経済 |
と題したエントリでジャレッド・バーンスタインが以下の5つの方程式を提示し、それぞれに呼び名を付けている(H/T Economist’s View)。
- r > g
- ピケティの警告(Piketty’s warning)
It simply argues that if the return on wealth, or r, is greater than the economy’s growth rate, g, then wealth will continue to become ever more concentrated among a narrow slice of households.
- S > I
- バーナンキの不均衡(Bernanke’s imbalance)
The really interesting part of the S>I problem is that, in theory, there are key mechanisms in the economy that should automatically kick in and repair the disequilibrium. The currency of the country with a trade deficit should fall relative to the currency of the surplus country, boosting the (now cheaper) exports of the former and suppressing the (now more expensive) exports of the latter. But the surplus country can jam that mechanism by manipulating the exchange rate to keep their currency cheap relative to that of their competitors.
From the 1940s to the late 1970s, u>u* only 30 percent of the time, meaning the job market was mostly at full employment. Since then, as noted, the job market’s been slack 70 percent of the time. That’s terribly persistent slack, and a reason why getting to and staying at full employment has been such an important agenda for us and other economic progressives.
1940年代から1970年代終わりまでは、u > u*だった期間は全体の30%しか無かった。即ち、労働市場は大体において完全雇用だったのである。その後、上述したように、労働市場には70%の期間においてスラックが存在するようになった。それは非常に持続的なスラックであり、完全雇用を達成し維持することが我々などの経済進歩派にとってこれほど重要な課題になった理由でもある。
- g > t
- コーガンのクッション(Kogan’s cushion)
In a recent paper, budget analyst Richard Kogan made a critical and underappreciated discovery: for most of the years that our country has existed (he’s got data back to 1792!), the economy’s growth rate (g again) has been greater than the rate the government has to pay to service its debt, which I call t.
- h > 0.05
- デロング=サマーズの低価格ランチ(DeLong/Summers low-cost lunch)
The “h” stands for hysteresis, which describes the long-term damage to the economy’s growth potential when policy neglect allows depressed economies to persist over time.
In a follow-up paper for CBPP’s full-employment project, D&S, along with economist Larry Ball, back out a recent number for h that amounts to 0.24, multiples of the 0.05 threshold, and evidence that, at least recently, h>0.05. QED!
なお、バーンスタインは、コーガンのクッションとデロング=サマーズの低価格ランチからすると、公共投資は「スラムダンク」だ、と述べている。それによって低めのIを下支えし、u > u*のスラックを押し戻すことになる、とバーンスタインは言う。
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