's no denying that American pop culture is part of it, but that does not mean it's the sole reason. Because you're missing points where British pop culture played a huge role (Bob Marley, the Beatles, etc.,) in cultural development.

P.S for future reading

Yes, I'm familiar with it. This still isn't disproving the points I'm making. In fact, it's supporting the points I make.

[–]KnightModern"IT'S A DRAMA DAY YEST IT IS!" [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

It's lingua franca because the British Empire ruled basically 1/4th of the entire world. How hard is it to comprehend such a thing?

yet french still being considered diplomatic language for awhile until 20th century,

the actual website is another and calling it an American website still falls on the idea that a website can have a nationality

being made for Americans, mostly

also it's still considered Americans, McDonald is still called American company, when the companies isn't related to one nationality

Every area highlighted

let's see if Iran in the marked area....

wait, if we use your logic, why Iran is gray?

Yes, I'm familiar with it. This still isn't disproving the points I'm making.

it's the proof that your analogy needs more evidence, and we talk especially about Iran

[–]KaiserVonIkapocCalibh of the Yokel Haram [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

yet french still being considered diplomatic language for awhile until 20th century,

Because French is highly prevalent both inside Europe and Outside. Just see these charts showcasing the pervasiveness of the French language. This is from the influence of the French empire on both hard and soft power, which is the entire bloody point being made because you can jointly point this out with the British empire and post-colonial Britain on its pop culture and soft power.

let's see if Iran in the marked area.... wait, if we use your logic, why Iran is gray?

Again, you ignore the fact the British had the informal empire, or in this case the fact British culture was an influence on Iran. My logic is solid, you're intentionally being dense on the entire subject of the effects of British soft power and the empire

it's the proof that your analogy needs more evidence, and we talk especially about Iran

Again, you go back in the part I linked and it actually reinforces my position on British soft power.

[–]KnightModern"IT'S A DRAMA DAY YEST IT IS!" [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Because French is highly prevalent both inside Europe and Outside. Just see these  charts  showcasing the pervasiveness of the French language. This is from the influence of the French empire on both hard and soft power, which is the entire bloody point being made because you can jointly point this out with the British empire and post-colonial Britain on its pop culture and soft power.

and they can expand their language into diplomatic language

Again, you ignore the fact the British had the informal empire, or in this case the fact British culture was an influence on Iran. My logic is solid, you're intentionally being dense on the entire subject of the effects of British soft power and the empire

you don't have proof ordinary people would speak english without US influence, directly or indirectly because other speak english

[–]KaiserVonIkapocCalibh of the Yokel Haram [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

you don't have proof ordinary people would speak english without US influence, directly or indirectly because other speak english

Even though the evidence is right fucking there inside the badhistory link you provided. But whatever, pretend you just had a victory because I'm not going to keep this up if you're going to ignore facts in favour of whatever the hell you want to think.