A subreddit for Forever Alone.
International and National Suicide Hotline Numbers
Have to talk to someone right now? 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 1-866-APPELLE (if in Quebec)
This is a community. Please treat others with respect even if you disagree with them.
Be polite, friendly and welcoming.
Do not tell anyone they are not forever alone enough to be here. Foreveralone has no firm definition but here is a list that gives an idea of what it's all about. Forever Alone is not something you achieve, its something you use to describe yourself
Do not post inflammatory comments or threads designed to generalize, demean, insult or otherwise degrade an entire group of people (race, gender, sexual orientation, religion etc).
Avoid posts that serve only to advertise other blogs, subreddits or external sites as we have no control over these external resources. Any such posts may be removed.
If you see trolling, report it to the mods.
Any posts created to intentionally start drama on any subject will be removed. (i.e. crossposts to other subreddits, publicly calling out other users, etc.) This also includes Meta conversations about the sub or Moderation Policy.
Photo Threads: There will be a photo thread posted every 3 months. This thread will include updates from the mods on the state of the subreddit and will remain stickied on the front of the subreddit for up to 1 week. If you post a photo thread, you will be subject to mod action, ranging from a simple strike to an outright ban.
Forever Alone Educational Resources
Foreveralone Survey Results:
With 600 Responders this is the most accurate portrait of r/foreveralone's demographics yet.
General Survey Results:http://imgur.com/a/SYyYQ
Myers–Briggs Personality Survey Results: Results
To find out how much of a statistical outlier you are check out the below pdf by the CDC. See pages 17 and 18 (for female and male respectively) for what percentage of people in your age range are still virgins. This pdf also has a lot of other great statistics such as average number of sex partners, type of sex etc...
Scientific Studies Regarding FA:
Here is a Scientific Study regarding FA's from the early 1980's. View the Study
Faces added for comments can be seen here
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Forever Alone Steam Group
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