unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Read 1984

I'm not 15 anymore, grow the fuck up. Only a fool would justify absolutes based on a novel.

Why do you take a newspaper seriously without evidence?

Moron troll, the tweet is online.

Why do you take slander seriously without evidence


My description of thought policing is accurate

Wrong again.

There have been numerous reports of how many white males are not going to university

Look those of us with an education and a modicum of intellect require move conclusive evidence than a tabloid newspaper report. Peer reviewed academic study, or STFU.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)





On university campuses, there is a lot of abuse thrown at white men, Mainly racial.

"kek kek hahahahaha etc etc" Prove it then you uninformed fool.

worldnews 内の Obiektyw1855 によるリンク Poland will no longer accept relocated refugees based on an EU distribution program

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Democracy is governing by the people. Who are stupid. So its pretty much the same thing ;)

I'm not advocating any other system of government btw, not in the West at least. In the middle east or Africa, democracy is the wrong choice - that much is clear. Sadly.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's not "thought policing" you imbecile, nobody arrested him for thinking, they arrested him for publicly calling someone a "fucking towelhead".

You already lost the" fight for freedom" bullshit because it's a self-contradiction as it is in direct conflict with other freedoms. Fucking troll.

worldnews 内の RagingAgainst によるリンク Brazil descends into chaos as Olympics looms

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I figured if I mentioned Trump and "disastrous" in the same sentence I would be downvoted into oblivion.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Funny that you should use the example of the existence of a hateful law to justify removing other laws outlawing hate speech. It's funny because it's stupid and hypocritical.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You haven't understood this at all.

On the contrary you just made the same point and drew the same conclusion from that quote, so either you misinterpreted what I wrote or you're just trying to sound superior.

The point that I was very clearly making, and now I'm repeating, is that it's invalid to say "discrimination based on religion is not racist because it has nothing to do with race" since race is not a valid descriptor for differentiation, nor is the term "racism" bound to this invalid ambiguous descriptor.

Discrimination based on religion is no different to discrimination based on skin colour or nationality, etc.

There is no contradiction in using the term "racism" whilst rejecting the term "race". It's a simpler, more accessible, and more derogatory term than something like "cultural discrimination", and it's useful because an ignorant person might recognise that discrimination based on skin colour is wrong, but not recognise that discrimination based on nationality or religion is equally wrong. Calling it what it is, racism, gets the point across concisely, but smartassess try to rebut this label with the old trope about "not race".

Calling someone a "fucking towelhead" is racist, okay? But "towelheads" are not a race. It's not complicated.

worldnews 内の Obiektyw1855 によるリンク Poland will no longer accept relocated refugees based on an EU distribution program

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't know but it's a damning indictment of democracy if so many people can be so kneejerkingly stupid. These guys vote for parties that push stupid policies.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well your opinion on the matter is thankfully irrelevant because the law dictates differently and has done for a long time. So "tell it to the judge"

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Of course, you are right. I shouldn't, it's a poor argument.

It just so happens that I'm probably right. I don't think you will find many minorities that will give the thumbs up to legalising racist hate speech.

I'm not a minority but I know a lot and anecdotally they have experienced more racism than any white British person could dream of.

worldnews 内の RagingAgainst によるリンク Brazil descends into chaos as Olympics looms

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 19ポイント20ポイント  (0子コメント)

It has more to do with political and economical strife then any sort of religious involvement.


Unfortunately people want to obsess about little bits of shitty scripture that most people don't read or care about.

If it wasn't religion it would be nationalism or fascism or communism or some other oversimplified excuse.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

My response elsewhere:

Scientists consider biological essentialism obsolete, and generally discourage racial explanations for collective differentiation in both physical and behavioral traits.

In the modern enlightened sense, "racism" simply means any type of discrimination based on the various socially constructed differentiators like religion, physical characteristics, linguistic characteristics, Nationality, etc.

So to declare that something is not racist because it's not about "race" (which has no agreed meaning) is just completely ignorant of the issues at hand.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Scientifically yes.

Scientists consider biological essentialism obsolete, and generally discourage racial explanations for collective differentiation in both physical and behavioral traits.

In the modern enlightened sense, "racism" simply means any type of discrimination based on the various socially constructed differentiators like religion, physical characteristics, linguistic characteristics, Nationality, etc.

So to declare that something is not racist because it's not about "race" (which has no agreed meaning) is just completely ignorant of the issues at hand.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ridiculous oversimplification and obfuscation of the issue of racism. It completely depends what constitutes "mocking" and what constitutes "ideas".

I'm sure the judge will be very convinced by that argument in court when shown the "fucking towelheads" tweet.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

What the fuck are you on about? I live in a multicultural city where it is illegal to call publicly call someone a "fucking towelhead". I think you're the one who is living a sheltered bigoted life if you think going around saying hateful racist things is acceptable by law or by society.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

what is he guilty of? Being offensive? So fucking what? Its his right.

No, you fucking idiot, being offensive is not illegal. Publicly calling you a "fucking slitty-eyed faggot" is, because it's racist and homophobic and we have laws against that kind of persecution.

And it's not his fucking right no matter how much you repeat it or how outraged you get.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

So it should be legal to perform racist hate speech that impinge on other peoples freedoms, such as freedom from persecution or oppression or slander or libel?

Luckily the UK legal system is much better thought out and considered than that, and recognises that racist hate speech must be illegal in order to preserve other freedoms in this country.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're being disingenuous if you really don't think that reddit is predominantly white male, and thus the majority of "muh free speech" complaints in here will be from a group facing the least racist discrimination in this country.

The newspaper thing, still don't know what you're on about but the tweets are online so we know he is guilty

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I can't figure out what your second paragraph is about.

If the phrase is "Freedom of speech" then you might as well be describing supporting freedom to make hate speech is opposed to the very principle of freedom because of the implications it had on things like freedom from libel, persecution, oppression, etc.

Which sounds like you're completely agreeing with me.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Then condemn the man on twitter, and admit he was rightfully arrested for breaking the law, and used hateful racist speech.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think you need to reevaluate your understanding of what "racism" means. And "race" is a scientifically unjustifiable descriptor. Racism does not exclusively mean discrimination based on any physical characteristics.

unitedkingdom 内の oddun によるリンク Man who confronted Muslim woman to 'explain' Brussels attacks arrested

[–]OpenSourceGlobe 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why would I support a mindless thoughtless doctrine? It's obvious that pure "Freedom of speech" cannot exist as it's a complete contradiction of other freedoms and laws.