Drama 内の rdramathrowawayyo によるリンク "Fuck off and you die, fucking worthless currynigger shitskin." r/European has a calm discussion about recent events.

[–]Projectmayhem666 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Funny for who? Children? I guess that's the level we've come to expect from you Americans... Meanwhile, in civilisation...

Drama 内の rdramathrowawayyo によるリンク "Fuck off and you die, fucking worthless currynigger shitskin." r/European has a calm discussion about recent events.

[–]Projectmayhem666 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

We're still on the same insult, Jews any my mum? Can't think of anything new? Not a surprise, you guys have a habit of parroting things that never happened over and over again.

Drama 内の rdramathrowawayyo によるリンク "Fuck off and you die, fucking worthless currynigger shitskin." r/European has a calm discussion about recent events.

[–]Projectmayhem666 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I thought you were talking about the sub as a whole. I don't know, I have a full time job, I don't have time to read every little thing.

Drama 内の rdramathrowawayyo によるリンク "Fuck off and you die, fucking worthless currynigger shitskin." r/European has a calm discussion about recent events.

[–]Projectmayhem666 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

That's a very colourful picture you're painting there... Something you want to share with the group after you're done with the sobbing?

Drama 内の rdramathrowawayyo によるリンク "Fuck off and you die, fucking worthless currynigger shitskin." r/European has a calm discussion about recent events.

[–]Projectmayhem666 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's a great place, it's practically that run down pub where the old racists go to drink and moan about immigrants.

StarWarsBattlefront 内の not__banksy によるリンク Star Wars Battlefront: EA Rep And Reddit Mods Caught In Corruption Scandal

[–]Projectmayhem666 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I was one of the contractors that worked on the game, and I can say the control-physics engine is absolutely flawless and possibly one of the best around. I'm being biased to my work but it really is top notch of a quality only I can deliver. I did get a pre-release copy of the game for the work, but I still haven't played it yet.

european 内の G_Petronius によるリンク And the counter resets again

[–]Projectmayhem666 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yep, I considered not adding that one when I read it... But hey ho.

european 内の G_Petronius によるリンク And the counter resets again

[–]Projectmayhem666 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Removed the link after I saw what it was.

european 内の Eric_McCurry によるリンク Two Loud Explosions Heard At Brussels Airport

[–]Projectmayhem666 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's easy to fix, state of emergency, send in the army. Poland has hell of an army that would be more than willing to remove kebab.

european 内の Eric_McCurry によるリンク Two Loud Explosions Heard At Brussels Airport

[–]Projectmayhem666 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Someone keeps walking across the road without checking for traffic, you keep telling them they will be hit by a car one day if they keep doing it and they ignore you. You don't say "I told you so" when it finally happens?

european 内の G_Petronius によるリンク And the counter resets again

[–]Projectmayhem666 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


european 内の st_gerasimos によるリンク Two migrants try to set themselves on fire in protest at border shutdown in Greece.

[–]Projectmayhem666 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

They seem to always be "trying"... Migrants "try" to hang themselves. Migrants "try" to get their kids run over by trains... Never seems to be a lot of actual doing... Why? Because they have no intention, just headline grabbing from the media.

european 内の RamblinRambo3 によるリンク Offend Prophet Muhammad Thread

[–]Projectmayhem666 23ポイント24ポイント  (0子コメント)

Muhammed used to get cucked on a regular basis because he had a small dick.

european 内の murzynek_bambo によるリンク r/europe mods keeping Islam in a positive light even with the Belgium attacks going on.

[–]Projectmayhem666 36ポイント37ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't know, why don't we ask /u/skuld or /u/slyratchet or /u/Ivashkin or /u/dClauzel how such a thing could happen. What can a non-European Muslim bring to the moderation team of /r/europe?

european 内の G_Petronius によるリンク And the counter resets again

[–]Projectmayhem666[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (0子コメント)

User Reports:

"1: Get off /r/all you fascist cunts"

Haha, well done /r/european's on reaching /r/all

EDIT: More reports: Still haven't been called "reactionaries" yet so obviously /r/socialism and /r/anarchism are yet to join us.

11: <no reason>

9: Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence

2: Spam

1: Europe needs their own Trump before it's too late

1: Burn Europe. Fucking BURN

1: This sub is the real problem

1: deus vult

1: i just wanna be on this list

1: Racism

1: Allahu Akbak

1: kill yourself

1: gimme my tree fiddy

1: "The wealth of those societies in which the capitalist mode of production prevails..."

1: owned white people lmao

3: breaking reddit

1: Racism

2: spam

1: Remember the 6 gorillion, goy.

1: fucking racist faggots


2: sexualizing minors

1: I love it when white people die

1: this is a good videogame: http://store.steampowered.com/app/427730/

1: i did not have sexual relations with that woman

1: once I went to the mall and saw a sherpa. I knew he was a sherpa instantly because of his poncho

1: man, das raycissss

1: fucking racist faggots

1: --Your Advert Here-- Special rates for Presidential Candidates, Call Lamar at 800 235 2627

1: thank Mr Skeltal

1: ohai

1: ayy lmao what's up mods

1: i didnt know the daily mail had a subreddit

1: Does the 5 second rule apply to soup?

1: Sad hateful people

1: So I can put whatever I want in this box, and you'll put it in the comment? cool

1: why did they call it the xbox 360? cuz when u see it, u turn 360 degrees and walk away

1: you guys are lame as hell lol

1: Doing it for the lulz.

1: Counter has too many zeros. It will never need more than 2.

1: Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

1: Xenophobia doesn't exist. Put me on the list

1: I, for one, welcome our goatfucking overlords