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+hecatomb Cross is waaaay better!! I can't make myself finish Trigger. Tried playing it like 3 times over and always stop. Cross' gameplay and world had me hooked.
+hecatomb This would be fantastic and it'd make my decade. I bet though it'll never happen since the dream team is no longer a thing which is what made it amazing.
+uknown59 Well. That's sad. I have a WiiU for almost 2 year. And haven't pass a week without me turning him on.
I think the MK and smash versions on WiiU are the best. The Batman version on WiiU are better(I have both versions WiiU/ps3) Captain Toad, splatoon, xenoblade, Pikmin3, fatal frame are some of the best exclusives out there. And Fire emplem Mario Maker. hylure warriors...
I'm seriously hiped for Zelda, star fox. Not to mention the DS launches. "Bravely default" Pokemon and on...
I got about 7 controllers(4wiiremote+nunchuk, 2 procontroller and the WiiUtablet) and hasn't been able to be in peace for 2 weeks without friends coming over.
I can only wish the best for Nintendo and WiiU owners. It's a great console to have.
I'm 22. btw.
+19HajimeSaitou91 Final Fantasy was originally on Nintendo. Final Fantasy 1-6, only the new Final Fantasy bandwagon jumpers wouldn't know that probably they haven't even played FF 1-6
All hail my brain making me ask my brother years ago to buy me a Wii U instead of a PS4. I asked for Wii U instead for various reasons:
1: I was an idiot back then
2. Never thought so many of my favorite games to be on PS4, especially not the Remake, again because I was retarded
3. I thought Wii U would have better games than PS4, because I was retarded…
All those mistakes have been evened by Cloud coming to Smash Bros. I'll get a PS4 soon anyways, so no issues for me anymore!
+Mudkip971 I liked all ps1 final fantasys 9 was my favorite, 10 was ok, Couldn't get into 12, 13 was like running down a hallway, 14s good but expensive, and ive been waiting for 15 for ages gotta play it, and pokemons only good thing on nintendo,
+00thisisnotreal00 Why? Ds is better than vita because of pokemon, but one game cant save nintendo, so vita wins because it has more good game, plus PlayStation4 is a PlayStation no need to say more
+MrSpgoon Well there are plenty of games on nintendo handhelds that I love other than pokemon. I prefer nintendo's exclusives over PlayStation's. Zelda, Metroid, Mother, Pokemon, occasionally Mario, etc.
+00thisisnotreal00 i cant remember a time before mario so he abit same old, and those games are toilet games, just saying, i do like the fact Nintendo don't make glitchy games, but the graphics are like alex the kid
+Hanzo Hasahi you mean that failure of a smash bros clone with characters that really don't have as much ip power as nintendos? Sorry, but Nintendo has the fighting genre down better.
+uknown59 Well. That's sad. I have a WiiU for almost 2 year. And haven't pass a week without me turning him on.
I think the MK and smash versions on WiiU are the best. The Batman version on WiiU are better(I have both versions WiiU/ps3) Captain Toad, splatoon, xenoblade, Pikmin3, fatal frame are some of the best exclusives out there. And Fire emplem Mario Maker. hylure warriors...
I'm seriously hiped for Zelda, star fox. Not to mention the DS launches. "Bravely default" Pokemon and on...
I got about 7 controllers(4wiiremote+nunchuk, 2 procontroller and the WiiUtablet) and hasn't been able to be in peace for 2 weeks without friends coming over.
I can only wish the best for Nintendo and WiiU owners. It's a great console to have.
I'm 22. btw.
+Salty Salley NO! I WAS JOKING! They won't bring Aerith back, that will ruin the WHOLE story, plus her death was one of the most saddest moments in any game at that time, so absolutely do not bring Aerith back to life.
+norp n norm right, however when a human is infused with Mako their eyes turn blue. Idk if they changed it, if it's a lighting effect, or they missed it.
+Akira Likes To Draw
Well if you look at advent children clouds eyes have turned blue once again, but after coming out of the chamber your eyes are green. By the time of AC his body had time to filter out some of the mako energy.
+Akira Likes To Draw no that's not the reason, all games on ps4 require you to download the game data if it doesn't fit on the disc. So that can't be the reason :/ it's for the money
+Flow eh.
I just repeated what I read in an issue of GameInformer.
I don't think you install all of the data from the disc to the console, and it's definitely not a download.
wether it's for the money or not, eh.
+Salty Salley NO! I WAS JOKING! They won't bring Aerith back, that will ruin the WHOLE story, plus her death was one of the most saddest moments in any game at that time, so absolutely do not bring Aerith back to life.
'The reunion at hand may bring joy, it may bring fear, but let us embrace whatever it brings...
For they are coming back'
closes book
and that, son, is how video games were saved.
+Masterchief117 halo it's probably because kingdom hearts has a great story. It might not look like it, but KH can get REALLY dark. I won't spoil anything but I recommend kh2 to get started. Or kh1. But kh2 has the better story.
Nobuo Uematsu, who worked on the soundtrack for the original Final Fantasy VII, will not be working on the Final Fantasy VII remake soundtrack. However, Square Enix has a multitude of talented composers. I think either Takeharu Ishimoto (who worked on the soundtrack for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII), or Final Fantasy XIII composer Masashi Hamauzu, or Final Fantasy XV composer Yoko Shimomura will breathe new life into the music of Final Fantasy VII.
+Sergio Murillo Escudero I like the direction Masashi Hamauzu took with XIII's soundtrack; classic, yet modern. You can't say his production technique isn't on point.
+Joshyrock03 I think it's just attention span. I did get bored at some parts playing the original but managed to sludge it through to see the end. I did enjoy it but I guess I've been nurtured to enjoy eye popping graphics and good to mediocre stories. It's sad really.
+Lady Timpani And if Square-Enix realize this they may as well cancel the Xbox One version that it still had inferior sales in Japan compared to already said PlayStation 4 and Wii U.
Which can potentially mean that Kingdom Hearts III would now be an exclusive game.
This entire trailer is referring to the timeline of events related to FF7 over the past few years..! Listen closely to what's being said, and look at it from a different perspective..!
Long ago we look upon a foreboding sky:
- long ago we experienced the beauty of FF7
The memory of a star, burns eternal in our hearts:
- the memories of this game and the fun we had while playing it, gave us an unforgettable experience during our childhoods.
You can piece together the rest of what's being said :-)